Legislative History: An Act Requiring Plumbers and Electricians to Demonstrate Financial Responsibility (HP1183)(LD 1726)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Develop a Statewide Health Insurance Program (HP1184)(LD 1727)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish a Shock Incarceration Program (HP1185)(LD 1728)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to the Maine Criminal Justice Commission (HP1186)(LD 1729)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide More Affordable Health Insurance for Small Businesses (HP1187)(LD 1730)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for Funeral Service Life Insurance (SP655)(LD 1731)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Certain Disclosures in Adoptions and to Provide Additional Protective Services for Children (SP656)(LD 1732)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Requiring Notice by the Secretary of State before Suspension or Expiration of a Motor Vehicle Registration (SP657)(LD 1733)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Access to Federal Health Care Benefits (SP658)(LD 1734)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing the Conveyance of a Utility Easement to the City of Belfast (SP659)(LD 1735)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize Municipal Guarantees of Council of Government Obligations (SP660)(LD 1736)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Better Regulation of the Practice of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SP662)(LD 1738)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish a Grading System for Maple Syrup Produced in the State (SP663)(LD 1739)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Provide Compensation when State Actions Diminish Property Values (SP664)(LD 1740)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Bond Indebtedness of the State (HP1188)(LD 1741)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Maine Rainy Day Fund (HP1189)(LD 1742)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for Deferrals of Unfunded State Mandates for Municipalities Experiencing Financial Hardships (HP1190)(LD 1743)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Clarify a Right-of-way to Raymond H. Fickett over Property of the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (HP1191)(LD 1744)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Maine Student Incentive Scholarship Program (HP1192)(LD 1745)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish a Budget Process for Sagadahoc County (HP1193)(LD 1746)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish an Income Tax Surcharge (HP1194)(LD 1747)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Authorizing Changes to the Budget Process in York County (HP1196)(LD 1749)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning Technical Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1197)(LD 1750)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
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