Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (HP1254)(LD 1702)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Access to Health Insurance (HP1256)(LD 1703)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Activities of Membership Organizations in Maine (HP1257)(LD 1704)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Technical and Clarifying Changes to the Medical Examiner Act (HP1258)(LD 1705)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Reduce the Cost of Administration of the Medicaid Program (SP548)(LD 1706)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $15,000,000 to Capitalize the School Revolving Renovation Fund for Repairs and Improvements in Public School Facilities to Address Health, Safety and Compliance Deficiencies, General Renovation Needs and Learning Space Upgrades (SP549)(LD 1707)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Streamline the Administration and Enforcement of the Work Permit Provisions of Child Labor Laws (SP550)(LD 1708)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $10,000,000 for Research and Development Equipment and Infrastructure (SP551)(LD 1709)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Maine Biomedical Research Program (SP552)(LD 1710)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend Maine's Campaign Finance Laws (SP553)(LD 1711)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force on the Maine Learning Technology Endowment (HP1261)(LD 1712)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Return a Portion of the Tax Imposed on Lodging to the Municipality in Which the Tax was Levied (HP1262)(LD 1713)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to the Election of Candidates by the Instant Runoff Voting Method (HP1263)(LD 1714)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to Video Gaming Machines (HP1264)(LD 1715)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Child Support Services (HP1265)(LD 1716)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to Municipal Shellfish Management (HP1266)(LD 1717)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to Licensing Board Fee Caps (HP1267)(LD 1718)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Dismissal of Municipal Employees for Cause (SP557)(LD 1719)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Create the Advisory Commission for Persons Who are Blind or Visually Impaired (SP558)(LD 1720)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Expressly Authorized Persons to Conduct Investigations for the Chief Medical Examiner (SP559)(LD 1721)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Recognize Exemplary Efforts to Lower the Cost of Prescription Drugs (SP560)(LD 1722)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Maine Athletic Commission Laws (SP561)(LD 1723)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for Remediation of Abandoned Landfills (SP564)(LD 1724)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
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