Legislative History: An Act to Implement Changes in Cost-sharing Agreements in School Districts (HP977)(LD 1301)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Enhance Access to Health Care in Maine (HP978)(LD 1302)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Access to Health Care (HP979)(LD 1303)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Create the Maine Health Data Processing Center (HP980)(LD 1304)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Consolidate the Laws Regulating Transient Sellers and Door-to-door Home Repair Transient Sellers (HP981)(LD 1305)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Task Force on Educational Programming at Juvenile Correctional Facilities (HP982)(LD 1306)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Lobbyist Disclosure Procedures Laws Administered by the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices (HP983)(LD 1307)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Department of Enviromental Protection on Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Mercury (SP393)(LD 1308)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Pertaining to the Harvest of Adult Eels (SP394)(LD 1309)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Maine Health Data Organization Laws (SP395)(LD 1310)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Workers' Compensation Laws Regarding Contracts for Services to Administer Reimbursement Requests (SP405)(LD 1311)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Eliminate the $1,000,000 Cap Eligibility Requirement for the School Revolving Renovation Fund (SP396)(LD 1312)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund the Capital Construction and Improvements Reserve Fund (SP397)(LD 1313)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Remove the Penalty for Education Retirees Who Work After Retirement (SP398)(LD 1314)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Expand the Crime of Assault on a Law Enforcement Officer (SP399)(LD 1315)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Requiring Reimbursement to Counties for Courthouse Facilities (SP400)(LD 1316)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: Resolve, Establishing a Commission to Examine the Fisheries Division of the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (SP401)(LD 1317)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve the Academic Climate in Schools (SP402)(LD 1318)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $28,000,000 to Provide Funds for Public School Renovations (SP403)(LD 1319)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to the Office of Substance Abuse and the Licensing of Substance Abuse Personnel (SP404)(LD 1320)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Change the Status of the Discount State Liquor Store in Calais (HP984)(LD 1321)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Capacity of the Topsham Sewer District (HP985)(LD 1322)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Shorten the Period in Which the Bureau of Liquor Enforcement Acts on Appeals (HP986)(LD 1323)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Adopt the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (HP987)(LD 1324)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Maine Research and Development Evaluation Fund (HP988)(LD 1325)
Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
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