Document Type
Contributing Institution
Maine State Archives
Inscription of the text:
An Act to alter and change the names of certain persons therein mentioned.
BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That from and after the passing of this act, John Godfrey Stevens, of Fryeburg, in the county of Oxford, shall be allowed to take the name of John Stevens Bradford ; that Susanna Smith, of York, in the county of York, widow of Benjamin Smith, late of Salem, deceased, shall be allowed to take the name of Susanna Preble ; that Mary Poole, of Portland, in the county of Cumberland, single woman, shall be allowed to take the name of Mary Richard son Poole ; that Asaph Nichols, of Winslow, in the county of Kennebec, Gentleman, shall be allowed to take the name of Asaph Rice Nichols ; that Benjamin Thompson, Junior, of Topsham, in the county of Lincoln, son of the late Alexander Thompson, of said Topsham, shall be allowed to take the name of Alpheus B. Thompson ; that John R. Lisherness, of Vassalborough, in the county of Kennebec, shall be allowed to take the name of Ranlet Ness ; that Daniel Stone, the second, of Brunswick, in the county of Cumberland, shall be allowed to take the name of Daniel Perkins Stone. And said persons in future shall be respectively known and called by the names, which they are respectively allowed to take as aforesaid ; and the same shall hereafter be considered as their only proper names to all intents and purposes.
[This Act passed June 23, 1820.]
Exact Creation Date
Act; Maine Law; 1820; Legislature; Statehood; Maine State Legislature