Account of James Thomas, Under Keeper of the State's Gaol at Alfred in the County of York, of the Expense Incurred for Supporting Poor Prisoners Therein Committed Upon Charge or Conviction of Crimes Against the State from October 15th 1839 to May 19th 1840

Account of James Thomas, Under Keeper of the State's Gaol at Alfred in the County of York, of the Expense Incurred for Supporting Poor Prisoners Therein Committed Upon Charge or Conviction of Crimes Against the State from October 15th 1839 to May 19th 1840



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Maine State Archives

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Account of James Thomas, Under Keeper of the State's Gaol at Alfred in the County of York, of the Expense Incurred for Supporting Poor Prisoners Therein Committed Upon Charge or Conviction of Crimes Against the State from October 15th 1839 to May 19th 1840

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