Legislative History: An Act To Encourage Cost Efficiency in Administration of and Contribution to Tax Burden Reduction by School Districts (HP736)(LD 976)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Address the Funding Needs of Air and Ground Emergency Medical Services (HP737)(LD 977)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Process for Making Certain Changes to State-owned Land (HP738)(LD 978)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Adjust the Calculation of the Essential Programs and Services Pupil Count to Accurately Reflect Population Change (HP739)(LD 979)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Governing the Burial or Cremation of Certain Persons (HP740)(LD 980)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Supervision of Nursing Support Staff (HP741)(LD 981)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Encourage Youth Hunting (HP742)(LD 982)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To More Clearly Define Maple Syrup (HP743)(LD 983)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Evaluate MaineCare Finances (HP744)(LD 984)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Include Family Life Skills in the System of Learning Results (HP745)(LD 985)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Establish an Agriculture Education Registration Plate (HP746)(LD 986)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide Gambling Addiction Counseling Services through the Office of Substance Abuse (HP747)(LD 987)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Improve the Protection from Abuse Laws (HP748)(LD 988)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Extend Parental Support Obligations for College Students (HP749)(LD 989)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Assist Children Who Are Not Receiving Court-ordered Child Support Payments (HP750)(LD 990)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Security Requirements for Self-insurers (HP751)(LD 991)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: Resolve, To Increase Highway Safety by Establishing a Dangerous Driver Hotline (SP309)(LD 992)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Charter of the Winterport Water District (SP310)(LD 993)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes to the Gambling Control Board Laws (SP311)(LD 994)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Support Medical Practice Protocols in Patient Care (SP313)(LD 996)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act Imposing Increased Responsibility for Registered Owners of Motor Vehicles (SP314)(LD 997)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Further Facilitate the Regionalization of Emergency Communications Dispatching Services (SP315)(LD 998)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Improve Transportation for Veterans (SP316)(LD 999)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Firearm Safety on College Campuses (SP317)(LD 1000)
Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
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