Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Use of Lands Abutting Farmlands (HP1576)(LD 2151)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the State's Antidiscrimination Laws to Include Families with Children in Mobile Home Parks (HP1577)(LD 2152)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Regarding the Androscoggin County Budget Committee (SP828)(LD 2154)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Minimum Mandatory Energy Standards for Residential Buildings (SP829)(LD 2155)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (SP831)(LD 2156)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Harassment Law (HP1579)(LD 2157)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide a More Equitable Distribution of Homemaker Funds (HP1580)(LD 2158)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish an Excise Tax on Cargo Trailers (HP1581)(LD 2159)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Funding for the Bangor Dental Clinic (HP1582)(LD 2160)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act Concerning the Reporting Deadline for a Study by the Land Use Regulation Commission (HP1583)(LD 2161)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Regulation of Lobster Parts (HP1584)(LD 2162)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Improve Retraining Opportunities for Dislocated Workers (HP1585)(LD 2163)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Amend the Endangered Species Act to Provide for Injunctive Relief and Other Enforcement Remedies (HP1586)(LD 2164)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Regulate Use of Jet Skis Within Water Bodies (HP1587)(LD 2165)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Establish a Study Commission on Maine Job Service Procedures (SP833)(LD 2167)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: Resolve, to Fund Demonstration Projects for Day Care Services in Health Care Facilities (SP835)(LD 2169)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Enhance Adult Literacy Services (SP836)(LD 2170)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Provide Challenge Grants for the Development of Municipal and Regional Economic Development Strategies (HP1590)(LD 2171)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act Relating to Special Education in Maine Schools (HP1588)(LD 2172)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Allow for Service Payments to Municipalities with Significant Amounts of State-Owned Property (HP1589)(LD 2173)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (SP837)(LD 2174)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Require Basic Written Contracts for Home Construction Work (SP838)(LD 2175)
Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
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