Legislative History: An Act To Authorize the Superintendent of Insurance To Establish a Fair Access to Insurance Requirements Plan (SP554)(LD 1601)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Revise and Amend Certain Public Health Laws (HP1175)(LD 1602)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing Michaela Corbin-Bumford To Sue the State (HP1177)(LD 1603)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Expedite the Drilling of Private Drinking Water Wells (SP558)(LD 1604)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Law Relating to Multiple-employer Welfare Arrangements (SP559)(LD 1605)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Adult Protective Services Act (SP560)(LD 1606)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Implement Regulatory Reforms and To Address Staffing Issues in Long-term Care Facilities (HP1181)(LD 1607)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Charter of the Baileyville Utilities District (HP1182)(LD 1608)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Codify the County Commissioner Districts as Apportioned by Public Law 2003, Chapter 43 (HP1183)(LD 1609)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Codify the House Legislative Districts As Apportioned by Public Law 2003, chapter 44 (HP1184)(LD 1610)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide Affordable Health Insurance to Small Businesses and Individuals and To Control Health Care Costs (HP1187)(LD 1611)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Preserve the Fund for a Healthy Maine (HP1188)(LD 1612)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing Germaine Bell To Sue the State (SP567)(LD 1613)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP1190)(LD 1614)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Validate Certain Proceedings Authorizing the Issuance of Bonds and Notes by School Administrative District No. 71 (HP1193)(LD 1615)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Promote Stewardship of Forest Resources (HP1194)(LD 1616)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Improve Subdivision Standards (HP1195)(LD 1617)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Clarify the Employment Status of Court Reporters, Stenographers and Videographers (HP1197)(LD 1618)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide Equitable Treatment to State Employees (HP1198)(LD 1619)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Charter of the New Portland Water District (HP1199)(LD 1620)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Structure of the Office of Advocacy (SP572)(LD 1621)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Amend the Laws Regarding Prisoner Participation in Public Works Projects (HP1200)(LD 1622)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Implement School Funding Based on Essential Programs and Services (SP575)(LD 1623)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Authorize the Deorganization of the Town of Centerville (HP1201)(LD 1624)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Provide Affordable Loans for Higher Education (SP579)(LD 1625)
Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
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