Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Share of Education Funding and to Increase the Minimum State Allocation (SP169)(LD 326)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Legislative Disclosure Laws (SP170)(LD 327)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Applicability of the Maine Tort Claims Act to the Consumer Advisory Board (SP171)(LD 328)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Maintenance of Financial Responsibility by All Motorists (SP172)(LD 329)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Liquor Laws of Maine (SP173)(LD 330)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish a Maine Self-service Storage Act (SP174)(LD 331)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning Amendments to the Community Industrial Buildings Programs (SP175)(LD 332)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Regarding Abandoned Vehicles (SP176)(LD 333)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Regulate Motor Vehicle Speed in Bad Weather (SP177)(LD 334)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Strengthen the Social Worker Training and Education Requirements (SP178)(LD 335)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Extend the Reporting Deadline of the Commission to Implement the Computerization of Criminal History Record Information (SP179)(LD 336)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Authorize the Supreme Judicial Court to Provide a Record of Court Proceedings (SP180)(LD 337)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify Costs Associated with the Purchase of Land by School Administrative Units (SP181)(LD 338)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Regulate Incineration Plants (SP182)(LD 339)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Revise the Eligibility Requirements for Elderly Low-cost Drug Recipients (SP183)(LD 340)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Curtail Any Expansion or New Mandated Health Insurance Programs Until an Assessment Has Been Made of Current Situation (SP184)(LD 341)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Uniform Partnership Act with Regard to Partnership Title in Real Estate (SP185)(LD 342)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Include Sheriffs' Deputies in the Maine Tort Claims Act (SP186)(LD 343)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide More Legislative Oversight of Agency Rulemaking (SP187)(LD 344)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Composition of Senate District 8 and Senate District 15 (SP188)(LD 345)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Fund a Special Projects Coordinator for the Beginning Alcohol and Addictions Basic Education Studies Program (SP189)(LD 346)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Protect Confidentiality of Private Business Transactions (HP235)(LD 347)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide for Constructive Notice of Injury for Workers' Compensation Purposes (HP236)(LD 348)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Eliminate the Sales Tax on Textbooks in the University of Maine System and the Maine Vocational- Technical Institute System (HP237)(LD 349)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Purchase of Real Estate by the State or Local Housing Authorities (HP238)(LD 350)
Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
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