Legislative History: An Act to Opt Out of the Federal Requirement to Use Reformulated Fuel and to Prohibit Its Sale in the State (HP274)(LD 376)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Extend to Businesses the Laws Concerning Protection from Harassment (HP275)(LD 377)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide for 4-year Terms for Senators (SP155)(LD 378)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act Amending the Charter of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company (SP156)(LD 379)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish a Minimum Percentage Markup for Alcoholic Beverages (HP276)(LD 380)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Public Access to All Legislative Constituent Allowance Expenditures (HP277)(LD 381)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Credit Incineration as Recycling (HP278)(LD 382)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Exclude Out-of-court Statements by Juveniles in Child Protection Cases (HP279)(LD 383)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Install Fish Screens in the West Grand Lake Dam (HP280)(LD 384)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Expand Maine's Bottle Law BY REQUEST (HP281)(LD 385)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish the Maine Commission on Community Service (HP282)(LD 386)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Repeal the Winter Harbor Water District BY REQUEST (HP283)(LD 387)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Exemption on Church Properties (HP284)(LD 388)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Require the Use of Headlights on Vehicles Whenever the Windshield Wipers Are in Continuous Use (HP285)(LD 389)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Tax-exempt Status of Municipally Owned Solid Waste Disposal Facilities (HP286)(LD 390)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Access to Chiropractor Care under Health Maintenance Organization Managed Care Plans (HP287)(LD 391)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Collection of Sewer Charges (HP288)(LD 392)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for an Appeals Process for Teacher Certification (HP289)(LD 393)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Expand Eligibility for the Circuit Breaker Program (HP290)(LD 394)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Rights and Responsibilities of Innkeepers (HP291)(LD 395)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Laws Governing Wrongful Death Caused by Truck Drivers (HP292)(LD 396)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow Unenrolled Voters to Serve as Election Workers at Polls (HP293)(LD 397)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Ensure Courteous Treatment of the Public by State Employees (HP294)(LD 398)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Study the Statutory Procedures for Local Property Tax Abatement Appeals (HP295)(LD 399)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize Video Gaming (HP296)(LD 400)
Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
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