Legislative History: An Act To Promote the Health and Safety of Maine Consumers (HP1021)(LD 1451)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Protect a Borrower's Right To Use the Borrower's Chosen Accounting Service (HP1022)(LD 1452)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, Regarding the Privacy of Social Security Numbers (HP1023)(LD 1453)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Care for Working Families (HP1024)(LD 1454)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Duties of Employers in the Case of Mass Employee Termination (HP1025)(LD 1455)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, Establishing a Blue Ribbon Commission To Study the Operations of State Government (HP1026)(LD 1456)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Preserve Home Ownership in the State by Reducing the Property Tax Burden (HP1027)(LD 1457)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Reduce the Income Tax Burden on Maine Residents (HP1028)(LD 1458)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning Spending Caps (HP1029)(LD 1459)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow Maine Residents To More Fully Depreciate Their Motor Vehicles (SP508)(LD 1460)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Allow a Tax Credit for Tuition Paid to Private Schools (SP509)(LD 1461)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Department of Audit's Municipal Internal Control Observation Program (SP510)(LD 1462)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Prevent Elder Prescription Drug Abuse (SP511)(LD 1463)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Expand the Duties of the State Planning Office To Provide Additional Services to Municipalities (SP512)(LD 1464)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Establish a Pilot Program for a Trimester Schedule at the University of Maine at Presque Isle (SP513)(LD 1465)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Address Issues Related to Chiropractic Licensure (SP514)(LD 1466)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Create Improved Employment Opportunities for People with Disabilities (SP515)(LD 1467)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Adjust the Milk Handling Fee (HP1030)(LD 1468)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Enhance Accountability in Future Tax Increment Financing (HP1031)(LD 1469)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Laws Regarding Physicians (HP1032)(LD 1470)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Ensure That Publicly Funded Programs Do Not Jeopardize Existing Industry (HP1033)(LD 1471)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide for the Regulation of Denturists by the Board of Complementary Health Care Providers (HP1034)(LD 1472)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide State Support for State-approved School Construction Projects in Certain Municipalities (HP1035)(LD 1473)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Medical Payments Coverage in Automobile Insurance (HP1036)(LD 1474)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Assist Maine Property Owners of Land near State-owned Railroads (HP1037)(LD 1475)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
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