Maine Department of Marine Resources Documents | Marine Resources | Maine State Library

The Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) is charged with commercial and non-commercial marine licensing, community resource development, including aquaculture and wetlands permit review, monitoring and researching marine resources, and patrolling and enforcing laws pertaining to marine resources.

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Submissions from 2017


Draft Fisheries Management Plan for the Lower Androscoggin River, Little Androscoggin River and Sabattus River, Michael Brown, Paul Christman, Gail Wippelhauser, Francis Brautigam, and Jim Pellerin


Results from the 2013 Cobscook Bay Sea Scallop Survey, Kevin H. Kelly

Submissions from 2015


Conducting Aquaculture in Maine, 2015, Maine Department of Marine Resources

Submissions from 2013


Compilation of Shellfish Laws and Regulations, Michelle Mason Webber and Maine Department of Marine Resources

Submissions from 2012


Chapter Number and Title: 11.22 2012-13 Closures (11) Muscongus Area, (12) Southeast Harbor and (13) East Moosabec Reach. Emergency regulations, Maine Department of Marine Resources

Submissions from 2008


Strategic Plan for the Restoration of Diadromous Fishes to the Penobscot River, Maine Department of Marine Resources and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

Submissions from 2006


Anadromous Alosid Restoration in the Androscoggin River Watershed; Annual Report, July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006, Michael E. Brown


Research Reference Document 06/01 : Anadromous Alosid Restoration in the Androscoggin River Watershed Semi-Annual Report (January 1, 2006 - June 30, 2006), Michael Brown and John Maclaine

Books from 2005


Research Reference Document 05/02 : Final Report Fall 2003 and Spring 2004 Maine-New Hampshire Inshore Trawl Survey, Sally A. Sherman, Keri Stepanek, John Sowles, Douglas E. Grant, and Robert Tetrault

Submissions from 2004


Governor’s Task Force on the Planning and Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine - Executive Summary of Final Report, Governor’s Task Force on the Planning and Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine


Governor’s Task Force on the Planning and Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine Report and Recommendations, Governor’s Task Force on the Planning and Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine and Maine Department of Marine Resources

Books from 2003


Research Reference Document 01/20 : Completion Report Kennebec River Shortnose Sturgeon Population Study 1998-2001, Thomas S. Squires Jr


Research Reference Document 01/24 : Kennebec River Sturgeon Studies Completion Report (2000-2001), Thomas S. Squires Jr

Books from 2002


Research Reference Document 01/07 : Striped Bass and American Shad Restoration and Monitoring January 1, 2001 - December 31, 2001, Gail Wippelhauser


Research Reference Document 01/19 : Kennebec River Diadromous Fish Restoration Annual Progress Report (2001), Gail Wippelhauser, Matthew O'Donnell, Nate Gray, and Paul Christman


Research Reference Document 02/23 : Anadromous Fish Restoration in the Androscoggin River Watershed; 2001 Report on the Operation of the Brunswick Fishway, Michael Brown

Submissions from 2001


Coastal Fishery Research Priorities for the State of Maine (2001), Gulf of Maine Aquarium and Maine Department of Marine Resources


Research Reference Document 00/05 : Kennebec River Shortnose Sturgeon Population Study Progress Report, January - December 2000, Thomas S. Squires Jr


Research Reference Document 00/12 : Striped Bass and American Shad Restoration and Monitoring Annual Report, Gail Wippelhauser


Research Reference Document 00/18 : Restoring Our Native Fish Resources : Kennebec River Diadromous Fish Restoration Annual Progress Report - 2000, Matthew O'Donnell, Nate Gray, Gail Wippelhauser, and Paul Christman

Books from 2000


Research Reference Document 99/07 : Kennebec River Shortnose Sturgeon Population Study August - December 1999, Thomas S. Squires Jr


Research Reference Document 99/4 : Anadromous Fish Restoration in the Androscoggin River Watershed; 1998 Program Results; 1999 Report on the Operation of the Brunswick Fishway, Sandra Lary

Books from 1999


Research Reference Document 98/3 : Anadromous Fish Restoration in the Androscoggin River Watershed; 1998 Program Results; A Report on the Operation of the Brunswick Fishway, Sandra Lary

Submissions from 1998


Results from the 1998 Sea Urchin Industry Survey Conducted by the Maine Department of Marine Resources and Sea Urchin Zone Council, Maine Department of Marine Resources

Books from 1995


Research Reference Document 95/17 : The Blue Mussel in Maine, Stanley Chenoweth

Submissions from 1994


A Report to the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources Regarding the Economics of Fish Stock Enhancement, Maine Groundfish Hatchery Study Commission and Maine Department of Marine Resources

Books from 1992


Research Reference Document 92/01 : Lobster Tail Meat Validation Study : Maximum Size Assessment, Jay S. Krouse

Submissions from 1991


Economic Benefits Accruing to Sport Fisheries on the Lower Kennebec River from the Provision of Fish Passage at Edwards Dam or from the Removal of Edwards Dam, Kevin J. Boyle, Mario F. Teisl, John R. Moring, and Stephen D. Reiling

Submissions from 1990


A Study of the Impact of Game and Nongame Species on Maine's Economy, Kevin J. Boyle, Stephen D. Reiling, Mario Teisl, and Marcia L. Phillips

Books from 1989


Research Reference Document 89/05 : Spawning Locations and Times for Atlantic Herring on the Maine Coast, David K. Stevenson

Submissions from 1988


Kennebec River Striped Bass Restoration Program, Thomas S. Squires Jr

Submissions from 1987


Diseases of Salmon in Net-Pen Culture, Rodman Getchell


Variability of Growth, Meat Count and Reproductive Capacity in Placopecten Magellanicus : Are Current Management Policies Sufficiently Flexible?, Sandra E. Shumway and Daniel F. Schick

Submissions from 1986


Biological and Economic Analysis of Lobster Fishery Policy in Maine, L.S. Botsford & Associates, Louis W. Botsford, James E. Wilen, and Edward J. Richardson

Submissions from 1985


Overview of the American Shad Resources of the Kennebec River, Thomas S. Squires Jr, Lewis N. Flagg, and Malcom E. Smith


Overview of the River Herring Resources of the Kennebec River, Thomas S. Squires Jr, Malcom E. Smith, and Lewis N. Flagg

Books from 1984


Research Reference Document 84/17 : The Effects of an Increased Organic Load on Tidal Sediments with Special Attention to Glycera Dibranchiata, Bruce J. Joule and Timothy W. Strout


Scientific and Educational Index of Publications : 1946-1983, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Margaret Hunter, Pamela Shephard-Lupo, Jean Chenoweth, and Kenneth Honey


The Hatchery - An Eighty Year Account of the Fishery Station at McKown Point From 1904 to 1984, Alden P. Stickney

Books from 1983


Research Reference Document 83/15 : Age and Growth of Larval Atlantic Herring, Clupea Harengus Harengus Linnaeus 1958 (Osteichthyes; clupeidae), in the Sheepscot Estuary, Timothy W. Strout


Research Reference Document 83/16 : Evaluation of the 1982 Larval Year Class of Herring Along Coastal Maine, Joseph J. Graham and Curt L. Crosby


Research Reference Document 83/21 : Status of Green Crabs in Maine - 1983, Walter R. Welch and Laurice U. Churchill

Submissions from 1982


A Proposal to Establish a Marine Sanctuary in Maine, Jerry A. Topinka and Walter R. Welch


Research Reference Document 83/13 : The Scientific Basis for a 5 1/2 Inch Minimum Mesh Size in the Cod End of Trawl Gear, Stanley Chenoweth

Books from 1981


Research Reference Document 81/13 : A Possible Environmental Influence on Potential—^ Stock-Recruitment Relations of Herring, Clupea harengus, Along the Maine Coast, Joseph J. Graham


Research Reference Document 81/15 : A Bibliography of Literature Pertaining to the Planktonic Ecosystem in the Gulf of Mane and Nearby Waters, Including Life Histories and Ecology of Certain Important Species (Revised and Expanded to September 1981), Alden P. Stickney


Research Reference Document 81/8 : Monthly and Annual Means of Sea Surface Temperature; Boothbay Harbor, Maine 1905 through 1980, Walter R. Welch

Submissions from 1979


Index of Publications : 1946-1978, Maine Department of Marine Resources


Research Reference Document 79/40 : Preliminary Findings on the Incidence and Distribution of a Viral Blood Infection (EICDV) in the Atlantic Herring, Clupea harengus harengus Along the Maine Coast, Stewart W. Sherburne and Laurie L. Bean

Submissions from 1978


Assessment and Management of the Georges Bank Herring Fishery, V.C. Anthony and G Waring


National Investigation of Market Opportunities for Maine Seafood, Harbridge House, Inc and Maine Department of Marine Resources

Books from 1977


Research Reference Document 77/02 : An Assessment of the Northern Shrimp Resource of the Gulf of Maine, Stephen Clark and Vaughn C. Anthony

Submissions from 1976


Natural Abundance Fluctuations in the Maine Shrimp Fishery, Robert L. Dow


Predicted Trends in Maine Landings by Species, Robert L. Dow


Research Reference Document 76/02 : A Current Assessment of the Northern Shrimp Fishery in the Gulf of Maine, Northern Shrimp Scientific Committee


Sea Temperature and Maine Herring Landings, Robert L. Dow


The Tallman lecture series for 1976 at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, Spencer Apollonio

Submissions from 1975


Reduced Growth and Survival of Clams Transplanted to an Oil Spill Site, Robert L. Dow

Submissions from 1974


Elvers in Maine : Techniques of Locating, Catching and Holding, William W. Sheldon


Floating Fish Traps


Research Reference Document 74/02 : Use of Heated Water for Bloodworm Aquaculture, Daniel F. Schick


Trap Contributions to Losses in the American Lobster Fishery, William W. Sheldon and Robert L. Dow

Submissions from 1972


Approximate Optimum Sea Temperature by Species, Robert L. Dow


Lobster Culture, Robert L. Dow


Renewable Resource Problems of Heavy Metal Mining in Coastal Maine, Robert L. Dow and John W. Hurst


Sea Temperature Effects on Species Abundance, Robert L. Dow

Submissions from 1971


Changes in the Abundance of the Maine Lobster Resource with Sea Temperature Fluctuations and Increases in Fishing Effort, Robert L. Dow


Research Reference Document 71/1 : The Ecological, Chemical and Histopathological Evaluation of an Oil Spill Site, R L. Dow, J W. Hurst, C G. Cogger, D J. Donovan, R A. Gambardella, L C. Jiang, J Quan, and P P. Yevich


Research Reference Document 71/2 : Maine Agency Draws Plans for Shrimp Traps, Ronald G. Rinaldo and Paul M.W. Venno

Submissions from 1970


Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries 26th Biennial Report, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1969


Biographical Data - Commissioner Ronald W. Green, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1968


Changes in Abundance of the Green Crab, Carcinus Maenas (L.), in Relation to Recent Temperature Changes. 1968, Walter R. Welch


Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries 25th Biennial Report, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1967


Proposal NTC 67-19 to the State of Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries : Engineering Design of a Controlled Temperature Under-sea Lobster Farm, Nuclear Technology Corporation

Submissions from 1966


Harvesting and Selling Mussels, Donald M. Harriman

Submissions from 1963


Marine Research, Robert L. Dow

Submissions from 1961


The Maine Lobster Fishery, Robert L. Dow, Donald M. Harriman, Giulio Pontecorvo, and James A. Storer

Submissions from 1957


Sanitary Criteria for Shellfish by Species and by Area, Robert L. Dow

Submissions from 1955


Quahog Management in Maine, 1955, Robert L. Dow and Dana E. Wallace

Submissions from 1952


The Distribution of the Green Crab, Carcinides Maenas (L.) in the Northwestern Atlantic. 1952, Leslie W. Scattergood, Maine Department of Sea & Shore Fisheries, and Maine Department of Marine Resources

Submissions from 1951


Three Commercially Important Polychaete Marine Worms from Maine : Nereis (Neanthes) virens; Glycera dibranchiata; Glycera americana, Philip E. Glidden

Submissions from 1947


Maine's Inshore Fishing Industry - Present Status and Possible Readjustments, Edward A. Ackerman and Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1946


DDT and Lobsters : A Bulletin of the Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1913


Sea and Shore Fisheries General Laws, ca. 1913, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1890


Report of the Commissioner of Sea and Shore Fisheries of the State of Maine, 1889-90, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1888


Report of the Commissioner of Sea and Shore Fisheries of the State of Maine, 1888, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries

Submissions from 1886


Report of the Commissioner of Sea and Shore Fisheries of the State of Maine for the Year 1886, Maine Department of Sea and Shore Fisheries