
Document Type
Contributing Institution
Maine State Archives
BMC-10 p.25
A New Map of the English Empire in America viz. Virginia, MaryLand, Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jarsey, New England, Newfoundland, New France, & etc. Revised by Jonathan Senex, 1719.
Early map of the British Empire in North America west to the Mississippi River, one of the earliest obtainable English maps to focus on the whole of the region.
This map of the eastern part of North America features a prominent, entirely fictitious, mountain range extending from Michigan into Florida, connecting with the Appalachians along the way. The map is based on numerous Jesuit and French sources of information on the Great Lakes and Canada. The error was perpetuated on maps into the nineteenth century. Early map of the British Empire in North America west to the Mississippi River, one of the earliest obtainable English maps to focus on the whole of the region.
An inset map of Boston Harbor appears next to the title cartouche, based on Thomas Pound's A New Mapp of New England from Cape Codd to Cape Sables (1691).
Broad Creation Date
circa 1719
21" x 24.75"
Map; Eastern North America; British Colonies