Contributing Institution
Prince Memorial Library
Document Type
Exact Creation Date
Cumberland County; Cumberland
Recommended Citation
Cumberland (Me.), "Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting October 25, 2021" (2021). Cumberland Town Documents. 591.
Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting October 25, 2021 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for October 25, 2021, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of October 11, 2021. Agenda items include:
21 – 105. To hear a report from the Finance Director re: 4th Quarter FY21 and 1st Quarter FY22 Financials. 21 – 106. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to solicit bids for a Tax Anticipation Note for $2,000,000.00 as approved in the FY’22 budget, as recommended by the Finance Committee. 21 – 107. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a zone change request for property located at 10 Old Gray Road, Tax Map U21/Lot 2, from Village Office Commercial 1 Zone (VOC1) to the Village Medium Density Residential Zone (VMDR), as recommended by the Planning Board. 21 – 108. To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute purchase agreements for Val Halla equipment for the next 5 years, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
21 – 109. Discussion re: American Rescue Plan Funds and to set a Public Hearing date of November 8th for the purpose of gathering public input, as recommended by the Finance Committee. 21 – 110. To authorize the Town Manager to apply for County ARP funds to study the expansion of the Portland Water District water mains throughout Town, as recommended by the Finance Committee. 21 – 111. To authorize the Town Manager to apply for future ARP fund monies with the State and Federal Government for Economic Development projects, as recommended by the TIF Committee. 21 – 112. To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to sign an amended agreement between the Town of Cumberland and Maine Public Employees Retirement Trust to allow non-participating employees with optional membership who previously declined to participate in MainePERS, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
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The organization that has made the Item available believes that the Item is in the Public Domain under the laws of the United States, but a determination was not made as to its copyright status under the copyright laws of other countries. The Item may not be in the Public Domain under the laws of other countries. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available for more information.
Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting October 25, 2021 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for October 25, 2021, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of October 11, 2021. Agenda items include:
21 – 105. To hear a report from the Finance Director re: 4th Quarter FY21 and 1st Quarter FY22 Financials.
21 – 106. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to solicit bids for a Tax Anticipation Note for $2,000,000.00 as approved in the FY’22 budget, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
21 – 107. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a zone change request for property located at 10 Old Gray Road, Tax Map U21/Lot 2, from Village Office Commercial 1 Zone (VOC1) to the Village Medium Density Residential Zone (VMDR), as recommended by the Planning Board.
21 – 108. To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute purchase agreements for Val Halla equipment for the next 5 years, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
21 – 109. Discussion re: American Rescue Plan Funds and to set a Public Hearing date of November 8th for the purpose of gathering public input, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
21 – 110. To authorize the Town Manager to apply for County ARP funds to study the expansion of the Portland Water District water mains throughout Town, as recommended by the Finance Committee.
21 – 111. To authorize the Town Manager to apply for future ARP fund monies with the State and Federal Government for Economic Development projects, as recommended by the TIF Committee.
21 – 112. To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to sign an amended agreement between the Town of Cumberland and Maine Public Employees Retirement Trust to allow non-participating employees with optional membership who previously declined to participate in MainePERS, as recommended by the Finance Committee.