
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting October 27, 2008 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for October 27, 2008, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of September 22, 2008 and October 13, 2008. Agenda items include:

08 – 153. To authorize the expenditure for the Val Halla Banquet Center utility changeover for January sale.

08 – 154.
To award the Corey Road Fish Passage project to A.H. Grover, Inc. of Yarmouth.

08 – 155. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on a property tax abatement request for property located at 74 Blanchard Road, Map R05A, Lot 4A.

08 – 156. To hold a Public Hearing to consider input and comments from Range Road residents re: reconstruction and waterline project and to set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) for action.

08 – 157. To set a Public Hearing date (November 24th) for the 2009 Shellfish License allocations.

08 – 158. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and adopt the revised MMA Model General Assistance Ordinance and Appendixes A-C for the period of October 1, 2008 through October 1, 2009.

08 – 159. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, Section 424.3.8, Temporary Political Signs, as recommended by the Planning Board.

08 – 160. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, Section 402.4, free range of poultry, as recommended by the Planning Board.

08 – 161. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, to expand the boundary of the OC-S (Office Commercial – South), as recommended by the Planning Board.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting October 27, 2008 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for October 27, 2008, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of September 22, 2008 and October 13, 2008. Agenda items include: 08 – 153. To authorize the expenditure for the Val Halla Banquet Center utility changeover for January sale. 08 – 154. To award the Corey Road Fish Passage project to A.H. Grover, Inc. of Yarmouth. 08 – 155. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on a property tax abatement request for property located at 74 Blanchard Road, Map R05A, Lot 4A. 08 – 156. To hold a Public Hearing to consider input and comments from Range Road residents re: reconstruction and waterline project and to set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) for action. 08 – 157. To set a Public Hearing date (November 24th) for the 2009 Shellfish License allocations. 08 – 158. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and adopt the revised MMA Model General Assistance Ordinance and Appendixes A-C for the period of October 1, 2008 through October 1, 2009. 08 – 159. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, Section 424.3.8, Temporary Political Signs, as recommended by the Planning Board. 08 – 160. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, Section 402.4, free range of poultry, as recommended by the Planning Board. 08 – 161. To set a Public Hearing date (November 10th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance, to expand the boundary of the OC-S (Office Commercial – South), as recommended by the Planning Board.

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