Legislative History: An Act to Establish Confidential Communications Between Certified Public Accountants and their Clients Concerning Tax Matters (SP620)(LD 1635)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Eligibility for Burial in the Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery for Members of the Maine National Guard (HP769)(LD 1061)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Eligibility for Burial on the Maine Veterans' Memorial Cemetery for Members of the Maine National Guard (HP90)(LD 110)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Fixed Dates for the Adjournment of the First and Second Regular Sessions of the Legislature (HP928)(LD 1333)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Guidelines for Investigation of Health Care Facilities by State Agencies (HP583)(LD 853)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Kennebec County Corrections' Improvement Fund (HP1435)(LD 2026)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Mandatory Energy Efficiency Building Performance Standards for the State (HP569)(LD 840)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Mandatory Energy Standards for Publicly-funded Buildings (SP568)(LD 1496)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for Major Appliances Sold in Maine (HP1096)(LD 1589)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards for Major Appliances Sold in Maine (HP566)(LD 837)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Municipal Cost Components for Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1985-86 (HP672)(LD 955)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Municipal Cost Components for Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1986-87 (HP1549)(LD 2188)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Municipal Cost Components for Services to be Rendered in Fiscal Year 1986-87 (HP1691)(LD 2382)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Pilot Indigency Screening Units for Court Appointed Counsel (SP336)(LD 899)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Policies Governing Medical Malpractice Claims (SP773)(LD 1945)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Policies Governing Medical Malpractice Claims (SP940)(LD 2354)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Policies Governing Smoking in Places of Work (HP235)(LD 276)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Registers for Maine Veterans Exposed to Herbicides and Nuclear Radiation (HP892)(LD 1287)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Rights for Individuals Receiving Care from Home Health Care Providers (SP298)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Signs on Interstate 95 in Kittery to Indicate Directions to the State Discount Liquor Store (HP690)(LD 976)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Special Motor Vehicle License Plates for Firefighters (HP617)(LD 887)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Standards for Public Employers for Approval as Workers' Compensation Self-insurers (SP745)(LD 1909)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Statutory Definitions of Entrapment under the Maine Criminal Code (SP451)(LD 1254)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Establish Temporary Handicapped Parking Permits (HP1035)(LD 1509)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
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