Legislative History: An Act to Authorize the Department of Defense, Veterans and Emergency Management to Establish a Disaster Relief Trust Fund (HP828)(LD 1151)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund the Maine Resident Homestead Property Tax Exemption Program (HP829)(LD 1152)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make November 1st the Opening Day of the Scallop Season throughout the State (HP831)(LD 1154)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Regarding Abandoned Property (HP832)(LD 1155)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Repeal the Elective Share Available to Surviving Spouses under the Probate Code (HP833)(LD 1156)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure the Payment of Real Estate Taxes on Transferred Property (HP834)(LD 1157)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Equality in Mental Health Coverage for Children and Adults (HP835)(LD 1158)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Create the Calais to Eastport Rail Authority and Transfer State Ownership of Certain Railroad Rights-of-way (HP836)(LD 1159)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend Certain Laws Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Land and Water Quality (HP837)(LD 1160)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Create the East-West Highway Authority (HP838)(LD 1161)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Legislative Review of Rules Regarding Campaign Report Filing Forms (SP383)(LD 1162)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Concerning Suspension or Revocation of Driver's Licenses for Failure to File a Report (SP384)(LD 1163)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify Landlord Access to Premises in Residential Tenancies (SP385)(LD 1164)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding the Retirement Plan for Rangers in the Law Enforcement Bargaining Unit at Baxter State Park (SP386)(LD 1165)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Occupational Health and Safety Standards for Operators of Video Display Terminals (SP387)(LD 1166)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Local Option Tax on Liquor, Meals and Lodging (SP388)(LD 1167)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Equity in Prescription Insurance for Contraceptive Coverage (SP389)(LD 1168)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Review of State Solid Waste Management Policies (SP391)(LD 1170)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for Management of the Harvest of Seaweed (SP392)(LD 1171)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: Resolve, Establishing a Task Force to Study the Need for an Agricultural Vitality Zone Program (SP393)(LD 1172)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Elver Fishing (HP839)(LD 1173)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Revise the Business Equipment Property Tax Reimbursement Program (HP840)(LD 1174)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Create a 2-year Moratorium on the "Bucks Only" Restriction Imposed on Deer Hunters (HP841)(LD 1175)
Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
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