Legislative History: An Act to Insure Fair Practices in the Sale of Health Insurance Policies to Elderly Consumers (HP1245)(LD 1755)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Fair Practices in the Sale of Health Insurance Policies to Elderly Consumers (HP1582)(LD 2226)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Training and Employment Opportunities for All Aid to Families with Dependent Children Recipients (HP1339)(LD 1876)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Investigate the Importation and Disposal of Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste in Maine (HP775)(LD 1096)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Involve the Legislature in Establishing Equal Pay for Jobs of Comparable Worth in State Government (SP435)(LD 1202)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Building Contractors and Subcontractors to a Statewide Building Code (SP739)(LD 1892)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Dietitians (SP171)(LD 463)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Dietitians (SP520)(LD 1397)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Respiratory Care Practitioners (SP226)(LD 614)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Respiratory Care Practitioners (SP591)(LD 1554)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to License Social Workers Employed by a Hospital (HP437)(LD 619)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Aquaculture Leases to a Period of 5 years (HP824)(LD 1165)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Contributions which Candidates may Receive from Political Action Committees (HP243)(LD 284)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Ice Fishing in Class B Waters to the Period January 15th to March 14th (HP424)(LD 604)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Investments by Electric Companies in Certain Generating Facilities without Stockholder Approval (HP780)(LD 1101)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Pari-mutuel Wagering to Agricultural Fairs (HP1068)(LD 1557)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Preferential Taxation within a Unitary Business (HP1254)(LD 1764)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Duplication of Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act (SP250)(LD 645)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Grounds for Termination of an Insurance Agency Appointment (HP1057)(LD 1537)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Hunting of Raccoon (HP59)(LD 77)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Property Owners Relative to Snowmobiles and ATV's (HP1338)(LD 1875)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Clients Assigned to Human Services Caseworkers (HP940)(LD 1350)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Public Advocate to Active Rate Cases (SP838)(LD 2127)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
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