Legislative History: An Act to Move the Monitoring, Auditing and Enforcement of Workers' Compensation Payments to the Bureau of Insurance (HP1455)(LD 2076)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Transfer the Child Development Services System to the Department of Human Services (HP1456)(LD 2077)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Allowing Increased Flexibility of Swing Beds (SP728)(LD 2078)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve the State Budgeting Process (SP729)(LD 2079)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Public School Choice (SP730)(LD 2080)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Commercial Vehicle Weight Limits Consistent with Federal Law (SP731)(LD 2081)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Reduce the Cost of Prescription Drugs to Residents of the State (SP732)(LD 2082)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Out-of-District Placement (SP733)(LD 2083)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Reduce the Release of Mercury into the Environment from Consumer Products (SP734)(LD 2084)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Update the Statutes and Provide for the Basic Needs of the Maine Conservation Corps (SP735)(LD 2085)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Preserve the State's Farm Economy and Heritage (SP736)(LD 2086)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Public Resources and Information for Maine Foundation (SP737)(LD 2087)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Revise Certain Provisions of the Fish and Wildlife Laws (SP738)(LD 2088)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize Department of Transportation Bond Issues in the Amount of $56,616,000 to Match Available Federal Funds for Improvements to Highways and Bridges, Airports and State-owned Ferry Facilities; Development of Rail Corridors and Marine Infrastructure; and Replacement of Public Transportation Fleets Statewide (SP740)(LD 2089)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Require that Employees in 24-Hour Convenience Stores Have Access to Telephones and Alarms (HP1458)(LD 2090)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Charter of the Richmond Utilities District (HP1459)(LD 2091)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Legislative Approval to Lease Certain Land to the Federal Government (HP1460)(LD 2092)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize the Disposition of Forfeited Firearms (HP1461)(LD 2093)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Change the Fine for Speeding in a School Zone (HP1462)(LD 2094)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Stagger Registration for Watercraft, All-terrain Vehicles and Snowmobiles (HP1463)(LD 2095)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Requiring Timely Reimbursement of Health Insurance Claims (HP1464)(LD 2096)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, Establishing the Commission on Dental and Mental Health Services for Children (HP1465)(LD 2097)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve the Safety of Firefighters (HP1466)(LD 2098)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Increased Access to Dental Care in Maine (HP1467)(LD 2099)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Workers' Compensation Board Advocates to Prioritize and Decline Cases (SP741)(LD 2100)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
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