Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Authority of the Department of Transportation to Manage and Dispose of Property (HP96)(LD 116)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Confidentiality of Accident Reports (HP1230)(LD 1737)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Confidentiality Provisions of the Maine Banking Code (HP1224)(LD 1731)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Confidentiality Provisions of the Maine Banking Code (HP1532)(LD 2159)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the County which is Responsible for Transportation Expenses in an Involuntary Hospitalization (HP1724)(LD 2413)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Definition of a Vocational Region (HP103)(LD 128)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Definition of Spouse and to Add a Definition of Substantial Gainful Activity (HP426)(LD 606)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Definition of Wage Within the Maine Wage Assurance Fund (SP595)(LD 1561)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Determination of Fair Return Allowances for For-profit Hospitals (HP830)(LD 1174)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Discretionatory Authority of the Harness Racing Commission to License Pari-mutuel meets and Assign Racing Dates (HP790)(LD 1120)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Duties of Notaries Public and Notarial Officers (SP843)(LD 2137)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Effect of an Appropriation to the Maine State Retirement System (HP1771)(LD 2449)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Enforcement of Private Septage Disposal Sites (SP16)(LD 9)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Fire Prevention and Inspection Laws in Regard to Municipal Enforcement (HP365)(LD 485)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the General Assistance Law (SP297)(LD 786)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Land Use Laws (HP329)(LD 445)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Enforcement Responsibilities of the Forest Fire Control Division (HP407)(LD 560)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Regarding Peer Review Immunity Under the Maine Health Security Act (SP397)(LD 1107)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Regarding the Taking of Soft-shell Clams (HP1065)(LD 1547)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Regarding the Taking of Soft-shell Clams (HP654)(LD 924)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Relating to Authorization by Divorced Parents for Exhumation of the Body of a Child (SP736)(LD 1889)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Law Relating to Authorization for Disinterment or Removal (SP846)(LD 2138)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
Legislative History: An Act to Clarify the Laws of the Department of Marine Resources (HP686)(LD 972)
Maine State Legislature (112th: 1984-1986)
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