An Act to Incorporate the Augusta Union Society
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to incorporate the Augusta Union Society.
SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Amos Nichols, James Loring Child, Elias Cobb, Samuel R. Nason, William A. Brooks, Albert A. Dillingham, Benjamin Davis, Mark Nason, Edmund T. Bridge, Daniel Williams, Artemas Kimball, Henry Gage, George W. Morton, William H. Dillingham, Rufus C. Vose, Joseph P. Dillingham, Allen Lambard, Eben Fuller, Elias Craig, Junior, Hannibal Dillingham, Luke N. Barton, Moses F. Davis, William Dewey, Lewis B. Hamlen, Abishai Soule, E.J. Vassal Davis, James Bridge, Jun. Richard H. Vose, George H. Vose, Henry Williams, William Pilsbury, Asaph Nichols, John Cony Brooks, Charles Keen, together with such other persons as may hereafter associate with them, be and they hereby are created a body corporate by the name of the Augusta Union Society ; and by that name may sue, prosecute and defend in any Court whatever ; and may take, hold and possess, any estate, real and personal, the yearly income whereof shall not exceed one thousand dollars, and may sell and convey or lease the same.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the estate of said Corporation shall be held and used, exclusively for the improvement of morals and the diffusion of useful knowledge.
SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That said Corporation may have a common seal and may change the same at plea sure, and may make any by-laws, for its government, not repugnant to the constitution and laws of the State.
SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Legislature may, from time to time, examine the affairs of said Corporation, and may at any time, alter, amend or repeal the charter of the same; and upon the dissolution of said Corporation, all the estate, appertaining thereto, shall vest in the town of Augusta, to be applied to the sole purpose of establishing and maintaining a town Library therein.
SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That James Loring Child, Esq. be, and he hereby is authorized to fix the time and place of holding the first meeting of said Corporation, by publishing a notification thereof in any newspaper printed in the county of Kennebec, seven days at least before said meeting.[This Act passed June 10, 1820.]
An Act to incorporate The Eastport Mechanic Association
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to incorporate the Eastport Mechanic Association.
SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Daniel Garland, Charles Peavey, Darius Olmstead, Ethel Olmstead, John Swett, Thomas Haycock, and Joshua Veazie, and their associates, together with such others as may become subscribers to the same Institution, in the manner hereinafter provided, be, and they are hereby incorporated into a Society by the name of the Eastport Mechanic Association ; and by that name shall be a Corporation forever ; with power to have a common seal ; to make contracts relative to the objects of their Institution ; to sue and be sued ; to establish by-laws and orders for the regulation of the said Society, and the preservation and application of the funds thereof: Provided, The same be not repugnant to the Constitution or laws of this State ; to take, hold, and possess any estate, real or personal, by subscription, gift, grant, purchase, devise or otherwise ; and the same to improve, lease, exchange, or sell and convey, for the sole benefit of said Institution : Provided, That the value of the real estate of said Society shall never, at any one time, exceed twenty thousand dollars ; and the annual income of the whole estate of said Society, shall not exceed ten thousand dollars.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That every person, who shall subscribe and pay to the funds of said Society, a sum not less than one dollar and a half, annually, shall by such subscription and payment, become a member of said Society ; liable, however, to be removed therefrom on neglect or refusal to pay the annual subscription aforesaid.
SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said Society shall meet, annually, in Eastport, in the month of December, at the time and place their committee may appoint, and shall elect from their members, by ballot, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three other persons, who, together with the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, shall constitute the Standing Committee, who shall meet discretionally, to make pecuniary appropriations, and transact such other business as may require their attention ; all which officers shall hold their respective offices one year, and until others shall be elected to succeed them ; except in cases of vacancy by death or resignation, in which case, the Committee shall have power to fill such vacancy until the ensuing annual election ; and four of them shall form a quorum. The Society shall also meet quarterly at the time and place the Committee shall appoint, who shall give notice of all meetings of the Society, in such manner as maybe directed in the by-laws.
SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Committee, for the time being, shall have the management and application of the subscriptions, donations, funds, and estate of the Society, to be appropriated solely for the uses of said Society : Provided, Such regulations are not repugnant to the laws of this State, or the by-laws of this Society ; and no sale or transfer of any real or personal estate of the Society shall be valid, unless approved by the Committee.
SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That any writ or process against said corporation, may be served by the officer leaving an attested copy thereof with the treasurer of said Society, thirty days before the return day thereof. And the said treasurer, or any person appointed for that purpose, by the Society, or by the committee, may appear by attorney and defend or prosecute any suit in behalf of said Society. And all instruments of conveyance or contract, which may lawfully be made by the Society, shall be approved by the committee, and signed by the president, and countersigned by the secretary ; and, if necessary, sealed with the common seal of said Society ; and when so executed, shall be binding thereon and valid in law.
SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That Daniel Garland, be, and he is hereby authorized to call the first meeting of said Society, by giving public notice of the time and place of meeting, by advertisement in the Eastport Sentinel, printed in the town of Eastport, at least seven days prior to such meeting ; and at which meeting the officers of the Society before mentioned, shall be elected, and shall hold their offices until the first annual election of officers shall be holden, agreeably to the provisions of this act.[This Act passed June 21, 1820.]
An Act to incorporate the Master, Wardens and Members of the Grand Lodge of Maine
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to incorporate the Master, Wardens and Members of the Grand Lodge of Maine.
SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of .Representatives in Legislature assembled, That William King, r-«d- Simon Greenleaf, William Swan, Nathaniel Coffin and their associates and successors, be, and they hereby are incorporated into a body politic by the name of the Master, Wardens and Members of the Grand Lodge of Maine ; with power to sue and be sued ; to have a common seal and to change the same; to make any by-laws for the management of their affairs, not repugnant to the laws of this State, nor to ancient masonic usages; to take and hold, for charitable and benevolent uses, any real estate to the value of twenty thousand dollars, and any personal estate to the value of sixty thousand dollars ; and to give and grant, or bargain and sell the same : and with all the privileges usually granted to other Societies instituted for purposes of charity and beneficence.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the first meeting of said Corporation, shall be holden at such time and place, and be notified in such manner, as the majority of the persons herein named may direct,
SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the powers granted by this act, may be enlarged, restrained or repealed, at the pleasure of the Legislature.[This Act passed June 16, 1820.]
An Act to incorporate the Town of Williamsburgh
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to incorporate the town of Williamsburg.
SECT. I. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That the Plantation of Williamsburg, being township number six, in the eighth range, in the county of Penobscot, as the same was surveyed by Samuel Weston, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, and bounded south by the town of Sebec, east by the plantation of Brownville, north by township number six in the ninth range, and west by township number seven in the eighth range, with the inhabitants thereof, be and hereby are incorporated into a town by the name of Williamsburg ; and the inhabitants of said town arc hereby vested with all the powers, privileges and immunities, which the inhabitants of towns within this State do or may by law enjoy.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That Moses Greenleaf, Esq. is hereby empowered to issue his warrant to some inhabitant of said town, directing him to notify the inhabitants thereof to meet at such time and place, as he shall appoint, to choose such officers as other towns are empowered to choose at their annual town meetings.[This Act passed June 21, 1820.]
An Act to incorporate Thomas Cutts and others for the purpose of manufacturing Iron and Steel in the town of Saco
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to incorporate Thomas Cutts and others for the purpose of manufacturing Iron and Steel in the town of Saco.
SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Thomas Cutts, Josiah Calef, and their associates, be and they hereby are made a corporation by the name of the Saco Iron Works Company, and by that name may sue and be sued ; and may have a common seal, and change the same at pleasure ; and may make any by-laws for the management of their concerns, not repugnant to the laws of this State ; and may hold any real estate in the town of Saco, which maybe convenient for the carrying on the manufacture of Nails or any other manufacture of Iron and Steel in said town ; such real estate not exceeding the value of fifty thousand dollars ; and may also hold any personal estate needful for the employment of such manufactory, and actually employed therein, not exceeding the value of one hundred thousand dollars.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That any shares in said corporation may be alienated by the proprietor thereof, by an assignment thereof in writing on the back of the certificate of such shares, signed by the assignor, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, and by being returned by such assignor to the clerk of the corporation ; whose duty it shall be to record the same in a book kept for that purpose, and to issue a new certificate to the assignee.
SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That when any proprietor shall die possessed of any share or shares in said corporation, his executor, administrator or devisee, upon producing to the clerk of said corporation, such proprietor's certificate or certificates, shall be entitled to receive a new certificate of such shares ; and such executor or administrator may sell and convey the same at auction, observing the forms prescribed by law for the sale of shares in corporations when taken in execution as far as the same are applicable.
SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That each share of said corporation shall be entitled to one vote ; and any proprietor may vote by proxy duly' constituted under his hand and seal ; and the majority of votes shall govern, except in cases where said corporation may establish rules requiring the concurrence of two thirds.
SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That Thomas Cutis and Josiah Calef, Esquires, or either of them be, and they are hereby authorized to call the first meeting of said corporation, by posting up notifications thereof in two or more public places in the town of Saco, stating the time, place and object, of such meeting, giving at least fourteen days notice of the same.
SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That the persons who may at any time become holders of any shares or stock in said corporation, shall be chargeable in their private and individual capacity, and shall be holden for the payment of their just proportion of the debts of said corporation, which may accrue during the time of their owning such shares or stock, in proportion to the number of such shares, or the amount of such stock, whenever the property of the corporation shall be found insufficient for the payment of its debts ; whether such persons continue to hold any shares or stock in said corporation or not. Provided however, That the private property of such persons shall not be holden to contribute towards the payment of any demand against said corporation, after one year from the day of their ceasing to be members of said corporation. And the goods and estate in the hands of any executor or administrator of the owner of any shares or stock, shall be held in the like manner for the payment of his just proportion of the debts of such corporation which may be due at the time of the decease of the owner of such shares or stock : Provided, The property of the corporation shall be found insufficient for the payment of its debts as aforesaid ; subject, however, in case of insolvency, to any decree or order of distribution, as prescribed by law for the settlement of insolvent estates.[This Act passed June 27, 1820,]
An Act to modify and limit the terms and conditions of the Act for Separation relative to Bowdoin College and encourage Literature and the arts and sciences
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to modify and limit the terms and conditions of the Act for Separation relative to Bowdoin College and encourage Literature and the Arts and Sciences. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That provided the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts shall agree thereto, the President and Trustees and the Overseers of Bowdoin College, having already assented thereto, the terms and conditions mentioned in the Act of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, passed on the nineteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, entitled "Inscription of the text:
An Act relating to the Separation of the District of Maine from Massachusetts proper, and forming the same into a separate and Independent State," be and they hereby are so far modified, limited or annulled, as that the said President and Trustees and the Overseers of Bowdoin College shall have, hold and enjoy their powers and privileges in all respects, subject, however, to be altered, limited, restrained or extended by the Legislature of the State of Maine, as shall by said Legislature be judged necessary to promote the best interests of said institution.
[This Act passed June 16, 1820.]
An Act to prevent the introduction of Paupers from foreign ports or places
Maine State Legislature and William King
Inscription of the text:
An Act to prevent the introduction of Paupers from foreign ports or places. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That when any ship or vessel having any passengers on board, who have no settlement within this State, shall arrive at any port or harbor within the State, the master of such ship or vessel shall, before such passengers come on shore, leave a list of their names and places of residence with the Selectmen or Overseers of the poor of the town where such passengers shall arrive. And the master of such ship or vessel shar not land any such persons, without the permission of the Selectmen unless he shall enter into bonds with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of said Selectmen, in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars for each passenger, to indemnify and save harmless such town as well as the State from all manner of charge and expense, which may arise from such passengers, for and during the term of three years; and if the master of any such ship or vessel shall land any such passengers, without entering their names and giving bonds as aforesaid, he shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred dollars for each passenger so landed, to he recovered by action of debt, by any person who shall sue for the same, one moiety thereof to the use of the State, and the other moiety to the prosecutor: Provided, That this act shall not take effect, until the first day of October next, and that nothing in this act shall be construed to extend to the master of any ship or vessel, in any voyage, on which such ship or vessel, may now be employed.
[This Act passed June 27, 1820.]
An additional Act respecting the First Baptist Society in Portland
Maine State Legislature and William King
AN additional ACT respecting the first Baptist Society in Portland.
SECT. 1 . BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That any persons belonging to the town of Portland, desirous to become members the first Baptist Society in Portland, by giving notice thereof in writing to the Clerk of the Parish or Society they intend to leave, seven days at least before the annual meeting thereof, and being accepted by said first Baptist Society, shall from and after such acceptance, be members of the same. And any person may cease to become a member of said Society, by giving notice in writing to the Clerk of the same in manner aforesaid : Provided, however, That in both the cases afore said, such persons shall be holden to pay all taxes lawfully assessed on their polls and estates at the time of their joining or leaving said Society.
SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That all the powers and To ha™ the privileges given to the other religious societies and proprietors of meeting houses in Portland, by Inscription of the text:An Act passed on fourteenth day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine, shall be, and they hereby are extended to the first Baptist Society in Portland,
SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That the transactions of said Society while acting as a voluntary association under the style of the first Baptist Church and Society in Portland, so far as the same are not repugnant to law, be, and they hereby are confirmed and held valid and effectual to all intents and purposes whatever.
SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That the second and third sections of Inscription of the text:An Act, entitled "Inscription of the text:
An Act incorporating the first Baptist Society in Portland," be, and they are hereby repealed.
SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That said Society may make any by-laws for the management of their affairs : Provided, The same are not contrary to the laws of this State.[This Act passed June 17, 1820.]
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