Legislative History: An Act to Require Minimum Mandatory Sentences for Persons Convicted of Assault Crimes (HP900)(LD 1276)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Decrease State Costs by Requiring That Both Parties Involved in a Property Tax Dispute Share Hearing Costs (HP902)(LD 1278)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Exempt Computer Software Services from Taxation (HP903)(LD 1279)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide a Tax Credit for Small Businesses Providing Health Insurance Benefits for Employees (HP904)(LD 1280)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify Notice Requirements and a Party's Opportunity to be Heard (HP905)(LD 1281)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Correct Obsolete References to Justices of the Peace (HP906)(LD 1282)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Update and Clarify Administrative Procedures (HP907)(LD 1283)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Remove Outdated Provisions from the Public Utilities Law (HP908)(LD 1284)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act Altering the Method of Computing the Hospital Tax (HP910)(LD 1286)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Probate Code Regarding Conservatorship Funds and to Require Bonds for Out-of-state Conservators (HP911)(LD 1287)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Certificate of Need Laws to Include Rural Health Clinics (HP912)(LD 1288)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Property Tax Applicable to Institutions and Organizations (HP913)(LD 1289)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Increase Payments to Foster Parents (HP914)(LD 1290)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Income Eligibility Criteria of the Small Community Wastewater Program (HP915)(LD 1291)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Require That Grandparent Visitation Rights Be Included in Divorce Decrees (HP916)(LD 1292)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Reduce the Sales Tax to 5% by October 1, 1996 (HP917)(LD 1293)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Prohibit Home Repair Fraud and Establish Aggravated Penalties When the Victim Is an Older Person (HP918)(LD 1294)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Venture Capital Access to State Businesses (HP920)(LD 1296)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Consistency in the Laws Governing Maine's Roads (HP921)(LD 1297)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Change the Atlantic Sea Run Salmon Commission (HP922)(LD 1298)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Restrict Private Political Campaign Contributions in State Elections (HP923)(LD 1299)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Practice of Professional Nursing (SP476)(LD 1300)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
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