
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 20, 2011 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 20, 2011, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of June 6, 2011. Agenda items include:

11 – 100 To swear in newly elected Councilors.

11 – 101 Election of Council Chair and Vice-Chair.

11 – 102 To hold a Public Hearing to authorize the Code Enforcement Officer to enter into a Consent Decree with property owners located at 18 Frye Drive.

11 – 103 To consider and act repealing and replacing the Twin Brook Facility Use Policy as recommended by the Twin Brook Facility Advisory Committee.

11 – 104 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Coastal Waters Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board.

11 – 105 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board.

11 – 106 To award the Tax Anticipation Note borrowing for FY’12 for $3 million dollars.

11 – 107 To consider and act on Commercial Hauler’s License renewals for FY’12.

11 – 108 To hear a report from the Finance Committee Chair and to authorize the Town Manager to transfer inter-departmental operating funds.

11 – 109 To hear a report on potential amendments to the Resource Protection setbacks.

11 – 110 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Class I Liquor License and Victualer’s License application for The Cumberland County Republican Committee “Reagan Rodeo” fundraiser to be held at the Cumberland Fairgrounds on June 26, 2011.

11 – 111 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Cumberland Soccer Club Labor Day “Just For Fun” Soccer Tournament to be held at Twin Brook Recreational Facility on September 3rd & 4th, 2011.

11 – 112 FY’12 Council Committee Assignments.

11 – 113 To hear a report and authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement between the Towns of Cumberland and North Yarmouth for Recreation, Library, Parks Maintenance, Government Access Channel (Channel 2), Animal Control Officer, and winter sidewalk plowing services for FY’12.

11 – 114 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on sending to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and a recommendation, amendment to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance to remove Retail as a permitted use in the Office Commercial South (OCS) Zone.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 20, 2011 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 20, 2011, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of June 6, 2011. Agenda items include: 11 – 100 To swear in newly elected Councilors. 11 – 101 Election of Council Chair and Vice-Chair. 11 – 102 To hold a Public Hearing to authorize the Code Enforcement Officer to enter into a Consent Decree with property owners located at 18 Frye Drive. 11 – 103 To consider and act repealing and replacing the Twin Brook Facility Use Policy as recommended by the Twin Brook Facility Advisory Committee. 11 – 104 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Coastal Waters Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board. 11 – 105 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning Board. 11 – 106 To award the Tax Anticipation Note borrowing for FY’12 for $3 million dollars. 11 – 107 To consider and act on Commercial Hauler’s License renewals for FY’12. 11 – 108 To hear a report from the Finance Committee Chair and to authorize the Town Manager to transfer inter-departmental operating funds. 11 – 109 To hear a report on potential amendments to the Resource Protection setbacks. 11 – 110 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Class I Liquor License and Victualer’s License application for The Cumberland County Republican Committee “Reagan Rodeo” fundraiser to be held at the Cumberland Fairgrounds on June 26, 2011. 11 – 111 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Cumberland Soccer Club Labor Day “Just For Fun” Soccer Tournament to be held at Twin Brook Recreational Facility on September 3rd & 4th, 2011. 11 – 112 FY’12 Council Committee Assignments. 11 – 113 To hear a report and authorize the Town Manager to execute an agreement between the Towns of Cumberland and North Yarmouth for Recreation, Library, Parks Maintenance, Government Access Channel (Channel 2), Animal Control Officer, and winter sidewalk plowing services for FY’12. 11 – 114 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on sending to the Planning Board for a Public Hearing and a recommendation, amendment to the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance to remove Retail as a permitted use in the Office Commercial South (OCS) Zone.

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