Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Dealing with Municipalities Having the Option of Inspecting Buildings BY REQUEST (HP752)(LD 1026)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Exempt Local Municipalities from Paying a Lease Tax on Equipment (HP753)(LD 1027)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Alter the Valuation of Searsport (HP754)(LD 1028)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Establish Work Opportunity Regions in the State (HP755)(LD 1029)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Services to Adjudicated Young Women (HP756)(LD 1030)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Repeal the Residency Requirement for Admission into a Maine Veterans' Home (HP757)(LD 1031)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Add a $5 Surcharge to the Fines Collected for All Moving Violations (HP758)(LD 1032)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to the Renewal of a Teacher Certificate That Has Lapsed for More Than 5 Years (HP759)(LD 1033)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Establish a Future Budget Fund (HP760)(LD 1034)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Create the Teacher Retirement Advisory Committee (HP761)(LD 1035)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Bow Hunters to Take Antlerless Deer during the Open Firearms Season (HP762)(LD 1036)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Establish a Comprehensive Study on the Effects of Maine's Middle Age Population on the Maine Economy and Health Facilities (HP763)(LD 1037)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Prior Notice of Cancellation of Group Health Insurance Policies (HP765)(LD 1039)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Toxics in Packaging Law (HP766)(LD 1040)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Reorganize the University of Maine into 2 Separate Systems (HP767)(LD 1041)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Surface Water Ambient Toxics Monitoring Program (HP768)(LD 1042)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Political Parties to Determine the Method of Nominating Candidates (HP769)(LD 1043)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to License Home Contractors and Builders (HP770)(LD 1044)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend Certain Motor Vehicle Laws (HP771)(LD 1045)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Displaced Homemakers Act (SP369)(LD 1046)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Towns to Register Vehicles on Loan through the Federal Excess Property Program without Local Title (SP370)(LD 1047)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Prohibit the Collection of Unemployment Benefits Based upon Employment During Work Release (SP371)(LD 1048)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Law Concerning the Pricing of Discontinued and Test-market Liquor Items (SP372)(LD 1049)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Encourage Competitiveness by Public Utilities (SP373)(LD 1050)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
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