Gerry Morin Collection : Sheet Music and Legal Instruments

Agency and/or Creator

Albert Larrieu

Document Type



Acadian Archives, MCC-00246 (Folder 3)

Exact Creation Date



First series of "Visions Canadiennes," published by Ed. Archambault in Montreal (third edition). Albert Larrieu, a French singer and composer, is credited with the lyrics and music; Geneviève Lecomte and France Ariel were the first to sing these songs in Canada. Preface by Edouard Montpetit. Songs appearing in the booklet are: "Le ber"; "L'épluchette"; "La soupe aux pois"; "La bénédiction"; "Les quêteux"; and "Le rouet." It also includes a monologue, "Berceuse de la grand'mère."



Other Location

Canada; France

Contributing Institution

Acadian Archives


French Canadians; Quebec

File Size

16.4 MB

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