
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 11, 2008 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 11, 2008, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of January 14, 2008 and January 28, 2008. Agenda items include:

08 – 022. To award the Boston Post Cane to Cumberland’s eldest citizen, Kenneth Russell Dorr of West Cumberland.

08 – 023. To consider and act on a municipal supplemental heating fuel assistance program to be administered by PROP.

08 – 024. To accept donations on behalf of the Rescue Department.

08 – 025. To appoint members to the Shellfish Conversation Commission.

08 – 026. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to authorize Town Manager to bond waterline and road improvements from the Route 1 and Route 100 TIF Funds.

08 – 027. To set a Public Hearing (February 25th) to consider and act on an Off-Premise Retailer with Malt & Vinous License for Basil Provisions, 137 Main Street, for the period March 2008 – 2009.

08 – 028. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Labor Day Soccer Tournament, to be held at Twin Brook.

08 – 029. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to consider and act on an amendment to Section 204.8 of the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance re: OC (office commercial) South Zone.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 11, 2008 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 11, 2008, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of January 14, 2008 and January 28, 2008. Agenda items include: 08 – 022. To award the Boston Post Cane to Cumberland’s eldest citizen, Kenneth Russell Dorr of West Cumberland. 08 – 023. To consider and act on a municipal supplemental heating fuel assistance program to be administered by PROP. 08 – 024. To accept donations on behalf of the Rescue Department. 08 – 025. To appoint members to the Shellfish Conversation Commission. 08 – 026. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to authorize Town Manager to bond waterline and road improvements from the Route 1 and Route 100 TIF Funds. 08 – 027. To set a Public Hearing (February 25th) to consider and act on an Off-Premise Retailer with Malt & Vinous License for Basil Provisions, 137 Main Street, for the period March 2008 – 2009. 08 – 028. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to consider and act on a Mass Gathering Permit for the Labor Day Soccer Tournament, to be held at Twin Brook. 08 – 029. To set a Public Hearing (February 25) to consider and act on an amendment to Section 204.8 of the Cumberland Zoning Ordinance re: OC (office commercial) South Zone.

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