Legislative History: Resolve, Directing the Department of Environmental Protection to Study and Make Recommendations on the Establishment of a Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program to Meet the Requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act (HP1174)(LD 1651)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Dirigo Higher Education Bond Program to Provide Financial Aid to Maine Students (HP1175)(LD 1652)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Abolish the State Board of Education (HP1176)(LD 1653)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Agricultural Workers to Bargain Collectively (HP1177)(LD 1654)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Prohibit Fund-raising Efforts and Certain Contributions to Legislators while the Legislature is in Session (SP536)(LD 1655)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Suspend Certain Licenses of Teenagers Convicted of a Juvenile Crime (SP537)(LD 1656)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Interstate Economic Development Commission for the Northern New England States (SP538)(LD 1657)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue to Implement a Statewide Economic Improvement Strategy (SP539)(LD 1658)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Disclosure of Motor Vehicle Records (SP540)(LD 1659)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Laws Concerning Inspection Stations (SP541)(LD 1660)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Hunger and Food Security (SP542)(LD 1661)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: Resolve, Establishing a Task Force to Propose Targeting of Revenue Sharing Dollars to Communities That Accept Community-based Services (SP544)(LD 1662)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure the Appropriate Treatment of Autism (SP545)(LD 1663)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Bids from Health Care Providers for State Employees to Include Medicaid Coverage (SP546)(LD 1664)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Charter of the Hebron Water Company (SP547)(LD 1665)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Authority of the Secretary of State to Suspend and Revoke Licenses and Privileges to Operate in Maine (SP548)(LD 1666)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Permit Involuntary Medication of Mentally Ill Persons Residing in Department of Corrections Facilities (SP549)(LD 1667)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding the Relocation of a Child by a Parent Having Primary Physical Custody (HP1178)(LD 1669)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Indemnification in Construction Contracts (HP1179)(LD 1670)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Calculation of the State's Share of School Funding (HP1180)(LD 1671)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Licensing of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (HP1181)(LD 1672)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Child and Family Services and Child Protection Act (HP1182)(LD 1673)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act Related to Bind-over of Older Juveniles Who Commit Certain Offenses (HP1183)(LD 1674)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Victims' Compensation Fund (HP1184)(LD 1675)
Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
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