Legislative History: An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP652)(LD 926)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Making Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP653)(LD 927)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP654)(LD 928)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Revise Provisions for a New Birth Certificate after Adoption (SP339)(LD 929)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Certification of Correspondence Schools (SP340)(LD 930)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Property Tax Relief by Providing Funds for County Jails (SP341)(LD 931)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Establish the Task Force on Local Public Employee Collective Bargaining (SP342)(LD 932)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Promote Equity in Court Filing Fees (SP343)(LD 933)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Regulate the Use of Video Display Terminals (HP655)(LD 934)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Requiring School Districts to Make Instruction in Braille Reading and Writing Available to Blind Students (HP656)(LD 935)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Insurance Companies to Inform Insureds of the Extent of Insured Value (HP657)(LD 936)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Encourage Recycling of Waste Oil (HP658)(LD 937)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Equalize Health Benefits for State Retirees Eligible for Medicare (HP659)(LD 938)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Funding for Sexual Abuse Victims and Offenders (HP660)(LD 939)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Sign Language Training (HP661)(LD 940)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the State's Statute of Frauds (HP662)(LD 941)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Exempt Prosthetic Devices that Receive a State or Federal Subsidy from the State Sales Tax (HP663)(LD 942)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Somerset County Budget (HP664)(LD 943)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Permit Off-track Betting (HP665)(LD 944)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Leased Equipment (SP345)(LD 945)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Voter Ratification Provisions of the Low-level Radioactive Waste Laws (SP346)(LD 946)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Support an Affordable Emergency Medical Services System (HP667)(LD 947)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing the Bureau of Public Improvements to Conduct a Study of All State Work Places (HP668)(LD 948)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Promote Uniform Statutes of Limitations (HP669)(LD 949)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: Resolve, Authorizing Kathleen Maynard and Howard Briggs to Sue the State (SP348)(LD 950)
Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
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