
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting December 14, 2009 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for December 14, 2009, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of November 23, 2009. Agenda items include:

09 – 202. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and authorize the Town Manager to proceed with the Route 88 shoulder/drainage project and to authorize bonding the project in an amount not to exceed 4.5 million dollars.

09 – 203. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Conservation Easement and land swap on Range Way and encompassing over 137 acres. TABLE

09 – 204. To authorize the Town Manager to expend up to $12,000.00 to survey properties along Range Way identified as Map/Lot R3/24, R3/25, R3/26, R1/46E, and R1/48.

09 – 205. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on the road acceptance of Mary Lane.

09 – 206. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on repealing and replacing the Cumberland Fees and Fines Ordinance.

09 – 207. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Val Halla Bylaws.

09 – 208. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on the Greely High School Swimming Pool License renewal for calendar year 2010.

09 – 209. To hold a Public Hearing to appoint various members to Town Boards/Committees for 2010.

09 – 210. To set a Public Hearing date (December 28th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Traffic Ordinance to prohibit through trucks on Mill Road.

09 – 211. To set a Public Hearing date (December 28th) re: Planning Board recommendation to:

a) Repeal and replace Section 204.14 of the Zoning Ordinance (Industrial-I)

b) Add associated definitions to Section 104 (Definitions) of the Zoning Ordinance

c) Remove Excavation of Lands use from the Low Density Residential District (Section 204.2)

d) Remove the Excavation of Lands use and a portion of Section 204.5.3 referencing Chebeague Island from Section 204.2 (Island Residential- IR)

e) Revisions to Home Occupations/Home Based Occupations (Section 414)

09 – 212. To accept an anonymous donation in the amount of $10,000.00 toward the fuel assistance fund and authorize the Town Manager to execute a gift letter.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting December 14, 2009 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for December 14, 2009, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of November 23, 2009. Agenda items include: 09 – 202. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and authorize the Town Manager to proceed with the Route 88 shoulder/drainage project and to authorize bonding the project in an amount not to exceed 4.5 million dollars. 09 – 203. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Conservation Easement and land swap on Range Way and encompassing over 137 acres. TABLE 09 – 204. To authorize the Town Manager to expend up to $12,000.00 to survey properties along Range Way identified as Map/Lot R3/24, R3/25, R3/26, R1/46E, and R1/48. 09 – 205. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on the road acceptance of Mary Lane. 09 – 206. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on repealing and replacing the Cumberland Fees and Fines Ordinance. 09 – 207. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Val Halla Bylaws. 09 – 208. To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on the Greely High School Swimming Pool License renewal for calendar year 2010. 09 – 209. To hold a Public Hearing to appoint various members to Town Boards/Committees for 2010. 09 – 210. To set a Public Hearing date (December 28th) to consider and act on amendments to the Cumberland Traffic Ordinance to prohibit through trucks on Mill Road. 09 – 211. To set a Public Hearing date (December 28th) re: Planning Board recommendation to: a) Repeal and replace Section 204.14 of the Zoning Ordinance (Industrial-I) b) Add associated definitions to Section 104 (Definitions) of the Zoning Ordinance c) Remove Excavation of Lands use from the Low Density Residential District (Section 204.2) d) Remove the Excavation of Lands use and a portion of Section 204.5.3 referencing Chebeague Island from Section 204.2 (Island Residential- IR) e) Revisions to Home Occupations/Home Based Occupations (Section 414) 09 – 212. To accept an anonymous donation in the amount of $10,000.00 toward the fuel assistance fund and authorize the Town Manager to execute a gift letter.

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