Document Type
Public Health - Shellfish Program
Kohl Kanwit, Director of the Maine Department of Marine Resource Bureau of Public Health, counts green crabs off the coast of Freeport during a one-day, coast-wide survey of the invasive species, coordinated by the Department. The green crab population in some areas of Maine has increased dramatically in recent years, and they have been feeding on shellfish resources such as soft-shell clams, threatening the state's third-largest wild fishery. In 2012, over 11 million pounds of soft shell clams were harvested, generating over $15 million in value for harvesters. Green crabs are also threatening other bivalve species including oysters and mussels, which combined with soft shell clams generate over $25 million in landed value. Dr. Brian Beal, a professor of Marine Ecology at the University of Maine at Machias assisted in the design of the one-day survey, which involved volunteers setting baited traps in more than 30 areas of the coast with an abundance of soft-shell clams on August 27 and hauling them 24-hours later. Data from the survey will be analyzed in the coming weeks and a report will used to help municipalities develop plans to control the aggressive shellfish predator.
Exact Creation Date
Summer 8-28-2013
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