Content Posted in 2018
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Efficiency in Maine Land Use Regulation Commission Permitting (SP193)(LD 665), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Efficiency in Truck Hauling (HP1209)(LD 1702), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Efficiency of the State Court Library Committee (HP935)(LD 1276), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Efficiency through Regionalization (SP398)(LD 1064), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Elementary School Applied Learning Opportunities (SP150)(LD 370), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for Health Care Benefits (HP435)(LD 556), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for Imprisonment with Intensive Supervision (SP822)(LD 2098), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Eligibility for the Dirigo Health Program (HP404)(LD 526), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for the Elderly Low-cost Drug Program (HP214)(LD 305), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for the Elderly Low-cost Drug Program (HP618)(LD 858), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for the Elderly Low Cost Drug Program (SP66)(LD 169), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility for the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP279)(LD 343), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility Levels for Access to Prescription Drugs for the Elderly (HP733)(LD 1023), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Eligibility Levels for the Low-Cost Drugs for the Elderly Program (HP976)(LD 1354), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Eligibility Requirements under the Maine Clean Election Act (SP299)(LD 772), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Employability of Persons with Long-term Mental Illness (HP170)(LD 214), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Employment and Training Opportunities for Welfare Recipients (HP979)(LD 1388), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Employment Opportunities for Veterans (SP735)(LD 1832), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Energy Options (SP575)(LD 1676), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Ethics and Transparency in Government Service (HP610)(LD 859), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Faculty in Maine Nursing Education Programs (HP1051)(LD 1494), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Faculty in Maine Nursing Education Programs (HP541)(LD 735), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Fairness in Campaign Financing (HP623)(LD904), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Fairness in Lobster Fishing Licensure (HP941)(LD 1282), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Fairness in Municipal Spending Caps (HP1104)(LD 1579), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fairness to Potential Unemployment Compensation Recipients (HP562)(LD 760), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Family Support Services to Maine Families Who Choose to Care for Their Developmentally Disabled Children at Home (HP805)(LD 1117), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees and Allowances for Jury Service (SP161)(LD 490), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees Charged by Agents to Issue Sporting Licenses (SP218)(LD 689), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees Charged by Municipal Clerks for Services (SP398)(LD 1229), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees for Bail Commissioners (HP579)(LD 783), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees for Civil Process of Filing State Papers (HP1212)(LD 1741), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees for Defensive Driving Courses (HP1373)(LD 1904), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fees for Licenses Issued by the Department of Marine Resources (HP1148)(LD 1673), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Financial Assets of Maine Citizens by Allowing Split Tax Refunds (HP1162)(LD 1634), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Financial Support from Parents of Children in the Care or Custody of the Department of Human Services (HP1067)(LD 1450), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Fines for Long-term Care Facilities that Fail to Provide Quality Care to Residents (SP361)(LD 1065), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Fines for Unregistered ATVs (HP608)(LD 857), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Firearm Safety on College Campuses (SP317)(LD 1000), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Fish Stocking in Aroostook County (HP428)(LD 565), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Food Sovereignty in Local Communities (HP325)(LD 475), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase from 90 to 120 Days the Time Frame To File Contractor Liens (HP317)(LD 432), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase from a Class D Crime to a Class C Crime Violation of Privacy if the Victim Is under 16 Years of Age (HP1225)(LD 1718), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding Alternatives for Small School Construction Projects (SP517)(LD 1636), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding for Animal Welfare Programs (SP112)(LD 338), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for Higher Education (SP300)(LD 773), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for Instruction within the University of Maine System (SP22)(LD42), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding for Lobster Hatcheries (HP1035)(LD 1446), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for Meals on Wheels Program (HP931)(LD 1348), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for Private Nonmedical Institutions (HP111)(LD 119), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for Start-ups (SP568)(LD 1512), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding for the Displaced Homemakers Program to Continue Rural Outreach, Employment and Training and Support Services for Maine Displaced Homemakers (HP1339)(LD 1856), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for the Maine Community College System (HP838)(LD1220), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding for the Maine Dental Education Loan Program (HP152)(LD 193), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding for the Maine Dental Education Loan Program (HP692)(LD 896), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for the Snowmobile Trail Fund and Adjust the Sales Tax Relating to Snowmobiles and Trail-grooming Equipment (HP902)(LD 1263), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for the Spaying and Neutering of Companion Animals (SP217)(LD 680), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding for the State's Immunization Program (HP441)(LD 574), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding of Elderly Legal Services (HP1552)(LD 2112), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding of Legal Services for the Elderly (HP888)(LD 1232), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding of the Bureau of Maine's Elderly (HP155)(LD 207), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding to Displaced Homemakers Program to Continue Rural Outreach Activities and Supportive Services for Displaced Homemakers (HP474)(LD 641), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding to Programs Dealing with Domestic Violence (HP239)(LD 330), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding to Schools (HP459)(LD 667), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Funding To Support Research and Development in the University of Maine System (HP782)(LD 1064), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funding to the Highway Fund to Allow Major Improvements to Highways and Bridges (HP1160)(LD 1624), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funds Available to the Department of Conservation and the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife by Amending the Loon Plates Law (HP71)(LD 107), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Funeral and Related Expense Payments under the Workers' Compensation Law (SP713)(LD 1890), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Gaming Opportunities for Charitable Fraternal and Veterans' Organizations (SP20)(LD 31), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Gaming Opportunities for Charitable Veterans' Organizations (SP41)(LD104), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Government Efficiency (SP446)(LD1241), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Handling Fees on Beverage Containers (HP405)(LD 548), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Harness Racing Opportunities (HP849)(LD 1183), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Health Care Quality through the Promotion of Health Information Exchange and the Protection of Patient Privacy (HP977)(LD 1331), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Health Insurance Benefits for Retired Educators (HP132)(LD 174), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Health Insurance Benefits for Retired Educators (HP13)(LD 23), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Health Insurance Benefits for Retired Educators (SP607)(LD 1730), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Health Insurance Benefits for Retired Teachers (SP43)(LD 211), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Health Insurance Coverage for Front-line Direct Care Workers Providing Long-term Care (SP594)(LD 1687), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Health Security by Expanding Federally Funded Health Care for Maine People (HP1149)(LD 1578), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Highway Safety by Requiring Daytime Headlight Use (HP684)(LD 992), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Home-based Care for the Elderly (HP1315)(LD 1817), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Home Ownership (HP1171)(LD 1648), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Home Ownership (HP1533)(LD 2036), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Home Weatherization and Energy Independence (HP801)(LD 1066), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Hunting Opportunities in the State (HP1047)(LD 1469), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Hunting Opportunity by Allowing Sunday Hunting in Unorganized Townships (HP962)(LD 1389), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Income Tax Credit for Child Care Expenses (SP193)(LD 582), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Instruction for Legally Blind Children (SP175)(LD 603), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Insurance Tax Premiums (HP232)(LD 300), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Integrity in the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program through Restriction of Expenditures (HP1312)(LD 1822), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Internal Plumbing Fees and Remedy Inconsistencies in Plumbing Laws (HP803)(LD 1126), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase International Cross-border Partnerships To Benefit Maine's Economy (HP1122)(LD 1554), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Investment in Maine (HP784)(LD1146), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Judicial Salaries (SP183)(LD 487), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Judicial Salaries (SP547)(LD 1524), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Leaves of Absence for State Employees and Officials Who Are Members of the National Guard or Reserves of the United States Armed Forces (SP153)(LD 409), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Levels of Property Tax Relief Found in the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP450)(LD 616), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Licensing Inspections of Boarding Care Facilities (HP1372)(LD 1903), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Load Weight on Farm Vehicles (HP1443)(LD 2064), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Local Control of Certain Waste Water Discharges (HP114)(LD 139), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Local Responsibility for General Assistance (HP1326)(LD 1844), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Local Revenue Sharing and Promote Recycling (SP234)(LD 564), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Long-term Care Options for Low-income Citizens of the State (SP459)(LD 1512), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Long-term Health Care Options (SP446)(LD 1321), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Maine Agricultural Market Research and Development (HP801)(LD 1075), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase MaineCare Reimbursement for Speech and Language Therapists and Provide Treatment for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (HP1228)(LD 1762), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Maine's Energy Competitiveness (SP246)(LD 697), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Maine's High School Graduation Rates (SP623)(LD 1658), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Maine's Minimum Wage (HP497)(LD 688), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Maine's Minimum Wage (SP237)(LD 673), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Maine's Sales Tax to 6% and to use the Funds Generated to Support the University of Maine System, the Maine Vocational-Technical Institute System and Immediately Increase the State's Share of Education Funding to 65% (HP991)(LD 1337), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Maine's Sales Tax, to Exempt Low-cost Articles of Clothing from Sales Tax and to Increase the State's Share of Education Funding (HP941)(LD 1309), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Mandatory Auto Insurance Limits (SP426)(LD 1374), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Mandatory Minimum Insurance Requirements for Vehicles for Hire (HP430)(LD 592), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Mileage Reimbursement and Compensation for Jurors (HP1012)(LD 1424), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Mileage Reimbursement and Compensation for Jurors (HP51)(LD57), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Mileage Reimbursement for Jurors (HP114)(LD 135), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Minimum Motor Vehicle Insurance Coverage (SP268)(LD738), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Mobile Home Park License Fees (HP392)(LD 566), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Moose Hunting Permit Application Fees (HP841)(LD 1172), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Motor Vehicle Inspection Fees (HP558)(LD 779), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Municipal Agent Fees for Licensing and Registration of Motor Vehicles (HP280)(LD 405), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Nonregular Island Ferry Service from 24 to 36 Trips (SP91)(LD 194), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Opportunities for Commercial Tracks and Agricultural Fairs (SP542)(LD 1458), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Organic Waste Recycling in the State (HP488)(LD712), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Paid Health Insurance Benefits to Retired Teachers (SP232)(LD 597), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Parental Responsibility for Restitution (HP842)(LD 1139), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Participation at Town Meetings (HP640)(LD 914), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Participation in Funding the Activities of the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (HP440)(LD 626), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Patient Choice in Health Care Facilities and Health Care Settings (SP179)(LD 447), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Patient Safety in Maine's Medical Marijuana Program (SP256)(LD726), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Payments to Agents Who Provide Tags for Wild Game (HP1190)(LD 1689), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Payments to Foster Parents (HP871)(LD 1228), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Payments to MaineCare Providers That Are Subject to Maine's Service Provider Tax (HP1115)(LD1638), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Payments to Victims of Crimes (HP446)(LD 632), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalities for Certain Violent Crimes Committed against Senior Citizens (SP678)(LD 1835), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Certain Drug-related Crimes Committed In or Near Low-income Housing (SP565)(LD 1632), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Certain Sex Offenders BY REQUEST (HP1400)(LD 1952), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalties for Certain Violations of the Campaign Reports and Financing Laws (SP383)(LD 1262), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Child Labor Law Violations (HP635)(LD 905), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalties for Furnishing or Trafficking Scheduled Drugs That Cause Death or Serious Bodily Injury (HP701)(LD 944), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalties for Operating a Motor Vehicle under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol (HP652)(LD 885), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalties for Passing a Stopped School Bus (SP329)(LD 988), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Subsequent Violations of the Laws Prohibiting Indecent Conduct (HP569)(LD 760), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Penalties for the Use of Violence against Firefighters (SP692)(LD1683), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Those Violating Covered-load Laws (SP206)(LD 771), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Violation of Laws Relating to Vital Statistics (HP1046)(LD 1409), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Violation of Lobster Fishing Laws (HP1261)(LD 1688), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties for Violation of the Pesticide Laws (HP1386)(LD 1916), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Penalties in the Sea Urchin Fishery (HP1199)(LD 1649), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Police Authority in Certain Cases of Disorderly Conduct (HP357)(LD 477), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Postsecondary Educational Opportunities (HP260)(LD 364), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Potential Criminal Penalties for the Possession of Cocaine and Cocaine Base (HP37)(LD 44), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Protection for Clients of the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (HP692)(LD 944), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Protection for Endangered and Threatened Species (HP246)(LD 303), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Access to the Prior Authorization Process (SP419)(LD 1288), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Public Awareness in Child Protection Cases (HP639)(LD 889), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Public Awareness of the Availability of Living Wills (HP201)(LD 292), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Awareness Regarding School Budget Elections (HP258)(LD 383), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Confidence in Government by Expanding Public Disclosure (SP838)(LD 2178), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Participation in the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Board (HP798)(LD 1080), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Public Participation in the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP1824)(LD 2556), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Safety by Requiring a Federally Licensed Firearms Dealer To Facilitate the Transfer of Firearms (SP368)(LD 985), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Public Safety through the Enhancement of Law Enforcement for the Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians BY REQUEST (SP230)(LD 693), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Public Trust in Medical Care (HP722)(LD 1012), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Quality Physical Education for Elementary School Students (HP1011)(LD 1442), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Recycling and Composting by Creating the Maine Recycling Fund (SP432)(LD1204), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Recycling Jobs in Maine and Lower Costs for Maine Businesses Concerning Recycled Electronics (HP725)(LD 981), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement Amounts to Municipalities Collecting Excise Taxes for Unorganized Townships (SP636)(LD 1770), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement for Hands-on Care to Nursing Home Residents (SP469)(LD 1408), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement for Home Health Care Services (HP1101)(LD 1548), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement Levels to Respite and Foster Care Providers (HP1569)(LD 2140), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses (SP131)(LD 455), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Reimbursement to Municipalities under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law (SP185)(LD 492), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Reimbursement to the State Police for Services Provided to Federal Agencies (HP723)(LD 982), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Relief Provided under the Homestead Property Tax Exemption BY REQUEST (SP428)(LD 1242), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Requirements for Notification of Release to Victims of Stalkers (HP898)(LD 1224), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Retail Sales of Wine (HP317)(LD 429), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Retired Teachers' Health Insurance Benefits (HP535)(LD 758), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Retired Teachers' Insurance Benefits (HP209)(LD 284), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Returnable Beverage Container Redemption Rates (HP931)(LD 1257), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Revenue for the ATV Recreational Management Fund (HP635)(LD 911), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Revenue Sharing to a Municipality by 5% of its Allocation if it Shares Fire, Police and Recreation Services with Adjoining Municipalities (SP64)(LD 141), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Revenues to the General Fund by Streamlining Collection Methods for Use Taxes on Snowmobiles and All-terrain Vehicles Pursuant to the Maine Sunset Act (HP283)(LD 404), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Revenue to the State (HP960)(LD 1387), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Safety for Law Enforcement Officers and Emergency Responders (HP714)(LD 970), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Safety for Victims of Domestic Violence (SP649)(LD 1656), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Safety in Construction Zones (HP207)(LD 261), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Safety in Highway Construction and Maintenance Work Areas (HP1316)(LD 1778), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Safety in Highway Construction and Work Maintenance Areas (HP134)(LD 182), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Safety on Maine Roads and Protect the General Welfare (SP311)(LD 816), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Sanctions for Passing School Buses that Have Red Lights Flashing (HP634)(LD 884), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Security at the Maine State Prison (SP152)(LD 470), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Sentences Imposed for the Illegal Importation of Scheduled Drugs (SP602)(LD1541), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Sentences of Imprisonment for Repeat Sex Offenders (HP497)(LD 702), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Snowmobile Registration Fees (HP559)(LD 823), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Split Sentencing Alternatives (HP506)(LD 747), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Staffing for the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission (HP1221)(LD 1714), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Staffing of Child Development Workers (HP650)(LD 884), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Aid for Education in Unrestricted Growth Municipalities (HP1532)(LD 2086), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Funding for Homemaker Services (HP210)(LD 262), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase State Funding for Renovation, Repair and Replacement of Schools for Local Communities by Limiting the State's Debt Limit for New School Construction (SP443)(LD 1355), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Funding for the Purchase of School Buses (HP522)(LD 729), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase State Funding of Public Education (HP276)(LD 346), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Municipal Revenue Sharing (SP1043)(LD 2704), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Revenues by Providing Expanded Opportunities for Harness Racing within the State (HP205)(LD 257), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase State Revenue Sharing to 7 percent of Sales and Income Tax Receipts (HP202)(LD 254), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase State Wildlife Revenues and Grow the Hunting and Fishing Industries (SP304)(LD 879), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Suicide Awareness and Prevention in Maine Public Schools (HP428)(LD 609), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Suicide Awareness and Prevention in Maine Public Schools (SP255)(LD725), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Supervision of Red Tide on the Maine Coast (HP1356)(LD 1915), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Support for Affordable Housing (HP404)(LD 587), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Technical Assistance for Schools with Autistic Students (HP1338)(LD 1855), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Tenant Representation on Housing Authorities (HP550)(LD 746), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Term Limits to 12 Years for Elected Officials and Constitutional Officers (SP70)(LD 209), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Ability of the Maine Wage Assurance Fund To Pay Unpaid Workers (SP24)(LD 65), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Administrative Allowance for Proprietary Boarding Homes for the Mentally Retarded (HP600)(LD 824), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Adult Education State Subsidy by a Specific Percentage (HP153)(LD 194), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Adult Education State Subsidy by a Specific Percentage (SP38)(LD 136), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Adult Education State Subsidy by a Specific Percentage (SP38)(LD 96), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Affordability of Clean Energy for Homeowners and Businesses (HP1218)(LD 1717), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Affordability of College Tuition and Attract Professionals to Maine (HP779)(LD1141), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Age Limit for Child Support (HP119)(LD 156), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Aggregate Area Allowed for 5-acre and 10-acre Lots in the Site Location of Development Laws' Subdivision Provisions (SP341)(LD 911), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Aid to Families with Dependent Children Standard of Need (HP489)(LD 656), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Allowable Contributions to Traditionally Funded Campaigns (HP89)(LD 105), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount and Number of Qualifying Contributions under the Maine Clean Election Act (HP531)(LD 780), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount Below Which Counties Do Not Need to Solicit Bids for Purchases (HP380)(LD 511), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Deductible Business Expense Allowed for Property Placed in Service Beginning in 2011 (SP250)(LD 847), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Equity in a Principal Residence That Is Exempt from Attachment (HP513)(LD 718), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount of Forfeited Bail That a District Attorney May Retain in the District Attorney's Extradition Account (HP36)(LD 30), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Funds Available to Counties for Witness Fees and Prosecution Costs (HP892)(LD 1201), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Funds Available to Counties for Witness Fees, Extradition Expenses and Prosecution Costs (HP1173)(LD 1601), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount of Income That a Resident of a Nursing or Residential Care Facility Who Receives Medicaid May Retain (HP265)(LD 369), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount of Income That May Be Retained by a Nursing Home Resident (HP912)(LD 1226), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Money a Resident in a Nursing Home May Spend on Personal Expenses (SP273)(LD 880), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount of Reimbursement to Animal Shelters Housing Stray Dogs (SP387)(LD 1064), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Restitution Allowed for State and Municipal Fire Service (HP1344)(LD 1821), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount of State Contribution to Out-of-district Placements (SP96)(LD 235), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of the Deposit on Returnable Beverage Containers (HP723)(LD 1048), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Time an Employer May Employ an Employee without Being Charged for Unemployment Benefits (HP1352)(LD 1832), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount of Value of a Residence Protected from Bankruptcy Proceedings (SP853)(LD 2215), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount Retained by Agents Who Issue Hunting and Fishing Licenses BY REQUEST (HP467)(LD 618), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount Retained by Agents Who Sell Hunting and Fishing Licenses (HP237)(LD 341), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount the State Contributes to the Supplemental Security Income Program for those Living in the Community (HP328)(LD 427), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount the State Disregards in Determining Eligibility for the Supplemental Security Income Program (HP312)(LD 411), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount the State may Borrow in Anticipation of Tax Revenues (HP10)(LD 13), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Amount Transferred through State-municipal Revenue Sharing (HP515)(LD 698), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Amount Transferred through State-municipal Revenue Sharing (SP41)(LD 209), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Annual Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund Assessment and Make Certain Other Changes (HP1092)(LD 1592), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Annual Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund Assessment, Establish a Consumer Assistance Specialist Position and Make Certain Other Changes (SP143)(LD 263), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Annual Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund Assessment (HP203)(LD 255), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Appropriations to the Maine Student Osteopathic Loan Program (SP94)(LD 241), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Appropriation to Municipal School Districts for the Inspection and Replacement of Unsafe School Buses (HP1835)(LD 2512), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Appropriation to Municipal School Districts for the Purchase of School Buses (HP738)(LD 1001), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Appropriation to the Saco River Corridor Commission (HP155)(LD 217), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Assessment on Workers' Compensation Insurance To Fund the Workers' Compensation Board Administrative Fund (SP21)(LD 35), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Authority of Municipalities to Levy Service Charges on Certain Tax Exempt Property (SP318)(LD 856), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Authority of the Department of Human Services to Assess the Medical and Active Treatment Needs of Individuals Applying for Admission to Nursing Homes (HP1012)(LD 1410), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Authorized Penalties for Multiple OUI Offenders (SP334)(LD 915), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Authorized Period of Probation for a Class D Crime (HP230)(LD 294), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Authorized Period of Probation (HP398)(LD 543), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability and Improve the Quality of Child Care in this State (HP1141)(LD 1551), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability and Reduce the Cost of Escorts for Overlimit Movements on the State's Roads (HP380)(LD 525), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Boarding Homes and Adult Foster Homes for Persons with Mental Retardation (SP364)(LD 1099), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Cellular Telephone Service for Rural Residents (HP249)(LD 305), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Certain Drugs Used to Treat Mental Illness (HP422)(LD 579), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Emergency Information (HP158)(LD 210), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Family Foster Homes (HP1625)(LD 2272), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Funding for Health Care (HP281)(LD 401), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Funding for Health Care (HP879)(LD 1193), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Glucose Screenings (HP965)(LD 1363), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Handicapped Parking Spaces for People with Disabilities (HP332)(LD 424), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Home Care Services for Maine's Elderly (SP698)(LD 1973), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Independent Medical Examiners under the Workers' Compensation Act of 1992 (HP791)(LD 1056), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Individual Health Insurance in Maine (SP28)(LD 86), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Lead Testing for Children (SP89)(LD 300), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Mental Health Services (HP1070)(LD1577), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Mental Health Services (HP1087)(LD 1515), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Prescription Drugs for the State's Elderly (HP228)(LD 332), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Public Education Services from Child Development Services (SP99)(LD 317), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Availability of Sign Language Training (HP661)(LD 940), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Availability of Solar and Wind Power (SP70)(LD 220), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Balance in the Maine Rainy Day Fund (HP510)(LD 704), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Base for the Cost-of-living Increase for Retired State Employees and Teachers (SP68)(LD 232), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Base Salary of Vocational-Technical Institute Instructors (SP776)(LD 2033), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Beneficial Reuse of Waste Materials and To Promote Community-based Renewable Energy (SP205)(LD589), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bond Ceiling of the University of Maine System (SP154)(LD 498), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Bonding Capacity of the Maine Turnpike Authority (SP104)(LD 321), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bonding Limit for the Maine Court Facilities Authority (SP973)(LD 2439), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bonding Limit of the Trustees of the City of Brewer High School District from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 (HP1651)(LD 2320), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bonding Limit of the Trustees of the City of Brewer High School District from $2,500,000 to $5,000,000 (HP565)(LD 720), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bonding Limits of the Maine Turnpike Authority (HP535)(LD 726), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Bonding Limits of the Maine Turnpike Authority (SP102)(LD 242), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Bond Limit of the Maine Turnpike Authority (SP214)(LD 605), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Authority of the Jackman Water District (HP1311)(LD 1897), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Authority of the Ogunquit Sewer District (HP1209)(LD 1681), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Authority of the University of Maine System (SP406)(LD 1082), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Capacity of the Ashland Water and Sewer District (HP1190)(LD 1631), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Capacity of the Stonington Water Company (SP1016)(LD 2667), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Borrowing Capacity of the Topsham Sewer District (HP985)(LD 1322), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Capacity of the State to Provide Mental Health Services (SP861)(LD 2210), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Cap on Funds Available through the Regional Economic Development Revolving Loan Program (HP1709)(LD 2203), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Cap on the Maine Rainy Day Fund (SP62)(LD 132), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Cap on the Total Acreage of Aquaculture Leases That May Be Held by One Person (HP1434)(LD 1998), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Certification Fee Cap for the Board of Geologists and Soil Scientists (HP363)(LD 508), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Cigarette Tax 63 Cents Per Pack (HP185)(LD 263), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Civil Liability of Parents for the Criminal Conduct of their Children BY REQUEST (HP839)(LD 1111), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Class of Crime for Home Trespass (HP598)(LD 847), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Class of Crime of Unlawful Sexual Contact (SP349)(LD 1005), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Collection of Child Support (HP459)(LD 629), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Collection of Child Support Payments (HP800)(LD 1146), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Collection of Sales and Use Tax (HP362)(LD 469), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the College Graduation Rate in Maine (SP466)(LD 1332), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife's Authority to Manage Black Bear Populations (HP1480)(LD 2015), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Compensation for Part-time Deputy Sheriffs (HP788)(LD 1100), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Compensation of Jurors (HP344)(LD 452), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Compensation of Mediators under the Municipal Public Employees Labor Relations Act (HP61)(LD 64), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Compensation of Members of the State Claims Commission (HP536)(LD 732), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Compensation of the Board of Dental Examiners and Secretary-Treasurer of the Board (SP168)(LD 325), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Contingency Reserve Fund Percentage for Consumer-owned Electric Utilities (SP496)(LD 1481), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the County Share and Change the Name of the Government Operations Surcharge Fund (HP393)(LD 538), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the County Share and Change the Name of the Government Operations Surcharge Fund (HP74)(LD 110), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the County Share of the Government Operations Surcharge Fund (HP97)(LD 139), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the County Share of the Real Estate Transfer Tax (HP464)(LD 601), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the County Share of the Real Estate Transfer Tax (SP56)(LD 174), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Credit Toward Payment of Fines Given for Jail Time (HP686)(LD 926), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Crime Classification of the Crime of Misuse of Identification (SP330)(LD 1098), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Criminal Penalties for the Furnishing of and Trafficking in LSD (HP1668)(LD 2309), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Daily Allowance of Members of the Manufactured Housing Board (SP278)(LD 724), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Days on Which Protective Custody Hearings Are Held (HP175)(LD 227), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Death Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act (HP125)(LD 170), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt and Reserve Fund Limits and to Change the Annual Meeting Date of Frye Island Municipal Services Corporation (HP1908)(LD 2606), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit for the Richmond Utilities District (HP1237)(LD 1664), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit for the South Berwick Sewer District (HP1774)(LD 2427), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit for the South Berwick Water District (HP187)(LD 252), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Calais School District (SP744)(LD 2074), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Calais School District Trustees (SP516)(LD 1635), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Kingfield Water District from $350,000 to $2,000,000 (HP828)(LD 1194), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Madawaska Water District (HP1361)(LD 1869), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Ogunquit Sewer District (HP1255)(LD 1823), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Richmond Utilities District (SP151)(LD 337), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Debt Limit of the Rockland Port District (HP451)(LD 621), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the South Berwick Sewer District (HP1480)(LD 2092), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the South Berwick Sewer District (HP8)(LD 15), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Stonington Water Company (SP824)(LD 2132), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Vinalhaven Water District (SP652)(LD 1873), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Debt Limit of the Waldoboro Utility District (HP683)(LD 935), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Dedicated Wild Blueberry Tax (HP961)(LD 1274), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Deduction for Pension Income (HP1321)(LD 1839), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Deduction for Pension Income (HP513)(LD760), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Deer Hunting Day by 15 Minutes (HP30)(LD 39), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Department of Human Services Reimbursement Beds for the Sanford Area (HP1131)(LD 1574), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Department of Marine Resources' Involvement in Dredge Permitting (HP595)(LD 786), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Discount Rate on Alcoholic Beverages Sold by Agency Liquor Stores (HP145)(LD 185), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit for Maine Residents (SP241)(LD648), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Earnings Cap of a Disability Retirement Benefit (HP180)(LD 232), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Effectiveness of Child Support Enforcement (HP108)(LD 150), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Effectiveness of Peer Supports in the State (HP827)(LD1209), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Effectiveness of the Handicapped Parking Laws (HP1472)(LD 2057), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Effectiveness of the Legislature (HP462)(LD681), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Effectiveness of the Maine Blueberry Commission (HP1169)(LD 1646), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Effectiveness of the Public Utilities Commission through Computerization and to Provide Certain Exceptions from the Annual Regulatory Fund Assessment and from Filing Annual Reports and Certain Other Changes (HP1630)(LD 2225), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Licensing Behavioral Health Care Providers (SP462)(LD 1281), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Efficiency of Cumberland County Government Operations (HP975)(LD 1384), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Efficiency of the Appointment Process for Occupational or Professional Regulatory Boards (SP734)(LD 1960), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Eligibility for the Elderly Low-cost Drug Program (SP18)(LD 34), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Eligibility of Juveniles for Attendant Care (SP768)(LD 2025), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Employability of Homeless Persons in This State (HP496)(LD 677), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Enforcement Powers of the Board of Trustees of the Maine Criminal Justice Academy (HP894)(LD 1238), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Evidentiary Standard Required To Establish a Guardianship (HP647)(LD 944), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Excise Tax on Cigarettes to Support a Tobacco Prevention and Control Program and Reduce the Individual Income Tax Burden (HP1279)(LD 1816), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Family Allowance of the Unemployment Compensation Law (HP647)(LD 875), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Family Allowance under the Unemployment Compensation Law (SP344)(LD 914), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee Amount that an Unorganized Territory is Allowed to Retain as an Agent of the State Collecting Excise Taxes (SP57)(LD 86), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee Charged by Bail Commissioners (HP122)(LD 153), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee for Car Inspections BY REQUEST (HP53)(LD 78), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee for Marriage Licenses (SP328)(LD 1004), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee for Taking Fingerprints and Palm Prints of Citizens upon Request (HP793)(LD 1079), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Fee Paid to a Funeral Home To Transport a Body at the Request of the State Medical Examiner (HP955)(LD 1303), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Attachment of Real Estate and Personal Property (HP20)(LD 45), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Dog Licenses (HP932)(LD 1352), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Examination and Licensure for Chiropractors (SP96)(LD 243), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Licensure and Registration of Physicians and Physician Assistants and to Extend the Registration Period of Osteopathic Physicians to 2 Years (SP453)(LD 1229), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Local Registration of Motor Vehicles (HP470)(LD 664), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Marriage Licenses and Certificates of Birth, Marriage or Death (HP677)(LD 976), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fees for Recordings in the Registry of Deeds (HP525)(LD 753), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fee That May Be Assessed against a Prisoner to Help Defray the Costs of Incarceration (HP31)(LD 56), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fine for Allowing a Dog to Roam at Large (SP22)(LD 38), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fine for Improper Use of Handicapped Parking Spaces (HP1165)(LD 1619), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Fines for Littering (HP239)(LD 295), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Fire Investigation and Prevention Tax, Repeal Certain Fire Inspection Fees and Direct the Commissioner of Public Safety to Set Certain Fire Inspection Fees by Rule (SP418)(LD 1362), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Flexibility of Survivor Benefit Laws (SP35)(LD 51), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Forest Management Planning Income Tax Credit (HP306)(LD 384), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Formula Used for ATV's and Snowmobile Reimbursement (HP802)(LD 1119), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Franchise Tax on Financial Institutions (HP351)(LD 476), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Frequency of Restaurant Inspections (HP1775)(LD 2428), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Frequency With Which Message Boards May Change Their Message (HP585)(LD 825), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Funding for School Construction (HP184)(LD 237), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Funding Level for Congregate Housing (SP167)(LD 379), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Funding Level of the Local Road Assistance Program (HP344)(LD505), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Funds Available to Community-based Agencies for Case-management Services to Persons Infected with the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HP509)(LD 689), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Funds Available to the Mental Health Crisis Intervention Service in York County (SP622)(LD 1719), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Handling Fees for Returnable Bottles and Cans (HP47)(LD 50), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Health Benefits for Retired Educators (SP552)(LD 1614), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Homestead Exemption (HP519)(LD 726), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption from $7,000 to $10,000 (HP116)(LD 120), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption From $7,000 to $20,000 (HP24)(LD 17), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption (HP128)(LD 177), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption (HP169)(LD 180), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Homestead Property Tax Exemption (HP957)(LD 1367), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Homestead Tax Exemption (HP403)(LD 545), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Household Income Limits Used in Determining Eligibility for the Household Tax and Rent Refund Program and for the Low Cost Drug Program (SP554)(LD 1557), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Income Eligibility Limits for the Elderly Low Cost Drug Program (HP400)(LD 542), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Income Tax Credit for Employer-assisted Day Care (HP240)(LD 304), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Income Tax Deduction on Private, Public and Military Pensions from $6,000 to $10,000 (HP23)(LD 16), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Income Tax Deduction on Private, Public and Military Pensions from $6,000 to $10,000 (HP564)(LD 719), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Income Tax Exemption for Taxpayers Who Support Elderly Relatives (HP589)(LD 800), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Indebtedness of Frye Island Municipal Corporation (HP1454)(LD 1965), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Interest Paid on Workers' Compensation Awards (HP975)(LD 1418), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Jurisdictional Limit for Small Claims (HP331)(LD 443), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Jurisdiction of the Loring Development Authority of Maine (HP1275)(LD 1723), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Late Fee for Licensing a Dog (HP475)(LD 682), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Legal Age for the Purchase of Tobacco Products BY REQUEST (SP323)(LD 982), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Legal Age To Purchase, Use or Sell Tobacco Products (HP447)(LD 589), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Length of Probation for a Person Convicted of Domestic Violence (HP381)(LD 512), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Length of Probation for Domestic Violence from one Year to 2 Years (HP51)(LD 65), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Length of Time in Which a Retired State Employee May Add a Dependent to the Employee's Maine State Health Insurance Plan (SP729)(LD 1988), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the License Fees for Hospitals and Long- term Care Facilities (SP163)(LD 320), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Licensing Fee Cap for the Maine Board of Pharmacy (SP715)(LD 1917), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Licensing Fee Caps of the Board of Osteopathic Licensure (HP1514)(LD 2017), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Licensing Fee Caps of the State Board of Optometry (SP469)(LD 1411), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Licensing Fee of Florists (HP60)(LD 63), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Limit of Indebtedness of the Newport Water District from $1,500,000 to $3,500,000 (HP306)(LD 436), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Limit on Earnings for Beneficiaries of Disability Retirement Benefits (HP94)(LD 98), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Limit on the Extradition Account (SP53)(LD 82), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Limit on the Right To Rejoin the Maine State Retirement System (HP391)(LD 515), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Lowest Amount of Units of Transmission or Generation under the Public Utilities Commission Law (HP492)(LD 662), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maine Income Tax Deduction for Benefits Received Under the Maine State Retirement System (HP418)(LD 555), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maine Lodging Tax (HP587)(LD 810), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maine Resident Homestead Property Tax Exemption Amount to $25,000 (HP473)(LD 624), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maine Turnpike Authority Bond Limit (SP409)(LD 1353), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Marketable Skills of University of Maine System Students (SP960)(LD 2500), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maximum Benefit Levels Provided for Injured Workers (HP1039)(LD 1456), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maximum Benefit Levels Provided for Injured Workers (HP1314)(LD 1897), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maximum Benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act (HP822)(LD 1113), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maximum Distance from a School within Which a Sex Offender May Not Reside That May Be Set by Municipal Ordinance (SP23)(LD 8), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maximum Gas Safety Administrative Penalty Amounts (HP1192)(LD 1620), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maximum Lease Size for Bottom Culture Aquaculture (SP552)(LD 1511), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Maximum Number of Days of the Muzzle-loading Hunting Season (HP312)(LD 427), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Maximum Permissible Fines for Class D and Class E Crimes (SP255)(LD 713), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Membership of the Emergency Enhanced 9-1-1 Telephone Advisory Committee (HP122)(LD 159), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Membership of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (SP585)(LD 1720), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Membership of the Land for Maine's Future Board (HP343)(LD 524), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Mileage Payment for Foster Families (HP671)(LD 909), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Age to Enter School (HP215)(LD 306), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Amount of Insurance Coverage Required for Limousines to Conform with Federal Law (HP1313)(LD 1899), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Fines Imposed Upon Persons Who Operate a Motor Vehicle After Their License Is Suspended (SP55)(LD 84), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Medical Payments Coverage in Automobile Insurance (HP1036)(LD 1474), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Population Requirement for a Municipality in Which the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations May Locate an Additional Agency Liquor Store (SP277)(LD779), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Ring Size of Legal Scallops (HP90)(LD 81), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Standards for Eligibility for the Elderly Low-Cost Drug Program and the Household Tax and Rent Refund Act (HP1512)(LD 2062), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum State Allocation to School Units (HP863)(LD 1243), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum State Share of Total Education Costs (SP521)(LD 1399), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage (HP1431)(LD 1948), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage (HP174)(LD 235), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage (HP1887)(LD 2582), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage (HP299)(LD 403), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage (HP34)(LD36), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage (HP66)(LD72), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage (HP869)(LD 1170), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage in Maine (HP108)(LD 143), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage in Maine (HP933)(LD 1247), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage in Maine (SP425)(LD 1262), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Minimum Wage (SP669)(LD 1891), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Minimum Wage to $8.00 per Hour (HP75)(LD92), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Monetary Limit for Card Games (SP474)(LD 1355), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Moose Permit Allocations for Zones 2 and 3 (SP83)(LD 274), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Motor Vehicle Inspection Fees (HP49)(LD 70), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Municipal Share of Dog Licensing Fees (HP1250)(LD 1712), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Absentee Ballots That A Person May Request (HP242)(LD 346), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Allocated Commercial Whitewater Rafting Trips on the Kennebec River (SP467)(LD 1469), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Androscoggin County Commissioners (HP1349)(LD 1916), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Concealed Firearms Permit Reciprocity Agreements That Maine May Enter into with Other Eligible States (HP1630)(LD 2267), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of "Construction-manager-at-risk" Alternative Delivery Pilot Projects for School Construction and to Increase the Maximum Project Cost of Projects Eligible for Alternative Delivery (HP1426)(LD 1864), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Container Options for Breweries (HP349)(LD510), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of County Commissioners in Cumberland County (HP618)(LD 841), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Cumberland County Commissioners (HP700)(LD 952), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Domestic Violence Prosecutors (HP1699)(LD 2405), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Elm Trees in the State (HP487)(LD 694), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Elver Harvesting Licenses and Preserve the Fishery through Conservation (SP269)(LD 731), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of High-stakes Beano Games (HP426)(LD 576), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Licensed Speech-Language Pathologists to Serve Maine Schools (SP508)(LD 1595), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Lobster Traps Allowed on Trawls in Hancock County (HP1197)(LD 1647), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Mandated Reporters of Abuse, Neglect or Exploitation (HP1604)(LD 2243), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Members of the Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System (HP185)(LD 196), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Members of the Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System (HP206)(LD 284), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Members of the Board of Trustees of the Maine State Retirement System (HP413)(LD 528), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Members of the Maine Turnpike Authority (HP603)(LD 863), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Members on the Board of Pesticides Control (SP708)(LD 1791), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Hunting Permits from 1,000 to 1,500 (HP774)(LD 1047), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Hunting Permits (HP70)(LD 101), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Hunting Permits to 3,000 (HP389)(LD 520), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Permits (HP541)(LD 737), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Permits (HP758)(LD 1025), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Moose Permits Issued to Residents (HP197)(LD 277), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Plumbing Inspectors (HP1192)(LD 1702), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Primary Care Practitioners in the State (SP119)(LD 294), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Probation Officers and Corrections Support Staff (HP1551)(LD 2180), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Rafting Passengers Allowed for Licensed Outfitters on Unallocated Rivers (SP52)(LD 163), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Professionals in Maine (SP493)(LD1360), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Number of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Professionals in the State (SP676)(LD1655), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Signatures Necessary for a Candidate to be Listed on a Ballot (SP403)(LD 1091), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Signatures Required for a Name to Appear on the Ballot for Certain Offices (SP405)(LD 1300), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Students Eligible for Free Tuition in the University of Maine System (HP949)(LD 1263), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Superior Court Justices and District Court Judges (HP849)(LD 1181), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Teachers (SP103)(LD 329), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Number of Washington County Commissioners from 3 to 5 (HP1162)(LD 1595), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Office of Advocacy (HP1177)(LD 1632), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Office of the Public Advocate's Involvement in Insurance Rating (HP460)(LD 625), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Operating Profit of Agency Liquor Stores (HP384)(LD 519), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Operating Subsidy to the Casco Bay Island Transit District (HP674)(LD 874), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Opportunities for Taste-testing Events for On-premises Liquor Licensees (SP359)(LD 1042), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Pay for Jury Duty (SP902)(LD 2354), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Payment for State Police Services on the Maine Turnpike (HP492)(LD 662), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Pay of Trustees of the Kingfield Water District (HP32)(LD 26), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Pay-out Limit for Bingo Events (HP20)(LD 20), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Animal Cruelty (HP1232)(LD 1679), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalties for a Person Who Vandalizes Cemetery Property (HP918)(LD 1244), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Career Criminals (HP317)(LD 447), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalties for Cemetery Damage (HP1003)(LD 1439), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Certain Crimes Involving Alcohol and Illegal Drugs (SP323)(LD 904), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: AN ACT to Increase the Penalties for Class A, B and C Crimes (HP1683)(LD 2312), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Committing Repeated Assault (HP1428)(LD 2040), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalties for Crimes Involving Illegal or Prescription Drugs (HP456)(LD 664), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Criminal OUI for Persons Previously Convicted of Vehicular Manslaughter (HP666)(LD 918), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Criminal Speeding and Operating After Suspension BY REQUEST (HP1006)(LD 1343), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Drug Offenses Involving Firearms (HP450)(LD 615), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Forgery (HP821)(LD 1149), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Littering (HP608)(LD 823), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Persons in Possession of Crack Cocaine in Conformity with the Penalties for Similarly Dangerous Drugs (HP822)(LD 1145), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Persons in Possession of Methamphetamine in Conformity with the Penalties for Similarly Dangerous Drugs (HP1129)(LD 1588), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalties for Possessing and Displaying a Firearm on School Property (HP548)(LD 717), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Possession of Certain Controlled Substances (HP1615)(LD 2232), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Providing Alcohol to a Minor, Possession of Alcohol by a Minor and Certain Other Offenses (SP331)(LD 985), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Repeat Violations of the Prostitution Laws (HP757)(LD 1061), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Selling Game and Make Them Uniform (HP918)(LD 1284), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Tampering With a Juror or a Victim (HP807)(LD 1119), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Trafficking in or Furnishing Scheduled Drugs (HP1198)(LD 1754), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalties for Vandalizing a Cemetery (SP374)(LD1071), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Violation of Lobster Conservation Laws (SP285)(LD 803), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalties for Violations of State Wage and Hour Laws (HP492)(LD 683), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Abuse of Animals (SP82)(LD 195), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for an Adult Who Provides Alcohol to a Minor Involved in a Fatal Accident (HP650)(LD 926), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Appropriating Another Person's Social Security Number (SP728)(LD 1987), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for a Violation of Certain Occupational Health and Labor Laws (HP932)(LD 1246), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Burglary When the Actor has Prior Convictions for Certain Enumerated Crimes (HP264)(LD 328), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Child Sexual Abuse Committed within 1,000 Feet of a School (HP123)(LD 171), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Criminal Homicide Caused by a Person Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence (SP316)(LD 1084), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Criminal Restraint of a Young Child or a Dependent Person (HP1211)(LD 1661), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Desecration of a Cemetery (SP719)(LD 1894), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Destruction of Law Enforcement Canines (HP1092)(LD 1525), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Drug Crimes Committed while in Possession of a Firearm (HP804)(LD 1116), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Failing To Carry Proof of Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility (HP343)(LD504), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Failing To Carry Proof of Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility (SP724)(LD 1810), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Failure to Secure a Child with a Seat Belt (HP1101)(LD 1600), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Failure to Secure Workers' Compensation Insurance (HP757)(LD 1047), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Failure to Use Car Safety Seats (HP383)(LD 496), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Failure to Yield the Right-of-way to a Visually Impaired Pedestrian (SP233)(LD 655), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Furnishing Liquor to a Minor if Injury or Death Results (HP42)(LD 51), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Illegal Netting of Atlantic Salmon (HP979)(LD 1357), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Keeping a Dangerous Dog That Harms a Domesticated Animal (HP680)(LD 988), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Late Filings by Lobbyists BY REQUEST (HP435)(LD 557), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Leaving the Scene of a Motor Vehicle Accident (SP942)(LD 2472), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Major Cocaine Traffickers and to Encourage Cooperation with Prosecutors (SP416)(LD 1082), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Operating after License Suspension and under the Influence (SP466)(LD 1438), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Sexual Abuse by Certain Offenders (SP432)(LD 1392), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Penalty for Smoking in a Motor Vehicle When a Child Is Present (HP921)(LD 1294), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Theft from a Locked Motor Vehicle (HP508)(LD 688), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for the Writing of Certain Bad Checks (HP539)(LD 723), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Vehicular Manslaughter and to Remove the Habitual Drunk Driver Offender from the Highways (HP1672)(LD 2314), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Penalty for Violating the Laws Governing Passing Another Vehicle BY REQUEST (HP733)(LD 1007), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Percentage of Renewable Power in Systems of Very Large Investor-owned Transmission and Distribution Utilities (HP580)(LD 759), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Percentage of Retired Teachers' Health Insurance Paid by the State (SP32)(LD 83), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Percentage of State Payment for Accident and Sickness or Health Insurance for Retired Teachers (SP488)(LD 1330), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Per Diem for Members of the State Board of Arbitration and Conciliation (HP851)(LD 1158), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Per Diem for Members of the Workers' Compensation Board (HP1507)(LD 2127), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Period of Ineligibility for the Moose Lottery to 5 years (HP508)(LD 648), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Period of Probation for Sex Offenders (HP49)(LD 74), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Period of Suspension for Persons Convicted of Operating under the Influence (SP156)(LD 368), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Period of Time for the Calculation of a Prior Conviction for Operating under the Influence (HP1237)(LD 1729), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Permit Fees for Pulling Events (HP1454)(LD 1951), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Personal Income Tax Exemption (HP399)(LD 514), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Personal Income Tax Exemption to $5,500 Per Eligible Dependent (HP638)(LD 838), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Personal Needs Allowance for Certain Elderly Persons (HP954)(LD 1381), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Personal Needs Allowance for Supplemental Security Income Recipients who are Residents of Nursing Homes (HP161)(LD 202), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Population Threshold at Which a Town is Responsible for Maintaining Highways BY REQUEST (SP44)(LD 154), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Premium on Liquor (HP633)(LD 883), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Preservation Time for Municipal Campaign Finance Reports (HP682)(LD 990), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Price Farmers Receive for Milk (HP443)(LD 608), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Priority of Wage Claims Against Insolvent Employers (HP998)(LD 1387), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Prize Limit for Games of Chance at Beano Games (HP918)(LD 1232), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Prize Limit on Beano (HP265)(LD 329), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Probationary Period for Police Officers (SP413)(LD 1127), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Probationary Period for Teacher Employment (HP310)(LD 440), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Progressivity of the Maine Sales Tax Code (HP189)(LD 282), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Certain Veterans and Surviving Spouses (SP178)(LD 566), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Disabled Veterans (SP29)(LD 39), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Farm Machinery (HP17)(LD 11), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans (HP154)(LD 172), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans (HP70)(LD 74), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans (HP713)(LD 974), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans (HP76)(LD 79), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemption for Veterans (HP8)(LD 1), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Property Tax Exemptions for a Parsonage (HP150)(LD 212), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Proportion of the Real Estate Transfer Tax for Counties (HP627)(LD 897), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Punishment for Trafficking in Cocaine (HP924)(LD 1290), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Quality of Care and Reduce Administrative Burdens in the Pharmacy Prior Approval Process (SP493)(LD 1404), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Rate of Pay for Forest Fire Wardens (SP894)(LD 2313), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Rate of Reimbursement for Providing Career and Academic Advising and Counseling Services to Adult Education Students (HP1227)(LD 1716), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Real Estate Transfer Tax on Out-of-state Purchasers (HP739)(LD 1086), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Recording Fees for Services Rendered by the County Offices of Registry of Deeds (HP371)(LD 502), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Recycling Rate in Maine (HP966)(LD 1320), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Redemption Fee on Sorting and Handling (SP155)(LD 411), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Registration Fee for ATVs (HP288)(LD 368), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Reimbursement Levels for Forest Fire Suppression Costs (HP1321)(LD 1808), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Requirement that Drugs be Confiscated from 48 Hours to One Year (HP963)(LD 1361), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Residence Exemption for Elderly and Disabled Persons (HP484)(LD 664), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Retirement Age for New State Employees to 65 Years of Age (HP124)(LD 141), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Returnable Bottle Fee BY REQUEST (HP965)(LD 1374), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Revenue from Off-track Betting (HP210)(LD 269), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Revenues of the Board of Examiners of Podiatrists (HP1125)(LD 1524), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Amusement Rides (HP726)(LD1057), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Automobile Drivers (SP120)(LD 356), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Hospital Patients (HP1063)(LD 1538), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Hunting (SP297)(LD848), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Maine State Troopers (HP963)(LD 1373), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Safety of Social Workers (HP1022)(LD1499), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Salaries of the Governor and Legislators (HP272)(LD406), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Salary of the Governor and the Salary of Legislators upon Reduction in the Size of the Legislature (HP1149)(LD1679), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Salary of the Governor (HP1349)(LD 1908), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Sale of Lottery Tickets To Benefit Conservation and Wildlife (HP441)(LD 578), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Sales Tax (HP250)(LD 341), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Sales Tax To Support Revenue Sharing (HP806)(LD 1141), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Sanctions for Criminal Mischief Within a Correctional Facility (HP341)(LD 457), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Seal Fee for Registration of a Harvested Animal BY REQUEST (HP529)(LD 698), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Sewerage Facilities Construction General Fund Bond Issue for Individual Pollution Abatement Projects (HP1992)(LD 2694), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Small Claims Court Limit (SP91)(LD 212), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Snowmobile Trail Fund (HP173)(LD 251), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Speed Limit and Amend the Penalty Point System (HP1091)(LD 1534), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Stability of the Maine State Income Tax (HP600)(LD 815), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Stability of the State Sales Tax (HP916)(LD 1240), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Standard Deduction for Maine Income Tax to Help Working Families (SP254)(LD 676), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Standard of Need for Aid to Families with Dependent Children (SP495)(LD 1369), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Earned Income Credit (HP305)(LD 455), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Earned Income Credit (HP538)(LD 707), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Earned Income Credit (HP79)(LD96), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Earned Income Tax Credit from 5% to 10% of the Federal Earned Income Credit (HP17)(LD 17), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Income Tax Brackets to Match the Federal Income Tax Brackets (HP755)(LD 1045), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Income Tax Exemption for Retired Employees in the Maine State Retirement System and Other Pension Systems to the Same Level as That of Retirees under the Social Security System (HP338)(LD 422), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Income Tax Exemption for Retired Workers in the Maine State Retirement System to the Same Level as That of Retirees under the Social Security System (HP269)(LD 356), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State's Contribution for the Cost of Health Insurance Premiums for Retired Educators (HP589)(LD 829), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes and Reduce Government Spending at All Levels (HP6)(LD 1), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Share of Education Funding and to Increase the Minimum State Allocation (SP169)(LD 326), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Share of Education to 65% (HP823)(LD 1177), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State Share of Health Insurance for Certain Retired Teachers (SP510)(LD 1629), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Share of the Homestead Exemption to 70% (HP232)(LD 288), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State's Percentage of School Funding (HP82)(LD 110), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State's Percentage Share in the Education Subsidy Formula to 60% (SP80)(LD 81), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State's Personal Income Tax Exemption for Dependents (HP933)(LD 1249), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: AN ACT to Increase the State's Share of Education Costs (HP272)(LD 355), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the State's Share of Retired Teacher Health Insurance (HP550)(LD 705), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State's Share of Retired Teachers' Health Insurance (HP172)(LD 201), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the State Subsidy for Adult Education within the Department of Education (HP1463)(LD 2077), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Supply of Medical Services to Consumers (SP481)(LD 1545), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Deduction Benefit for Retired Teachers to $10,000 (HP1021)(LD 1370), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Tax Exemption for Pensions (SP218)(LD625), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Exemption on Church Parsonages (HP265)(LD 348), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Exemption on Church Parsonages (SP239)(LD 569), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Exemption on Church Properties (HP284)(LD 388), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Tax Imposed on Lodging (HP703)(LD 1019), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax on All Tobacco Products (HP168)(LD 209), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Tax Relief in the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP165)(LD 220), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Time before Which the Statute of Limitations Bars a Person from Collecting an Overpayment of Tax (HP153)(LD 195), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Time Limit for Registering Deer to 24 Hours (HP643)(LD 896), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Time Period for Motor Vehicle Inspections to 2 Years (HP1498)(LD 2112), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Time Period for Motor Vehicle Inspections to 2 Years (HP37)(LD 42), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Time Period for Veterans Serving in Desert Storm Recognized in the Veterans Preference Program (SP213)(LD 555), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Total Authorized Indebtedness of the Kennebunk Sewer District from $3,000,000 to $8,000,000 (SP135)(LD 220), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Transparency of Charges and Expenses of Hospitals That Receive State Funding (SP537)(LD 1453), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Trap Limit for Swan's Island to the Maximum Lobster Traps Allowed in Federal Waters of Zone B (SP452)(LD 1382), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Treshold for Fuel Tax Licensing (SP302)(LD 871), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Use of Dental Services by MaineCare-eligible Children (SP669)(LD 1704), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Use of Long-term Care Insurance (SP374)(LD 1092), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Utilization of Supplemental Security Income through Education and Outreach (HP1110)(LD 1635), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Value of an Estate Collectible by Affidavit in Probate Law to $20,000 (HP169)(LD 198), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Value of a Parsonage That is Exempt from the Property Tax (HP422)(LD 559), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Value of Real and Personal Property Exempt from Attachment (HP202)(LD 247), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Veterans' Property Tax Exemption (HP151)(LD 192), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Veterans' Property Tax Exemption (HP430)(LD 593), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Veterans' Property Tax Exemption (HP55)(LD 64), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Viability of the Dairy Farming Industry (HP942)(LD 1270), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Visibility of a Kayak on Salt Water BY REQUEST (SP211)(LD 670), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase the Wages of Direct Support Professional Staff Based on Increases in the State Minimum Wage (SP625)(LD 1764), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase the Workers' Compensation Insurance Assessment to Fund a Hearing Officer Position (HP1548)(LD 2051), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase to $17,500 and $35,000 the Tax Deduction for Public and Private Pensions (HP680)(LD 880), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase to 5.5% the Amount of Revenue Dedicated to General Revenue Sharing (HP1286)(LD 1847), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase to a Class C Crime the Failure To Report a Missing Child within 24 Hours (HP1223)(LD 1633), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase to Previous Levels the Number of Traps a Holder of Lobster Licenses May Maintain (SP245)(LD 813), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Tourism Visits and Tourism Revenues for the State (SP480)(LD 1478), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Traffic Fines and Apportion a Part of the Increase to the Issuing Jurisdiction (HP788)(LD 1070), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency and Improve Equity in Appeals to Superintendents' Agreements (HP542)(LD 791), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency in Campaign Funding in Legislative Elections (SP16)(LD15), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency in Funding of Campaign Advertisements (SP333)(LD 1100), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency in Reporting of Party Committees, Political Action Committees and Ballot Question Committees (HP910)(LD 1271), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency in the University of Maine System Regarding Procurement and Administrative Costs (SP330)(LD939), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency of Administration Costs within the University of Maine System (SP621)(LD 1630), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Transparency of Entities Receiving Substantial Amounts of Public Funding (SP90)(LD252), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Unenrolled Voter Participation in Primary Elections (HP280)(LD 367), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Utilization of the Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center (HP363)(LD539), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Various License and Registration Fees of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources (HP1243)(LD 1734), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Venture Capital Access to State Businesses (HP920)(LD 1296), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Vital Records Fees (HP348)(LD 473), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Voting Access (HP48)(LD 53), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Weight Allowances for Farm Trucks (HP67)(LD73), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Wetland Protection (HP1465)(LD 2071), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Wetland Protection (HP803)(LD 1160), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Wheelchair Van Services Reimbursement Rates (HP1355)(LD 1914), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Wheelchair Van Services Reimbursement Rates (HP753)(LD 1035), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Work Incentive in the Unemployment Insurance Partial Benefit Structure (HP1545)(LD 2105), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Increase Work Incentive in the Unemployment Insurance Partial Benefit Structure (HP1839)(LD 2517), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Increase Youth Boating Safety (HP829)(LD 1204), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Index the Income Tax Deduction for Pensions to the Rate of Inflation (HP562)(LD 717), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Index the Minimum Wage for Inflation and To Permit a Training Wage for Workers under 17 Years of Age (SP143)(LD 445), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Index the State Minimum Wage to Inflation (HP157)(LD 192), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Index the Veterans' Property Tax Exemptions to the Cost of Living (HP1013)(LD 1444), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Inform and Protect the Public Regarding State Employees with Certain Criminal Records (HP1299)(LD 1859), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Consumers About Prescription Drug Prices (SP294)(LD 1005), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Consumers of Credit Rating Information (HP375)(LD 506), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Crime Victims about the Disposition of Charges (HP1369)(LD 1919), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Inform Parents of Students' Privacy Rights (HP1316)(LD 1876), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Inform Patrons of Food Service Establishments about the Use of Latex Gloves in Food Preparation (HP18)(LD 15), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Inform Persons of the Options for the Treatment of Lyme Disease (HP416)(LD 597), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Taxpayers about State Aid to Municipalities (SP447)(LD 1209), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Telephone Consumers of Options for Deterring Unwanted Telephone Solicitation (HP1258)(LD 1685), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform the Public About Drug-free School Zones (HP723)(LD 1027), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Inform Traffic Violators in Court of Potential Parallel Administrative Sanctions (SP103)(LD 242), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Initiate Covenant Marriage in the State (HP169)(LD 231), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Initiate Education Reform in Maine (SP701)(LD 1791), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Initiate the Intergovernmental Advisory Commission's Blueprint for Government (HP185)(LD 214), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Initiate Therapeutic Group Homes (SP573)(LD 1601), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Install Rumble Strips on the Maine Turnpike (HP141)(LD 189), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Install Rumble Strips on the Turnpike and to Allocate Funds to Operate a 24-hour Weigh Station (HP72)(LD 108), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a Citizens' Guide to Elections (HP1129)(LD 1526), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a Literacy Educational Program in State Correctional Facilities (HP873)(LD 1174), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a Pheasant Stamp Program for Cumberland and York Counties (HP1555)(LD 2193), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Institute a Snaring Program for Coyotes (SP43)(LD 101), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a System of No-fault Automobile Insurance (SP529)(LD 1407), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a System of Parole for Certain Maine Criminal Code Prisoners (HP1804)(LD 2531), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute a Yearly Series Labor-Management Systems Conferences (SP395)(LD 1083), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute Conformity to the Low-cost Drug Program (HP1521)(LD 2146), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute Current Use Taxation on all Agricultural Land (HP1720)(LD 2426), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute Loser-pay Litigation in the State of Maine (HP48)(LD 42), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Institute Loser-pay Litigation in the State of Maine (SP14)(LD 34), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute the National Assessment of Educational Progress Program in Maine Schools (HP1722)(LD 2381), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute the Orderly Development of New Medical Technology and Services (HP951)(LD 1319), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Institute Voluntary Emissions Standards for Outdoor Wood Boilers (HP810)(LD 1171), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Institute Wild Number Beano (HP610)(LD 850), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Institutionalize Strategic Planning in State Government (HP1071)(LD 1560), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Institutionalize Strategic Planning in State Government (SP950)(LD 2400), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Institutionalize Substance Abuse Treatment Courts in Maine (HP1409)(LD 2014), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Clean-up Capability by Persons Undertaking Movement of Hazardous Materials (HP667)(LD 900), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Maintenance of Financial Responsibility by All Motorists (SP172)(LD 329), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Insure Payment of Reasonable Costs of Operating Boarding Care Facilities (HP1472)(LD 1983), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Integrate Chronic Disease Prevention and Care into the MaineCare Program (HP544)(LD 723), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Integrate Relief Provided by the Maine Residents Property Tax Program with Poverty Abatements (HP1341)(LD 1858), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Integrate Sources of Support for Children with Special Needs (SP242)(LD 811), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Integrate Teacher Retirement and Other Educational Support Funds into the System for Distributing General Purpose Aid to Education (SP246)(LD 815), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Integrate the Approval of Early Childhood Education Plans for Children 4 Years of Age into Basic School Approval for Elementary Schools (SP172)(LD 560), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Integrate the Maine Economic Growth Council's Economic Growth Plan with the State's Economic Strategic Development Plan (SP549)(LD 1611), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Integrate the State's General Assistance and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Programs (SP136)(LD368), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Introduce Greater Efficiency in the Provision of Certain State Services (HP577)(LD 781), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Invest in an Allied Health Center at Northern Maine Community College (HP160)(LD 189), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Invest in Maine Companies (SP401)(LD1132), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Invest in Maine's Young Children (HP1671)(LD 2311), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Invest in the Future of Maine Citizens (SP751)(LD 1954), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Issue a General Fund Bond Issue for the Challenger Learning Center of Maine (SP252)(LD 754), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Issue a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $5,000,000 to Fund a Property Tax Deferral Revolving Fund for Elderly Persons (HP879)(LD 1222), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Issue Certificates of Title for Single-unit Mobile Homes (HP1457)(LD 2061), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Issue Doe Permits to Physically Disabled Persons Upon Request from the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (HP571)(LD 822), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Issue Military Service Award License Plate Decals BY REQUEST (SP56)(LD 166), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Join in a Prohibition on Motor Fuel Containing Corn-based Ethanol (HP97)(LD 115), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Join the Interstate Compact on the National Popular Vote (HP49)(LD 56), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Join the Interstate Compact on the National Popular Vote (SP611)(LD 1744), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Join the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact (SP630)(LD 1698), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Keep Bridges Safe (HP1673)(LD 2313), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Keep Drunk Drivers Off the Road (SP419)(LD 1328), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Keep Foster Children Safe and Healthy (HP63)(LD 55), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Keep Portions of Foster Parent Licensing Records Confidential (HP808)(LD 1162), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Keep Private Road Maintenance Costs Affordable BY REQUEST (HP893)(LD 1265), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Keep Public Lands Open to Hunting, Fishing and Trapping (SP161)(LD 481), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Label All Eggs Produced in the State by Source (HP425)(LD 575), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Legalize and Tax Marijuana (HP1067)(LD 1453), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Blue-dot Taillights (SP18)(LD 8), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Cannabis for Medical Treatment of Patients With HIV/AIDS (SP85)(LD 204), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Legalize Gambling if Casinos Are Allowed in the State (HP398)(LD 513), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Hemp for Agricultural Purposes (HP882)(LD 1174), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Marijuana for Medical Purposes (HP742)(LD 1006), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes (HP1116)(LD 1511), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes (HP1729)(LD 2420), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes (HP579)(LD 784), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Legalize Marijuana (IB6)(LD1701), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Legalize, Tax and Regulate Marijuana (HP935)(LD1380), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Legalize the Sale, Possession and Use of Fireworks (HP71)(LD 83), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Legalize the Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes (HP678)(LD 929), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Lengthen the Period of Probation for Persons Convicted of Sex Offenses (HP658)(LD 891), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Lessen the Impact of High Feed and Fuel Costs on Maine Dairy Farmers (HP540)(LD 789), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Lessen the Penalty for Withdrawal of Farms from the Farm and Open Space Tax Law (HP1295)(LD 1777), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Lessen the Regulatory Burden on Medical Laboratories by Removing Outdated Requirements from the Maine Medical Laboratory Act (SP534)(LD 1624), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Leverage Expert, State-based Resources for Emergent Intervention and Long-term Comprehensive Resource Protection of Lakes (HP1198)(LD 1626), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to License Athletic Trainers (HP536)(LD 720), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To License Betting on Football Score Pools (HP300)(LD 428), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To License Certified Professional Midwives (HP1616)(LD 2253), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To License Certified Professional Midwives To Promote Greater Public Safety and Access (HP1275)(LD 1827), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To License Commercial Painters (HP166)(LD 201), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to License Cued Speech Transliterators for the Deaf and Hard-of-hearing (SP948)(LD 2478), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to License Flight Nurses within the Emergency Medical Services System (HP210)(LD 272), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to License Freestanding Birth Centers (HP190)(LD 201), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to License Hikers, Canoeists, Kayakers and Off-road Bicyclists (HP1380)(LD 1987), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors (HP1137)(LD 1551), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors (HP215)(LD 272), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors (HP756)(LD 1038), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors (HP903)(LD 1306), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To License Home Building and Improvement Contractors (SP459)(LD 1328), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to License Home Building Contractors (HP1437)(LD 2060), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to License Home Building Contractors (SP512)(LD 1595), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to License Home Contractors and Builders (HP770)(LD 1044), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to License Home Inspectors (SP65)(LD 168), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to License Installers of Milking Equipment (HP995)(LD 1444), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to License Installers of Septic Systems (HP1165)(LD 1676), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to License Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SP481)(LD 1483), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to License Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SP833)(LD 2233), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to License Massage Therapists under the Board of Complementary Health Care Providers (SP494)(LD 1525), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To License Outpatient Surgical Abortion Facilities (HP890)(LD1312), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To License Polysomnography (HP195)(LD277), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To License Real Estate Rental Agents (HP434)(LD 601), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To License Residential Builders and Register Specialty Contractors (HP165)(LD 188), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To License Septic System Installers (HP640)(LD 937), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to License Timber Harvesters and Deter Timber Trespassing (HP1013)(LD 1405), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To License Weekly Housing Programs BY REQUEST (SP397)(LD 1209), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Access to Firearms by Those Subject to Protection from Abuse Orders (HP847)(LD 1119), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit a Citizen's Right to Threaten the Use of Deadly Force against a Law Enforcement Officer Engaged in Carrying out Public Duty Except When Justified in Using Deadly Force (SP200)(LD 543), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Administrative Costs in Contracted Services (HP436)(LD 555), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Adverse Possession (HP539)(LD 730), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Agency Expenditures To Influence Elections (HP685)(LD990), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Agent Fees to the Number of Transactions (SP81)(LD 158), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Aid to Families with Dependent Children Benefits (HP49)(LD 43), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Allowable Health Care Charges in Certain Specified Situations (SP89)(LD251), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Apportionment of Workers' Compensation Liability (HP1354)(LD 1871), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit a Property Owner's Tax Liability to the Time Prior to Sale of the Property (SP146)(LD 415), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Attorney's Fees in Workers' Compensation Cases (SP205)(LD 676), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Campaign Contributions in Legislative Races (HP143)(LD 191), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Campaign Contributions to Candidates and Candidates' Political Committees (HP445)(LD 635), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Campaigning at Polling Places (HP231)(LD 287), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Certain Terms of Office (SP97)(LD 182), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Charges for Fingerprinting Performed for Certain Criminal History Background Checks (HP243)(LD 282), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Children's Access to Firearms (SP178)(LD 532), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Claims of Exempt Property (HP495)(LD 665), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Compensation of Utility Executives to Comparable Salaries of State Officials (HP492)(LD 686), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Conflicts of Interest and Ensure Objective and Qualified State Consultants (SP188)(LD 624), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Consent Regarding Land Transfers to the Federal Government (SP733)(LD 1828), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Contribution of Political Committees and Other Associations in Elections for State Legislators (HP777)(LD 1074), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Contributions Candidates May Receive from Political Action Committees (SP180)(LD 594), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Contributions from a Political Action Committee to $1,000 in Any Election (SP118)(LD 293), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Contributions to Candidates for Maine Offices to Maine Residents (HP518)(LD 767), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Contributions to Political Action Committees (HP278)(LD 348), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Contributions which Candidates may Receive from Political Action Committees (HP1014)(LD 1367), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Copayments for Participants in Medicaid Managed Care Demonstration Projects (HP233)(LD 313), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Corporate Contributions and to Establish Voluntary Spending Limits for Citizen-Initiated Ballot Campaigns (HP475)(LD 646), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Corporate Influence Over the Political Process (HP1052)(LD 1495), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Domestic Waterfowl in Farm Ponds (HP467)(LD 661), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Elected County Officials to Commissioners, Sheriffs and Probate Officers (HP1629)(LD 2224), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Electric Hook-up Fee Requirements by Electric Utilities (HP1289)(LD 1767), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Eligibility under the Municipal General Assistance Program (SP647)(LD 1862), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Entry into the Lobster Fishery by Zone (HP1386)(LD 1992), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Expenditures by Political Action Committees (HP531)(LD 700), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Faxes from Telemarketers (HP667)(LD 957), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Fishing Regulations for a Portion of the Big Machias River (SP506)(LD 1507), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Funding for Special Education (HP1183)(LD 1606), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Health Care Mandates (HP649)(LD 882), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Homestead Property Taxes to 5% of Income (HP1180)(LD 1671), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Human Exposure to Mercury (SP465)(LD 1338), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Increases in Telephone or Electric Service Rates to a Maximum of 3% Annually (HP482)(LD 662), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Increases in the State's Share of Funding for Kindergarten to Grade 12 Public Education (HP50)(LD56), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Increases in the Unemployment Contribution Rate (HP792)(LD 1057), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Indemnification in Construction Contracts (HP1179)(LD 1670), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit In-kind Contributions to Maine Clean Election Act Candidates (HP606)(LD 855), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Interest Assessed against Municipalities (HP984)(LD 1343), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Judicial Immunity in Certain Domestic Relations Matters (HP38)(LD 54), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Landowner Liability for Injuries to Independent Contractors Engaged in Harvesting Activities (HP578)(LD 769), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Legislative Campaign Spending (HP329)(LD 448), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Liability for Businesses and Employees Who Work with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (SP805)(LD 2115), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Liability for Certain Noncommercial Aviation Activities (SP339)(LD 889), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Liability for Certain Successor Corporations under Specific Circumstances (HP814)(LD1181), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Liability for Farm Pick-your-own Operations (HP696)(LD 954), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Liability for Participants in Recycling Programs (HP1205)(LD 1761), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Liability for the Performance of Community Service (HP313)(LD 397), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Liability of Apiary Owners and Operators (SP359)(LD 1184), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Liquidation Harvesting (HP1048)(LD 1465), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Load Weights on State Roads (HP652)(LD 902), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Lobster Management Zones to State Coastal Waters (HP145)(LD 156), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Lobster Management Zones to State Coastal Waters (HP166)(LD 207), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Lobster Management Zones to State Coastal Waters (HP1675)(LD 2341), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit MaineCare Benefits for Individuals Seriously in Arrears on Child Support Payments (HP604)(LD 853), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit MaineCare Reimbursement for Methadone Treatment (HP1361)(LD 1840), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit MaineCare Reimbursement for Suboxone and Methadone Treatment (HP632)(LD 908), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Maine Clean Election Act Funding to First-time Candidates (HP133)(LD175), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Major Third-party Payor Status to Governmental Payors (SP594)(LD 1579), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Mandatory Overtime (HP729)(LD 1019), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Mandatory Overtime (SP789)(LD 2116), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Medicaid Coverage for Methadone Rehabilitation to One Year (HP102)(LD 126), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Membership by School Administrative Units in Certain Interscholastic Organizations (HP1011)(LD 1457), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Mercury Emissions from Crematoria (SP616)(LD 1664), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Mercury Exposure (HP486)(LD 637), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Municipalities' Responsibility to Reopen an Abandoned Road (HP1138)(LD 1581), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit New Lobster and Crab Fishing Licenses (HP1597)(LD 2226), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Out-of-state Contributions to Organizations In a Referendum Campaign (HP450)(LD 617), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Payment for Care and Treatment of Residents of State Institutions (SP538)(LD 1628), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Personal Liability of Volunteer Firemen and Volunteer Ambulance Drivers (HP674)(LD 907), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Personal Watercraft (SP69)(LD 208), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Political Action Committee Expenditures in Support of or Opposition to Candidates for Legislative Office (HP92)(LD 127), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Political Contributions by Public Employee Labor Unions (HP92)(LD 110), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Pretrial Discovery in Libel Actions (SP67)(LD 144), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Property Acquired by Municipalities due to Tax Delinquency (HP244)(LD 320), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Property Tax Abatement for Reasons of Poverty or Infirmity to Applicants' Residential Property (HP271)(LD 358), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Protected Classes Under Maine Law (IB1)(LD 310), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Publicly Owned Land (HP520)(LD 727), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Recertification of Nursing Facility Residents to One Regulatory Organization (HP124)(LD 173), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Recertification of Nursing Facility Residents to One Regulatory Organization (SP451)(LD 1288), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Regional Adjustments to Teacher Salaries (HP320)(LD 404), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Reimbursement for Administrative Expenses Based on the Size of a Local Educational Unit (HP494)(LD 685), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Reimbursement for Public School Construction and Renovation to $80 per Square Foot (HP143)(LD 186), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: AN ACT to Limit Rent Increases in Mobile Home Parks (HP1510)(LD 2060), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Salaries of Hospital Administrators (HP21)(LD 29), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Smoking by Foster Parents (HP305)(LD 383), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Smoking in Outdoor Dining Areas (HP556)(LD 820), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Spending and Contributions in Campaigns for Governor (IB2)(LD 256), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit State Land Ownership (SP124)(LD 348), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Taxes on Hospitals (SP169)(LD 577), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Telephone Utility Expenses Related to the Relocation of Call Centers (SP197)(LD 642), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit Terms for Members of the State Board of Education (HP186)(LD 247), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit Terms of State Office Holders (HP672)(LD 910), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Activities of Political Candidates at Polling Places to Voting (SP220)(LD 683), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Administrative Charge on Sales of New Motor Vehicles to the Actual Administrative Cost (SP272)(LD 782), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Administrative Charge on Sales of New Motor Vehicles to the Actual Administrative Cost (SP541)(LD 1636), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Adverse Possession Laws (HP620)(LD 860), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Amount a School Administrative Unit May Spend without Voter Approval (HP458)(LD 666), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Amount of Money a Municipality May Spend on Education (SP258)(LD728), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Amount That May Be Retained on Construction Contracts (HP510)(LD757), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Articles of Hunter Orange Clothing Required to a Hunter Orange Hat (SP59)(LD 136), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Authority of the Public Utilities Commission to Regulate Municipal or Quasi-municipal Water Utilities with Less than 1,000 Customers (HP994)(LD 1340), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Availability of Diet Drugs to Minors (HP1628)(LD 2223), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Boat Launching in East Winthrop on the Northern End of Cobbosseecontee Lake to Hand Carrying Only (HP179)(LD 190), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Bond Indebtedness of the State (HP1188)(LD 1741), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Caliber of Ammunition Allowed for Hunting White-tailed Deer and Black Bear (HP1125)(LD 1584), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Charges for a Lost Cell Phone (HP382)(LD 498), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Compensation of Officers and Directors of Nonprofit Corporations (SP636)(LD 1792), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Cost and the Length of Campaigns (HP1103)(LD 1602), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Damages Recoverable in Accidents Involving Snowmobile Clubs' Trail-grooming Activities (SP266)(LD 787), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Duplication of Benefits Under the Workers' Compensation Act (SP121)(LD 320), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Duration of a Legal Alien's Driver's License (HP212)(LD 259), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Duration of a Legal Alien's Driver's License (HP9)(LD 8), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Duration of a Reversion Clause in the Deed of a Church (HP287)(LD 367), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Duration of the Placement of Campaign Signs (HP874)(LD 1232), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Duration that Businesses May Hire Employees as Temporary Employees (HP1710)(LD 2416), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Early Release of Persons Convicted of Certain Crimes (SP405)(LD 1177), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Effect of Collateral Estoppel on Unemployment Insurance Decisions (HP1471)(LD 2056), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Effect of Standardized Tests on Teacher Evaluations (HP502)(LD 751), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Eminent Domain Authority of a Transmission and Distribution Utility (SP215)(LD 678), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Granting of Injunctions in Labor Disputes (SP372)(LD 996), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Growth of Government Spending (SP453)(LD 1383), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Harvesting of Eels in Maine Rivers (SP157)(LD 531), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Hours of Operation at Certain Gambling Establishments (HP1030)(LD 1467), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Idling Time for Diesel Motor Vehicles (HP996)(LD 1394), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Impact of Annual Variations in State Valuations (HP268)(LD 351), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Imposition of Excise Taxes on Watercraft (HP1284)(LD 1845), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Information Required To Be Printed on Municipal Referenda Ballots (HP156)(LD224), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Interest Charged under Rental-purchase Agreements (HP781)(LD 1137), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Interest Rate Charged on Debt to 29 Percent (HP221)(LD 256), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Interest Rate on Consumer Credit Transactions (HP365)(LD 473), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Issuance of Concealed Firearms Permits (HP1771)(LD 2484), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Jurisdiction of the Maine Human Rights Act (SP631)(LD 1748), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Landowner Deer Permit System to One Application per Household (HP305)(LD 369), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Length of Legislative Sessions (HP939)(LD 1328), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Liability of Ambulance Services in Maine (HP287)(LD 385), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Charitable Institutions (HP168)(LD 253), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Employers for the Costs of Early Retirement Incentives (SP744)(LD 1855), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Liability of Landowners Who Allow Recreational Climbing on Their Land (SP13)(LD12), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Nonprofit Food Providers Who Supply Meals and Other Food to Low-income and Homeless Persons (HP1041)(LD 1514), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Liability of Organized Clubs (HP1067)(LD 1542), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Property Owners in Cases of Nonnegligent Lead Poisoning (SP528)(LD 1445), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Liability of Sponsors of Equine Activities (HP41)(LD 57), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Loss a School Administrative Unit Could Receive under the School Funding Formula (HP958)(LD 1366), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Maximum Finance Charge to 10.5% (HP591)(LD 831), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Appeals Concerning a Property Tax Assessment (HP1358)(LD 1956), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Bills That May Be Filed by a Legislator (HP27)(LD 21), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Bills That May Be Filed by a Legislator (HP366)(LD 469), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Chances a Person Has in the Moose Lottery (HP43)(LD 52), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Lobster Traps Per Line (SP179)(LD 488), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Number of Workers on Lobster Boats (SP102)(LD 189), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Participation of Candidates and Legislators in Political Action Committees and Nonprofit Entities Conducting Political Activities (HP432)(LD619), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Party Size to 12 Persons for all Groups Operating with a Guide on Inland Waters (HP127)(LD 153), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Party Size to 12 Persons for all Groups Operating with a Guide on Inland Waters (HP599)(LD 812), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Penalty a Landlord can Charge a Tenant for Late Payment of Rent (HP626)(LD 849), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Percentage of Forest Products Harvested from Certain Lands That May Be Sold to a Foreign Country (SP704)(LD 1979), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Physical Presence of Candidates at Voting Places on Election Day (HP689)(LD 930), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Placement of Motor Vehicle Inspection Stickers in Automobiles (HP611)(LD 815), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Political Activity of the Members of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices (SP247)(LD 749), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Purchase of Land by Quasi-Municipal Districts (HP1531)(LD 2085), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Registration Fee on Quasi-municipal and Municipal Dams (HP575)(LD 773), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Role of Rating Organizations in Property and Casualty Rate Making (HP1627)(LD 2249), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Scope of Miscellaneous Costs within the General Purpose Aid for Local Schools Appropriation (SP417)(LD 1126), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Size and Display Period of Campaign Signs (HP584)(LD 794), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Size of Agency Liquor Stores (HP310)(LD 398), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Size of Drag Nets Used in South Bay in Eastport (HP605)(LD 815), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Size of Motorboat Engines Used on Paradise Pond (HP1096)(LD 1503), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Storage Fee Charged for Impounded Vehicles (HP565)(LD 786), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Sunday Closing Law (SP436)(LD 1153), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Taking of Antlerless Deer by Property Owners (HP314)(LD 430), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Taking of Sea Urchins (SP156)(LD 485), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Terms of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives (SP257)(LD 795), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Time a Campaign Sign May Be Displayed (HP246)(LD 323), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Time Allowed to Complete an Investigative Consumer Report (SP468)(LD 1428), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Transfer of Handguns to Minors (SP141)(LD 404), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Transport of Water for Export (HP919)(LD 1316), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Type of Hunting Equipment Used by Hunters Who Have Already Tagged a Deer (SP230)(LD 799), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Undesignated Surplus of Counties to 15% of the Annual Operating Budget (HP326)(LD 418), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Use of Certificates of Participation (HP952)(LD 1341), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Extended-release Hydrocodone Bitartrate (HP684)(LD989), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Use of Force against Law Enforcement Officers Engaged in Searches and Seizures (HP329)(LD 450), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Use of Force against Law Enforcement Officers Engaged in Searches or Seizures (HP1420)(LD 1934), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Pesticides on School Grounds (HP484)(LD708), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Use of Property Taxes to Fund Education (HP751)(LD 970), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Ropes and Buoys in Swim Areas in Great Ponds (HP843)(LD1225), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Seaplanes on West Harbor Pond (HP344)(LD 482), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Smart Meters (HP563)(LD 756), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of Social Security Numbers by State Agencies (HP744)(LD 1008), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of State Funds To Purchase Land or Conservation Easements (HP103)(LD 94), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Use of the National Guard to Situations Specifically Authorized by the United States Constitution (HP957)(LD 1305), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Vehicle Excise Tax Exemption Provided to Benevolent and Charitable Institutions and To Repeal the Exemption Provided to Literary and Scientific Institutions (HP191)(LD 238), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit the Volume of Proposed Legislation (HP25)(LD 28), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Limit the Work Week of Doctors and Medical Residents (HP806)(LD 1167), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit to 4 the Number of Consecutive Terms a Legislator May Serve (SP221)(LD 692), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit to 5 Days per Week the Taking of Elvers in Hand Dip Nets (SP231)(LD 653), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit to 5 Years Certain State Contracts (HP730)(LD 989), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Limit to the District Court the Authority to Issue Orders in Domestic Abuse Cases (HP1574)(LD 2221), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Link Sewer Extension Funding to Comprehensive Planning (HP289)(LD 359), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To List Agriculture as a Designated Use in Water Quality Standards (SP162)(LD 443), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to List Specific Threatened and Endangered Species (HP598)(LD 789), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to List the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price on the Certificate of Title (HP65)(LD 74), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To List the Shortnose Sturgeon as a Marine Endangered Species (SP48)(LD 140), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower Costs in the Small Group Market (HP1324)(LD 1784), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower Costs to Municipalities and Reduce Energy Consumption through Increased Competition in the Municipal Street Light Market (HP885)(LD 1251), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower Energy Costs and Increase Access to Solar Energy for Agricultural Businesses (SP376)(LD1073), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower Energy Costs and Increase Renewable Energy in Maine (HP1529)(LD 2149), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower from 70 to 65 the Age at Which a Person May Obtain a Lobster and Crab Fishing License for a Reduced Fee (HP330)(LD491), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower In-state Phone Costs for Rural Maine (SP17)(LD 33), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower Maine Income Tax Rates (HP1008)(LD 1434), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower Mandatory Group Participation Rates to 60% (SP354)(LD 1102), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower Milk Prices by Regulating Maximum Retail Milk Pricing Margins (HP1168)(LD 1594), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower Milk Prices by Regulating Maximum Retail Milk Pricing Margins (HP1184)(LD 1614), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower Property Taxes by Requiring School Boards to Purchase Certain Insurance from the State (SP468)(LD 1470), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Age at Which Residents Are Entitled to Complimentary Hunting and Fishing Licenses (HP28)(LD 31), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Age for Free Fishing and Hunting Licenses (HP43)(LD 68), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Age of Consent for the Donation of Blood (SP55)(LD 125), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of and Streamline the Legislative Process (SP431)(LD 1252), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of Copies of Medical Records (SP15)(LD 23), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of Health Care through Improved Energy Efficiency (HP818)(LD 1106), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Cost of Health Coverage (SP64)(LD 235), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of Health Insurance (HP765)(LD 1047), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Cost of New School Construction by Including the Design Phase in the Bidding Process (HP98)(LD 133), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (SP249)(LD 674), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs (SP252)(LD 677), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services (SP250)(LD 675), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (SP251)(LD 676), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources (SP266)(LD 691), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on Natural Resources (SP293)(LD 746), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Cost of State Government in the Departments under the Purview of the Joint Standing Committee on State and Local Government (SP256)(LD 681), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Early Withdrawal Penalty on Teacher Retirement to 2 1/2 Percent (HP593)(LD 748), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Eligibility Age for a Junior Hunting License (HP114)(LD156), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Individual Income Tax Incrementally to Zero (HP275)(LD409), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Minimum Age for Operating an All-terrain Vehicle to 14 Years of Age (HP259)(LD 336), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Price of Electricity for Maine Consumers (SP648)(LD 1863), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Rate of Excise Tax on Older Vehicles To Acknowledge the Longer Life Span of Motor Vehicles (HP849)(LD 1205), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the September Bowhunting License Fee (HP780)(LD 1103), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Lower the Sulfur Content of Gasoline Sold in the State (SP102)(LD 328), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Surety Bond Requirement for Payroll Processors BY REQUEST (HP159)(LD 208), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Tax Burden for Small Businesses (HP465)(LD 632), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Lower the Tax on Prepared Food from 7% to 5% (HP921)(LD 1247), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Access to Safe Medical Marijuana (SP578)(LD 1531), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain a Centralized Database for Schedule II Prescriptions Dispensed by Pharmacies in the State (HP532)(LD 687), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain and Improve ATV Trail Access (HP298)(LD 402), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Appropriate Residential Care to Clients of Pineland Center (SP398)(LD 1074), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Appropriate Residential Care to Clients of Pineland Center (SP867)(LD 2217), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Beaches as Recreation Sites for the Public (HP513)(LD 696), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Competition among Electricity Suppliers Serving Northern Maine (SP595)(LD 1553), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Compliance of Maine's Insurance Laws with National Standards (HP1059)(LD 1510), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Confidentiality of Certain Information Received by the Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure and the State Board of Substance Abuse Counselors (SP602)(LD 1700), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Confidentiality of Medical Information Reported to the Department of Human Services (HP945)(LD 1274), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Current Funding Levels for Transportation Services Used by Recipients of Day Habilitation Services (HP1468)(LD 2053), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain High-quality Services in Long-term Care in Maine (HP1278)(LD 1839), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Itemized Pricing (HP539)(LD 723), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Legal Services for Low-income Citizens (SP449)(LD 1211), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Lifeguard Services in State Government (SP415)(LD 1273), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Maine Quality Centers' Current Level of Services (HP570)(LD 725), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Maine's Traditional Town Line Signs (HP1707)(LD 2413), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Moosehead Trail Signs (HP215)(LD 250), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Prescription Drug Benefits for Senior Citizens and People with Disabilities (HP1288)(LD 1848), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Protection of Sand Dunes Under Existing Law (HP1442)(LD 2063), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain Responsible Taste Testing (HP1044)(LD 1466), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Retirement Health Benefits for State Retirees (HP510)(LD 661), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Standards for Consumers of Mechanical Services (SP733)(LD 1933), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Standards for the Plumbing Profession (SP723)(LD 1923), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain State-staffed Crisis Programs (HP1296)(LD 1751), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain the Amount of State Land That Is Open for Hunting (HP497)(LD 648), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Augusta Mental Health Institute and the Bangor Mental Health Institute (HP1021)(LD 1413), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain the Current Statutes Regarding Unlawful Solicitation To Benefit Law Enforcement Agencies (SP675)(LD 1832), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Department of Transportation's Current Policy on Reimbursement of Consultant Costs (HP650)(LD 903), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Eel and Elver Management Fund and Regulate Permits for Eel Weirs (HP1632)(LD 2284), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Family Caregiver Initiative for Elderly Citizens in Maine (HP1441)(LD 1938), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Functioning of the Uniform Commercial Code and Corporate Sections of the Department of the Secretary of State (HP1531)(LD 2160), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Integrity of Commodity Tax Accounts (HP92)(LD 122), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain the Integrity of the Fund for a Healthy Maine (SP426)(LD 1232), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Maintain the Viability of Maine's Liquor Industry (SP521)(LD 1555), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Maintain Traditional Recreational Uses in Maine's Forests (HP602)(LD 851), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Conviction for a 6th Operating under the Influence Charge a Class B Crime (SP95)(LD 280), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Active Public Health Investigation Records Confidential (HP1027)(LD 1384), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Actuarially Fair Adjustments in Retirement Benefits for Older Employees (HP1125)(LD 1603), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations for Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages, Department of Finance, for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (HP62)(LD 86), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Finance, the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and the State Liquor Commission, for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, l987 (SP180)(LD 507), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001 (SP212)(LD 777), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Allocations From the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2003 (HP1014)(LD 1379), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (HP533)(LD 738), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 (HP1587)(LD 2092), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (SP769)(LD 1934), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2005 and June 30, 2006 (HP1382)(LD 1974), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1993 (SP48)(LD 70), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1987 (SP482)(LD 1459), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (HP81)(LD 112), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (HP64)(LD 88), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1987 (SP199)(LD 556), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 (HP244)(LD 356), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 (SP875)(LD 2237), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1991 (HP484)(LD 678), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994 (HP1181)(LD 1579), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1998 (SP690)(LD 1925), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations from the Public Utilities Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1479)(LD 2014), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (HP91)(LD 126), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Allocations to the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1993 (SP207)(LD 678), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Appropriations and Allocations and to Make Technical Corrections to the Laws for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1993 and June 30, 1994 (SP497)(LD 1517), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001 (HP227)(LD 262), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1993 (HP24)(LD 27), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995 (HP1001)(LD 1412), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Appropriations from the General Fund and Allocations from Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1991 (HP193)(LD 275), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additional Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine (HP1605)(LD 2252), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013 (HP1405)(LD 1903), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2003 (HP1150)(LD 1574), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP1213)(LD 1636), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011 (HP1011)(LD 1372), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Technical Changes to Recently Enacted Tax Legislation Concerning Pension Income (HP1029)(LD1506), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additional Technical Changes to Recently Enacted Tax Legislation (SP607)(LD1551), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Additions and Deletions to the List of State Endangered and Threatened Species (HP296)(LD 366), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Additions to the Department of Corrections Budget (SP719)(LD 1941), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Adjustments in the School Finance Act (SP405)(LD 1256), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Adjustments in the State Tax Structure as a Result of Federal Tax Reform (HP548)(LD 735), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Adjustments to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway (SP811)(LD 2077), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Adjustments to the Renewable Energy Portfolio (HP245)(LD 302), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Administrative Changes to Tax Laws To Maintain a Balanced Budget (HP1321)(LD 1830), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Adultery Illegal (HP1074)(LD 1443), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Agriculture Studies a Part of the Maine Curriculum (HP460)(LD 668), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make All Cases of Vehicular Manslaughter Class A Crimes (HP1356)(LD 1861), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocation for Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1998 (HP744)(LD 1008), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages, Department of Finance, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP415)(LD 549), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages, Department of Finance, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP522)(LD 707), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Lottery, Department of Finance, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP387)(LD 521), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Bureau of Lottery, Department of Finance, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP419)(LD 584), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP352)(LD 455), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP562)(LD 763), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP543)(LD 734), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Finance, Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP738)(LD 1042), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Administrative Expenses of the Department of Finance, Bureau of Lottery, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP761)(LD 1095), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Necessary Administration of the Workers' Compensation Laws for the State for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP1120)(LD 1519), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund, Department of Administration, for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP531)(LD 716), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund of the Department of Administration for the Fiscal Years ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP504)(LD 677), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund of the Department of Administration for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP819)(LD 1173), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund of the Department of Administration for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP405)(LD 518), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP559)(LD 760), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for the Operating Expenditures of the Intergovernmental Telecommunications Fund of the Department of Administrative and Financial Services for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP456)(LD 619), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations for Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP470)(LD 635), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1999 (HP1522)(LD 2144), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2000 (HP396)(LD 527), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2001 (SP950)(LD 2489), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2003 (SP736)(LD 2047), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2004 (HP852)(LD 1153), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2005 (HP1349)(LD 1825), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2006 (SP123)(LD 375), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2009 (SP808)(LD 2118), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2010 (HP348)(LD 486), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2011 (SP669)(LD 1746), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2012 (HP573)(LD 766), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2013 (SP595)(LD 1736), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2014 (SP328)(LD 983), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2015 (SP674)(LD 1708), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2016 (HP160)(LD228), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2017 (HP1053)(LD1546), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1993 (HP1730)(LD 2421), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1994 (SP464)(LD 1456), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1996 (SP284)(LD 772), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1997 (HP1325)(LD 1815), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2008 (SP102)(LD 319), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (SP837)(LD 2174), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (SP159)(LD 524), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1102)(LD 1493), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP417)(LD 562), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP365)(LD 496), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP760)(LD 1094), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Nuclear Emergency Planning Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP519)(LD 709), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Allocations from the Maine Turnpike Authority Funds for the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Calendar Year Ending December 31, 2007 (SP756)(LD 1966), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Maine Turnpike Authority Funds to the Maine Turnpike Authority for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1995 (SP686)(LD 1872), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Advocate Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (SP325)(LD 977), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Advocate Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP521)(LD 711), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Advocate Regulatory Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP457)(LD 620), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP157)(LD 198), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP648)(LD 922), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP404)(LD 517), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP520)(LD 710), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Commission Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP537)(LD 728), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP406)(LD 540), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP988)(LD 1333), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Public Utilities Commission Regulatory Fund and the Public Utilities Reimbursement Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP366)(LD 497), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP373)(LD 494), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP700)(LD 952), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP650)(LD 924), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (SP158)(LD 523), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP522)(LD 712), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from the Transportation Safety Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP455)(LD 618), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1103)(LD 1494), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP389)(LD 523), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP820)(LD 1174), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (SP304)(LD 920), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP524)(LD 714), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Allocations from Various Funds of the Department of Environmental Protection for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP458)(LD 621), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make All Persons within Passamaquoddy Indian Territory Subject to Tribal Court Jurisdiction (HP702)(LD 966), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make an Appropriation to the Secretary of State for Expenses Incurred in Recent Elections (SP1044)(LD 2707), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make an Appropriation to the Secretary of State for Expenses Incurred in Recent Elections (SP16)(LD 1), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make an Employee Who Sells Alcoholic Beverages or Tobacco to a Minor Responsible for Paying the Fine (HP426)(LD 607), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make an Exception to the Law Regarding Licensing of Fair Vendors Selling Tobacco Products (HP660)(LD 941), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a Nonresident Municipal Shellfish License Fee No More than 1 1/2 Times the Resident Fee (HP1505)(LD 2127), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make An Owner Responsible for a Person's Injuries Caused by a Dog (SP189)(LD 661), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Any Recorded Tapes of Legislative Sessions or Legislative Hearings Public Information (HP967)(LD 1376), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a One-time Energy Appropriation to Support Shortfalls in the Low-income Home Energy Assistance Program (HP1677)(LD 2343), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Appeals to the Law Court From Revocation of Probation Proceedings Conditional and to Clarify the Matter of Bail Pending Final Disposition of a Motion for Revocation of Probation (HP397)(LD 542), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1997 (HP139)(LD 181), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government (HP36)(LD 50), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Appropriations to Improve Services to Veterans (HP595)(LD 805), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Record of Dog Licenses Available On-line (SP45)(LD 139), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Assault with a Dangerous Dog a Crime and to Allow a Court to Impose Restitution to the Victim (SP225)(LD 790), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Standard Alternative Form of Regulation Available to Rural Telephone Companies (SP622)(LD 1675), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a Supplemental Appropriation to the Attorney General for the Appeal of Public Access Cases (HP1402)(LD 1903), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a Technical Correction in the Chapter Dealing with AIDS (HP1379)(LD 1878), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a Technical Correction in the Enabling Legislation of the St. Croix International Waterway Commission (HP553)(LD 790), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Technical Correction to a Recently Enacted Law Regarding the Appointment of District Court Judges (SP557)(LD1455), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Technical Correction to Public Law 2015, Chapter 483 (SP710)(LD1703), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Technical Correction to the Law Establishing the State Trauma Prevention and Control Advisory Committee within the Field of Public Safety (SP217)(LD624), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make a Traffic Infraction That Results in Bodily Injury to the Offending Driver or Another Person a Class E Crime (HP240)(LD 344), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Available Special Handicap Veteran License Plates and Vanity Plates With a Veteran Designation (HP252)(LD 331), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Available State-owned Land for the Construction of Affordable Housing (HP1222)(LD 1666), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Available to the Public Certain Information Concerning the Alcohol Content of Malt Liquor, Wine and Spirits (HP1265)(LD 1763), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make a Violation of the Laws Governing Seat Belts a Secondary Offense (SP37)(LD 64), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Benefits Under the Household Tax and Rent Refund Program More Accessible (HP775)(LD 1087), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Bylaws and Minutes of Board Meetings of Publicly Funded Hospitals Subject to the Freedom of Access Act (HP476)(LD 684), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Career Information More Accessible to Maine Citizens (HP365)(LD 467), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes in the Child Welfare Laws (HP1251)(LD 1699), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes in the Educational Law (HP1665)(LD 2289), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Changes in the Laws Concerning the Family Division of District Court (HP683)(LD 973), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes in the University of Maine System to Promote Lifelong Learning (SP513)(LD 1597), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes to Post-conviction Review (HP1090)(LD 1533), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes to Postconviction Review (HP955)(LD 1344), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Changes to the Board of Licensure in Medicine (SP409)(LD 1161), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Changes to the Laws Governing Approval for Transmission Lines (SP427)(LD 1155), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Changes to the Laws Regarding E-9-1-1 Surcharge Collection from Prepaid Wireless and Voice over Internet Protocol Providers (HP540)(LD 789), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes to the Maine Juvenile Code (SP466)(LD 1262), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Changes to the State's Child Support Enforcement Laws (HP1521)(LD 2025), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Housekeeping Changes to the Banking Code Regarding Hours of Operation, Closing during Emergencies, the Publication of Reports of Financial Condition and the Maturity of Credit Lines (HP358)(LD 478), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Housekeeping Changes to Various Punishment Sections of the Maine Criminal Code (SP771)(LD 1996), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Housing an Acceptable Use of Tax Increment Financing (HP161)(LD 202), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Local Primaries Nonpartisan (HP822)(LD1189), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain MaineCare Rules Regarding Service Provided by the Department of Health and Human Services through the Department of Education Major Substantive Rules (SP707)(LD 1804), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Motor Vehicle Laws Applicable to All- terrain Vehicles (HP793)(LD 1105), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Necessary Appropriations and Allocations (HP701)(LD1018), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Necessary Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations (HP703)(LD1020), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Personnel Records Maintained by the Bureau of Human Resources Available to the Bureau of Employee Relations (SP726)(LD 1985), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Personnel Records Maintained by the Bureau of Human Resources Available to the Bureau of Employee Relations (SP972)(LD 2581), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Prescription Drug Disclosure Laws Consistent with Federal Law (HP530)(LD 719), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Provisions for Exceptional Students Consistent with Federal Laws and Regulations (HP1419)(LD 2026), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Public Utility Commission Rules Routine Technical Rules (HP1722)(LD 2428), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Revisions to the Maine Emergency Medical Services Act of 1982 (SP646)(LD 1805), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Statutory Changes in Light of the New Maine Rules of Unified Criminal Procedure (HP1108)(LD1632), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Statutory Changes to Facilitate District Court Judicial Administration (HP1555)(LD 2115), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Certain Synthetic Cannabinoids Illegal (HP673)(LD 914), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Certain Technical and Clarifying Changes to the Medical Examiner Act (HP1258)(LD 1705), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes in Maine's Tax Laws (HP1041)(LD 1418), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in Marine Resources Laws (HP1458)(LD 1969), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Administration of the Maine State Retirement System (HP1764)(LD 2417), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Beverage Container Deposit Laws (HP1324)(LD 1813), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Law Establishing the Maine School of Science and Mathematics (HP1035)(LD 1454), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Law Relating to Quasi- municipal Charter Changes (HP773)(LD 1085), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Laws Concerning Licensed Maine Guides and Related Laws (HP1767)(LD 2420), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Laws Governing Public Utilities (HP1361)(LD 1863), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Laws Governing Public Utilities (HP256)(LD 339), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes in the Laws Regarding Raffles (HP1187)(LD 1704), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Manufactured Housing Laws (SP461)(LD 1453), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Quahog Tax Laws (HP164)(LD 249), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Rule-Making Process (HP1913)(LD 2612), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes in the Workers' Compensation System (HP1397)(LD 1981), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to and Clarify Maine Traveler Information Services Laws (HP1231)(LD 1721), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to Boards and Commissions Concerning Membership, Appointments and Terms (HP663)(LD 904), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to Certain Motor Vehicle Laws (HP1464)(LD 2041), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to Laws Governing Condominiums Regarding the Display of Signs (HP658)(LD955), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to Maine's Homeowner Property Insurance Laws (HP764)(LD 1046), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Allocation of Revenue from Watercraft Registration (HP755)(LD 1019), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the ASPIRE-TANF Program (HP154)(LD 203), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Banking Laws (SP196)(LD 587), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Board of Licensure in Medicine (HP342)(LD 432), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Cub Care Program (HP1622)(LD 2269), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Educators for Maine Program (HP94)(LD 112), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Human Resource Development Council in Order to Conform with the United States Economic Dislocation and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act of 1988 (SP101)(LD 120), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing Aquaculture Leasing (HP1040)(LD 1417), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing the Maine Potato Board (HP378)(LD 503), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Laws Governing the Maine State Retirement System (HP1376)(LD 1961), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Governing the Tax on Motor Fuel (HP494)(LD 664), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Regarding Notice and Publication of Unclaimed Property (HP1118)(LD 1518), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Laws Regarding Pine Tree Development Zones (HP1483)(LD 2091), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Maine College Savings Program (HP871)(LD 1173), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Maine College Savings Program (HP95)(LD 113), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Maine Economic Growth Council (SP651)(LD 1872), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (HP78)(LD 80), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (SP61)(LD 179), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Motorcycle Inspection Sticker Requirements (SP72)(LD 221), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Motor Vehicle Laws (SP643)(LD 1687), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Official Maine State Symbols BY REQUEST (SP530)(LD 1635), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Pine Tree Development Zones (SP147)(LD 449), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Potato Marketing Improvement Fund (HP9)(LD 5), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Public Utilities Commission Laws (SP161)(LD 309), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Public Utilities Commission Laws (SP574)(LD 1616), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Public Utilities Laws (HP1040)(LD 1459), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Public Utilities Law (SP745)(LD 2004), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the Sex Offender Notification Provisions (HP653)(LD 876), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Changes to the So-called Dig Safe Law (SP638)(LD 1647), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Changes to the Student Incentive Scholarship Program (SP614)(LD 1779), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Child Care More Accessible for Parents in Transition From Welfare to Work (HP789)(LD 1033), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Children Legally Responsible for Their Truancy (HP650)(LD 888), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Circuitbreaker Program Benefits Proportional If a Resident Moves (HP814)(LD 1096), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Civil Process Fees on Papers Served on Behalf of the State of Maine Consistent with Fees Paid by Other Governmental Entities (HP957)(LD 1365), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Clam Flat Status Notification More Efficient, Cost-effective and Economically Beneficial to the Shellfish Industry (HP1508)(LD 2129), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make College More Affordable for Maine Residents (SP220)(LD627), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Commercial Vehicle Weight Limits Consistent with Federal Law (SP731)(LD 2081), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Complimentary Doe Permits Available to Residents over 70 Years of Age who have a Complimentary Hunting License (HP96)(LD 131), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Comprehensive Changes to the Sex Offender Laws (SP551)(LD 1510), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Confidential Certain Information Collected from Maine Farmers and Agricultural Business (HP536)(LD 743), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to make Confidential Certain Information Collected from State Farmers (SP200)(LD 672), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Confidential the E-mail Addresses of Applicants for Department of Marine Resources Licenses (HP709)(LD1026), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Consistent the Federal Veterans' Reemployment Law (HP1136)(LD 1546), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Consistent the Sales and Use Tax Imposed on Various Fuels Used To Heat Buildings for Human Habitation (SP711)(LD 1785), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Convicted Drug Felons Ineligible for TANF Assistance (HP1037)(LD 1443), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections in the Governmental Ethics Law (HP1481)(LD 2061), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections in the Mental Health Insurance Laws (HP1249)(LD 1778), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections in the Recodification of the Liquor Laws (HP1598)(LD 2184), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections in the Recodification of the Liquor Laws (HP42)(LD 53), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections of Errors and Inconsistencies in the Laws of Maine (SP576)(LD 1717), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to Laws in Conflict with MCJUSTIS Changes (HP25)(LD 18), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to Laws Recently Enacted by the 119th Legislature (HP1612)(LD 2255), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to the Law Relating to Motor Vehicles used in the Transportation of Forest Products (HP1388)(LD 1887), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to the Laws Governing the County Jail Prisoner Support and Community Corrections Fund (HP113)(LD 144), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to the Laws Governing the Maine Bail Code (SP744)(LD 2022), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Corrections to the Life Settlement Laws (HP1073)(LD 1523), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Corrections to the Salary Reductions Authorized in Public Law 1991, Chapter 780, Part III (SP203)(LD 639), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Courses that Teach English as a 2nd Language Reimbursable by the State (HP860)(LD 1217), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Criminal Background Checks and Department of Health and Human Services Child Protective Substantiation Checks on Volunteers More Affordable (HP978)(LD 1386), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Dam Owners Responsible for the Proper Functioning of Fishways (HP829)(LD 1161), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Disputed Ballots in State Elections Public (HP225)(LD 277), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Disputed Ballots in State Elections Public (HP334)(LD 456), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Dormancy Fees on Gift Cards Illegal (HP737)(LD 1084), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Economic Development Funds More Readily Available for Improving Existing Equipment and Facilities (HP1315)(LD 1777), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Efficient Electric Heat Pumps Available to Utility Customers, Including Low-income Customers (HP1061)(LD1558), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Election Day a State Holiday (HP861)(LD 1243), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Electricity Provider Do-not-call Requirements Consistent with State and Federal Requirements (HP1262)(LD 1740), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Electronic Monitoring and Substance Testing Programs Economically Feasible (HP1451)(LD 2063), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Emergency Appropriations or Allocations in Fiscal Year 1999-00 only for the Emergency Items (HP1953)(LD 2692), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Emergency Changes to Recent Law (HP1404)(LD 1897), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Emergency Changes to the Motor Vehicle Laws (HP816)(LD 1170), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Failure to Provide Proper Identification a Violation of the Liquor Laws (HP274)(LD 382), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Failure To Wear a Seat Belt a Primary Offense (SP22)(LD 24), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Fairs and Festivals Safer for Children (HP664)(LD 954), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make False Claims of Military Service a Crime (HP37)(LD43), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Filling Out-of-State Prescriptions for Schedule II Drugs More Convenient (HP1151)(LD 1578), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Fisheries and Wildlife Projects Eligible for Tax Increment Financing (SP552)(LD 1653), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Fish in Maine Rivers Safe to Eat and Reduce Color Pollution (SP528)(LD 1633), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Further Distinctions between Types of Boarding Care Facilities (HP1578)(LD 2225), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make General Assistance More Available to Homeless People and Clarify the Definition of Need (HP1061)(LD 1483), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Gold and Silver Coins and Bars Legal Tender (HP124)(LD 149), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Habitual Truancy a Crime (HP1015)(LD 1407), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Health Care Affordable, Accessible and Effective for All (HP1322)(LD 1890), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Health Care More Accessible to Low-Income Elderly and Disabled Individuals, Children and Pregnant Women (HP1643)(LD 2242), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Health Care More Affordable to Small Businesses (SP217)(LD 676), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Health Insurance More Affordable (SP244)(LD 670), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Health Provider Data More Accessible to the Public (HP1119)(LD 1575), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Higher Education More Affordable for Maine Families (SP347)(LD 1161), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Higher Education More Efficient and More Economical (HP703)(LD 928), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Housing More Affordable to Maine Citizens (HP1659)(LD 2269), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Hunting Hours Consistent (SP60)(LD 137), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Illegal Possession of Certain Narcotic Drugs a Class C Crime (HP577)(LD 812), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Improvements in the Budget Process (HP919)(LD 1233), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Improvements in the Operation of the Judicial Department of the State (HP1382)(LD 1913), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Improvements to and Facilitate Prompt Enforcement of Environmental Laws (HP1732)(LD 2375), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Interim Adjustments and Establish a Prospective Reimbursement System for Boarding Care Facilities Serving Persons with Mental Retardation (SP570)(LD 1598), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Interim Adjustments and Establish a Prospective Reimbursement System for Boarding Care Facilities Serving the Mentally Retarded (SP834)(LD 2168), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Interim Adjustments in the Certificate of Need Development Account (SP845)(LD 2191), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make It a Class E Crime to Write a Check on a Closed Account (HP904)(LD 1282), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make It a Crime to Solicit a Child by Means of Computer to Commit an Unlawful Sex Act (HP808)(LD 1096), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make It a Crime to Solicit a Child by Means of Computer to Commit an Unlawful Sexual Act (HP71)(LD 84), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make it an Unfair Claims Practice for Insurers Who Fail to Deal in Good Faith with Claimants to Resolve Claims (HP202)(LD 280), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make It Illegal to Pass on Solid Center Lines (HP682)(LD 938), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Legislative Information Available through the Internet (HP78)(LD 103), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make License Requirements and Rules Consistent for Young Anglers (HP1337)(LD 1896), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make License Requirements and Rules Consistent for Young Anglers (HP503)(LD 654), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Lien Fees Consistent for Sewer Assessments and Real Property Taxes (HP138)(LD 179), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Liquor Retail Prices Uniform Throughout the State (HP94)(LD 103), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Lobster Trap Molesting a Civil Offense (HP18)(LD 16), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Low-cost Land Available for Affordable Housing (HP120)(LD 165), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Maine Health Insurance Laws Consistent with Federal Laws (HP1278)(LD 1808), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Maine Law Consistent with the Federal Law Regarding the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 and to Clarify Maine Laws Regarding Underwriting and Continuity (HP1451)(LD 1980), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Maine Laws Consistent with Recent Amendments to the United States Trade Act of 1974 (HP1087)(LD 1543), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Maine Medicare Supplement Insurance Laws Consistent with Federal Laws (SP48)(LD 119), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Maine Milk Laws Conform to Federal Laws (HP1060)(LD 1549), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Maine Mills More Competitive by Encouraging the Processing of Forest Products at Mills in the United States (SP640)(LD 1649), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Maine Safer by Collecting DNA from Those Convicted of Felonies (HP334)(LD 418), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Maine's Laws Consistent with the Federal Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (HP1086)(LD 1542), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Maine State Retirement System Membership Optional for Employees in Participating Local Districts that Establish an Alternative Pension System (HP281)(LD 364), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Mandated Health Insurance Coverage Optional (HP1052)(LD 1484), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Manufacturing Real Estate Eligible for Business Equipment Property Tax Reimbursement (SP544)(LD 1606), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Marine Resources Management More Responsive (SP752)(LD 1958), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Materiality a Jury Issue Relative to the Crime of Perjury (HP544)(LD 765), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Mediation Mandatory in Medical Malpractice Proceedings (SP531)(LD 1636), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Adjustments to Laws Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (HP1283)(LD 1738), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Adjustments to the 1993 Apportionment Plan (HP977)(LD 1386), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes and Corrections to Statutes Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (HP1074)(LD 1497), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes and Corrections to Statutes Administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (SP397)(LD1128), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Changes in the Motor Vehicle Laws (SP75)(LD 65), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes to Municipal Health Inspection Activities (HP875)(LD 1177), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Changes to the Community Development Definitions to Maintain Compatibility with Federal Regulations (SP885)(LD 2300), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes to the Gambling Control Board Laws (SP311)(LD 994), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Changes to the Maine Technology Institute's Statute and to Make Minor Changes to the Applied Technology Development Centers' Statute (SP712)(LD 1914), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Changes to the Required Law Enforcement Policies (SP532)(LD 1573), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Corrections to the Laws Governing Consumer Credit and Collection (HP1023)(LD 1434), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Nonsubstantive Changes to the Laws Affecting the Office of the State Auditor (HP334)(LD495), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Substantive Changes in the Tax Laws (HP131)(LD 162), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1024)(LD 1462), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1054)(LD 1504), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1075)(LD 1470), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1218)(LD 1711), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1335)(LD 1813), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP1531)(LD 2151), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (HP980)(LD 1401), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Substantive Changes to the Tax Laws (SP666)(LD 1870), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Minor Technical Adjustments to Various Professional Licensing Boards (HP933)(LD 1314), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Technical Changes to Maine's Spending Growth Benchmarks (HP1350)(LD 1909), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Technical Changes to the Laws Governing the Department of Labor (HP1200)(LD 1677), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Minor Technical Changes to the Maine Biomedical Research Program (SP436)(LD 1345), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Miscellaneous Changes to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 34-A (SP569)(LD 1489), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Modifications to Economic Development Activities (SP552)(LD 1576), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make More Affordable the Surcharge on the Sale of Dogs and Cats That Have Not Been Neutered (SP171)(LD 516), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make More Effective Use of Maine's Public and Private Higher Educational Institutions as Sources of Input for Public Policy (SP59)(LD 42), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make More Uniform the Training of Firefighters (SP656)(LD 1878), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Mother's Day a Free Day for Fishing (SP768)(LD 1932), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Moving a Mobile Home with Unpaid Taxes Subject to a $250 Forfeiture (HP553)(LD 774), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Municipal Recounts Consistent with State Recounts (SP343)(LD 1134), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Necessary Changes to Implement Comprehensive Land Use Planning (HP1950)(LD 2643), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Necessary Technical Changes Relating to the Maine Business Corporation Act and the Maine Professional Service Corporation Act (HP1109)(LD 1517), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make November 1st the Opening Day of the Scallop Season throughout the State (HP831)(LD 1154), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Organizational Changes in the Maine State Cultural Affairs Council (HP1640)(LD 2291), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Owners of Cooperative Housing Eligible for the Homestead Exemption (HP1093)(LD 1552), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Owners Responsible for Their Abandoned Lobster Traps BY REQUEST (SP331)(LD 912), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Parents More Aware of Eating Disorders (SP498)(LD 1394), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Part 1 of the Maine Criminal Code Gender-neutral (HP726)(LD 966), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Participation in the Maine Legislative Retirement System Optional (SP543)(LD 1514), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Pension Payments Exempt from State Taxes (SP683)(LD 1748), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Permanent the Allowance of Certain Commercial Vehicles between the Calais Border Crossing and Baileyville (SP490)(LD 1355), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Permanent the Direction of Fines Derived from Tribal Law Enforcement Activities to the Passamaquoddy Tribe and the Penobscot Nation (HP171)(LD 194), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Permanent the Reciprocal Agreement between Maine and Other States Regarding a Snowmobile Weekend (SP61)(LD 172), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Pet Dealers Liable for the Sale of Dogs and Cats That Have Health Problems (HP53)(LD 47), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Political Advertising Accountable and Transparent (HP539)(LD790), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Polling Places More Convenient (HP1216)(LD 1639), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Possession of a Firearm with an Altered or Obscured Serial Number a Class C Crime (SP412)(LD1160), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Possession of Armor-piercing Bullets a Class C Crime (HP796)(LD 1113), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Post-conviction Possession of Animals a Criminal Offense (SP252)(LD 703), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Privileged Communication Between a Licensed Counseling Professional and a Patient (SP593)(LD 1717), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Procedural Changes to the Maine Turnpike Authority (SP138)(LD 324), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Property Owned by Consumer-Owned Utilities Tax Exempt (HP325)(LD 424), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Provisions of the Maine Human Rights Act Consistent with Federal Law (SP235)(LD 728), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Public Certain Information Regarding Forest Practices (HP821)(LD 1144), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Public Certain Tax Information Related to Municipal Valuation (HP619)(LD900), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Public Information Regarding Financial Interests Affecting Legislative Testimony (HP1395)(LD 1993), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Public the Names of Members of Limited Liability Companies (HP190)(LD 237), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Public the Proceedings of the Board of Overseers of the Bar (HP545)(LD 742), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Public the Records of the Department of Corrections Relating to Inmate Furloughs and Requests under the Uniform Act for Out-of-State Parolee Supervision (HP1629)(LD 2257), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Purposeful Misrepresentation and Stolen Identity of Another Person a Class C Crime (HP180)(LD 258), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Real Estate Taxation Stable, Equitable and Predictable (SP624)(LD 1756), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Records of External Review Proceedings Overseen by the Bureau of Insurance Confidential (SP239)(LD 648), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Records of Quasi-judicial Proceedings Confidential (HP561)(LD 759), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Refusing a Blood-alcohol Test a Crime (SP392)(LD 1288), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Retail Liquor Prices Uniform Throughout the State (SP112)(LD 167), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Retirement Benefits More Equitable by Imposing a Surcharge on Income from Congressional Retirement Benefits (SP616)(LD 1684), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Revisions in Marine Resource Laws (HP1464)(LD 2076), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Revisions in the Drug Testing Laws (SP801)(LD 2049), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Revisions in the Marine Resource Laws (SP510)(LD 1359), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Revisions in Workers' Compensation Employment Rehabilitation (HP1488)(LD 2100), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Revisions to the Laws Governing Agriculture (HP167)(LD 216), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Revisions to the Laws Governing Pesticide Control (HP1330)(LD 1890), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agricultural Fairs (HP1391)(LD 1985), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Revisions to the Maine Revised Statutes Relating to Agriculture (HP1227)(LD 1720), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Revisions to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (SP286)(LD 774), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Safer Schools (HP709)(LD 1024), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Schools Safer (HP773)(LD 1096), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Sexual Exploitation of Minors a Crime Compensable by the Victims' Compensation Board (SP71)(LD 218), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Stalking a Crime in Maine (HP328)(LD 416), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make State Drug Testing Standards for Marijuana Consistent with Federal Standards (HP1011)(LD 1357), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make State Law Regarding Continuation of Group Health Insurance Coverage Consistent with Federal Law (HP280)(LD 363), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Statutory Changes To Address Certain Conflicting Requirements of the Maine Rules of Professional Conduct and the Federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of 2000 Regarding Maine's Protection and Advocacy Agency (HP883)(LD 1249), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Statutory Changes to Implement the Recommendations of the Legislature's Total Quality Management Committee (HP1083)(LD 1449), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Strangulation an Aggravating Sentencing Factor (HP761)(LD 1027), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Substantive Changes in the Liquor Laws (HP1149)(LD 1564), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Substantive Changes in the Liquor Laws (HP1348)(LD 1842), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Substantive Corrections in the County and Municipal Laws (HP35)(LD 36), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund and Other Funds, and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2009 (HP1566)(LD 2196), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund, and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 (HP1808)(LD 2534), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Fund for a Healthy Maine and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2001 (HP1823)(LD 2555), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007 (HP262)(LD 327), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of State Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30 (HP1227)(LD 1728), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2009 (HP54)(LD 61), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011 (SP168)(LD 576), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2014 and June 30, 2015 (HP1280)(LD 1788), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Expenditures of State Government Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013 (HP234)(LD 324), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1999 (SP759)(LD 2135), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund and Other Funds for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP1566)(LD 2199), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Expenditures of State Government Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013 (HP1117)(LD 1550), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995 (HP119)(LD 154), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1997 (HP206)(LD 259), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1987, June 30, 1988 and June 30, 1989 (HP1342)(LD 1834), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1788)(LD 2449), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP388)(LD 522), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP123)(LD 160), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP1776)(LD 2444), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP408)(LD 521), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (SP699)(LD 1897), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP1336)(LD 1830), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 (HP690)(LD 957), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations of Funds from the Highway Fund for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP1677)(LD 2354), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988 and June 30, 1989 (HP1796)(LD 2460), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (SP198)(LD 555), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (SP627)(LD 1848), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP115)(LD 152), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Allocations, to Transfer Positions among Funds and to Make Technical Corrections to the Laws for Fiscal Year 1992-93 (SP406)(LD 1264), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law for the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP1763)(LD 2428), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (SP680)(LD 1798), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and Changes to Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP1397)(LD 1950), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary for the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP1351)(LD 1828), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 (HP655)(LD 855), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 (SP1024)(LD 2680), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994 (HP1409)(LD 1919), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1995 (HP120)(LD 155), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2003 (HP1746)(LD 2220), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2003 (HP372)(LD 483), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2005 (HP383)(LD 508), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2007 (HP186)(LD 215), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2009 (HP40)(LD 45), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011 (HP86)(LD 100), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013 (SP604)(LD 1563), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2013 (SP86)(LD 250), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1987, June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1364)(LD 1867), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988 and June 30, 1989 (HP404)(LD 538), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (SP831)(LD 2156), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP1649)(LD 2282), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990 and June 30, 1991 (HP1831)(LD 2503), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP475)(LD 640), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP654)(LD 928), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP1306)(LD 1761), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1994 and June 30, 1995 (HP216)(LD 284), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP1280)(LD 1759), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1996 and June 30, 1997 (HP700)(LD 958), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1998 and June 30, 1999 (HP833)(LD 1138), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 (HP1790)(LD 2510), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2000 and June 30, 2001 (HP454)(LD 617), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 (HP1574)(LD 2080), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2003, June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP1190)(LD 1614), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP1420)(LD 1919), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 (HP1378)(LD 1968), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2008 and June 30, 2009 (HP1547)(LD 2173), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2012 and June 30, 2013 (SP600)(LD 1746), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government To Address Revenue Shortfalls Projected for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012 (HP1384)(LD 1870), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government To Address Supplemental Funding Needs Projected for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 and To Adjust Funding for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2015 (HP1325)(LD 1843), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 (HP1186)(LD 1677), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1991 and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law (HP192)(LD 274), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1395)(LD 1894), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 and to Change Certain Provisions of Law (HP1402)(LD 1985), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Years ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 and to Change Certain Provisions of the Laws (HP1547)(LD 2185), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government Necessary to the Proper Operations of State of Maine's Workers' Compensation Commission for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1990, and June 30, 1991 (HP529)(LD 714), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations for Expenditures of the Judicial Department and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Operation of the Judicial Department for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1988, and June 30, 1989 (HP1866)(LD 2551), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations for the Expenditures of State Government for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1993 (HP17)(LD 18), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations in Fiscal Year 1992-93 for the Purpose of Meeting Certain State Payrolls (SP154)(LD 485), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations in Fiscal Year 1992-93 to Meet Certain Payrolls (HP217)(LD 285), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Supplemental Highway Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and to Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003 (SP388)(LD 1285), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Highway Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2004 and June 30, 2005 (HP976)(LD 1322), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Supplemental Highway Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government and To Change Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 2006 and June 30, 2007 (HP946)(LD 1363), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Surveyors Liable for Their Surveying Errors (HP459)(LD 624), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Adjustments to the Truck Overweight Law (HP651)(LD 879), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Adjustments to Various Licensing Board Laws and to Adjust Budgetary Constraints Affecting Various Boards (HP1151)(LD 1676), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Amendments in the Certificate of Need Act to Expedite the Process (SP483)(LD 1460), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Amendments to the Criminal History Record Information Act and the Intelligence and Investigative Record Information Act and a Related Provision in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A (SP709)(LD 1782), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Amendments to the Maine Juvenile Code (HP1067)(LD1575), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Amendments to the Maine Uniform Trust Code (SP538)(LD 1551), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Amendments to Truck Size and Weight Laws (HP1065)(LD 1457), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical and Minor Changes in the Capitol Planning Commission (HP749)(LD 1096), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical and Supervisory Amendments to the Banking Laws (SP292)(LD 904), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical and Supervisory Amendments to the Laws Governing Banking and Consumer Credit (HP985)(LD 1409), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes and Improvements to the Employment Tax Increment Financing Program (HP932)(LD 1309), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes in Laws Authorizing the Sale of the Pineland Center (HP133)(LD 175), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes in Laws Relating to Conservation (HP578)(LD 813), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes in the Charter of the Waterville Sewerage District (HP1976)(LD 2674), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes in the Law Authorizing the Capital Riverfront Improvement District (SP863)(LD 2261), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes in the Laws Relating to the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages (SP510)(LD 1572), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes in the Marine Resources Laws (SP284)(LD 802), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Aquaculture Laws (HP270)(LD 337), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Maine's Aquaculture Statutes (HP992)(LD 1409), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Maine's Marine Resources Laws and Elver Enforcement Mechanisms (SP588)(LD 1545), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Maine's Marine Resources Laws (SP260)(LD730), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Maine's Marine Resources Laws (SP587)(LD 1722), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Marine Resources Laws (HP1176)(LD 1604), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Marine Resources Laws (SP483)(LD 1522), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes to Provisions Related to the Probation and Parole and Intensive Supervision Program Functions (SP223)(LD 539), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Recently Enacted Legislation (SP554)(LD1452), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to Statutes Regarding Regulatory Boards and Registrations (HP1099)(LD 1506), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Laws (SP332)(LD 987), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Gambling Laws (SP665)(LD 1748), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Laws Concerning Tobacco Manufacturers (HP1104)(LD 1511), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Laws Establishing the Lincoln and Sagadahoc Multicounty Jail Authority (SP242)(LD 744), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Laws Governing Child Support (SP614)(LD1562), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Laws Governing the Practice of Law (HP1150)(LD 1622), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Maine Criminal Code (HP693)(LD 983), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank Laws (HP825)(LD 1132), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Changes to the Maine State Grant Program (SP732)(LD 2042), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Medical Licensure Laws (HP301)(LD 398), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Repeal of the Personal Property Tax on Business Equipment (SP426)(LD 1225), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Changes to the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Acts of 1999 and 2013 (HP773)(LD1112), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections in Recently Enacted Laws (HP1176)(LD 1567), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections in the Laws Concerning Gasoline Stations (HP567)(LD 771), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections in the Laws Regarding Funding Adult Education Programs and the Closure of an Elementary School in a School District (HP1658)(LD 2299), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections in the Maine Administrative Procedure Act (SP337)(LD 1115), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections in the Workers' Compensation Act (SP710)(LD 1932), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections to Maine's Appellate Jurisdiction Laws Concerning Involuntary Hospitalization (HP189)(LD 250), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections to Maine's Fish and Wildlife Laws (HP1265)(LD 1743), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections to the Employment Security Law (SP801)(LD 2007), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections to the Laws Governing the Indian Representatives to the Legislature (HP1276)(LD 1726), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Technical Corrections to the Laws Regarding Withholding Tax on Real Estate Transfers (HP1407)(LD 1990), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections to the Maine Consumer Credit Code To Facilitate the Multistate Licensing Process (SP678)(LD 1712), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Technical Corrections to the Operating Under the Influence Laws (SP66)(LD 180), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Telecommunications Personal Property Tax Law Equitable (HP334)(LD 441), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the 3rd Violation of OUI a Class C Crime (SP149)(LD 462), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program a Local Option (HP583)(LD 783), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Cashier or Clerk Who Sells Alcoholic Beverages or Tobacco to an Underage Person Responsible for Paying the Fine (HP374)(LD 481), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Children's Ombudsman Program an Independent Office (HP81)(LD 73), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Circuit-breaker Program a Credit under the Income Tax (HP667)(LD 890), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Commissioner of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife an Elected Position BY REQUEST (HP698)(LD 962), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Completion of an Internship a Requirement for High School Graduation (HP501)(LD 750), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Consolidation of School Administrative Units Voluntary and To Eliminate the Penalties for Units That Choose Not To Consolidate (HP221)(LD 268), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Department of Marine Resources Responsible for Coastal Search and Rescue (HP670)(LD 918), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Responsible for the Burial Expenses of State Wards (SP295)(LD 793), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Director of Safety a Major Policy-influencing Position (HP1044)(LD 1407), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Director of the Office of Substance Abuse a Position Requiring Legislative Confirmation (SP41)(LD 65), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Exemption for Home Knitters from the Unemployment Insurance Tax Retroactive (HP1832)(LD 2509), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Homestead Property Tax Exemption More Flexible for Municipalities and Remain Revenue Neutral for the State (HP635)(LD 838), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Income Tax More Equitable for Citizens of the State (HP585)(LD 834), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Land for Maine's Future Program Effective and Publicly Accountable (HP1312)(LD 1815), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Law Regarding Critical Incident Stress Management Teams More Beneficial and Effective (SP448)(LD1243), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Laws Affecting Certain Bridges Consistent with Federal Law (HP1204)(LD 1626), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Laws Governing State Ambient Air Quality for Ozone and Particulate Matter Consistent with Federal Requirements (HP549)(LD 770), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Maine Income Tax a Percentage of the Federal Income Tax (HP1079)(LD 1521), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Maine Music Educators Association Tax Exempt (SP382)(LD 1018), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Minimum Age for a Muzzle-loading License the Same as the Minimum Age for a Hunting License (HP294)(LD 382), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Minimum Wage a Livable Wage (HP516)(LD 721), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Prison Industry Program More Effective (HP324)(LD 408), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Purchase or Sale of Liquor by Direct Shipment, Mail Order or the Internet a Class C Crime (HP117)(LD 148), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Site Location of Development Laws More Development Friendly (HP319)(LD 431), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the State Board of Education Elected (HP962)(LD 1325), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the State's Standard for Lead Exposure in Children Consistent with the Federal Standard (SP387)(LD1115), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the State's Uniform Commercial Code Compatible with the Federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act (SP352)(LD 1038), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Terms of Certain Commissioners Coterminous with the Term of the Governor (SP104)(LD 282), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Terms of Certain Commissioners Coterminous with the Term of the Governor (SP61)(LD 90), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Unemployment Compensation Program More Responsive to the Needs of Today's Workforce and to Ensure the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund (HP961)(LD 1359), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Unemployment Insurance Program More Responsive to the Needs of Today's Workforce (HP944)(LD 1258), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the University of Maine System Board of Trustees an Elected Body (HP952)(LD 1315), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Use of Halogen Lights on Motor Vehicles Illegal (HP983)(LD 1381), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Make the Use of Scheduled Drugs without a Prescription a Crime (SP271)(LD 792), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Use of Stop Arm Warning Devices Mandatory on School Buses (HP324)(LD 446), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Wild Blueberry the Official State Berry (HP291)(LD 412), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Workers' Compensation Laws for Temporary Employees Consistent with Those Laws for Permanent Employees (HP85)(LD 121), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Make the Workers' Compensation System More Equitable (SP491)(LD 1523), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Transportation More Affordable for Low-income Families (HP357)(LD 465), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Unemployment Compensation Law More Fair to Seniors (SP458)(LD 1310), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, General Fund and Other Funds, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1991, June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP1387)(LD 1976), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Unified Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures of State Government, Highway Fund, and Changing Certain Provisions of the Law Necessary to the Proper Operations of State Government for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1992 and June 30, 1993 (HP1389)(LD 1977), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Uniform Hours for Agency Liquor Stores (SP293)(LD 865), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Uniform the Language Governing Parental Rights and Responsibilities in the Maine Revised Statutes (HP1104)(LD 1473), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Unlawful Possession of Firearms for Nonviolent Juvenile Offenses Either a Crime or a Juvenile Offense Depending upon the Age of the Violator (HP233)(LD 297), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Veterans' Property Tax Exemption Applications Confidential (HP687)(LD 973), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Make Voluntary Membership in a Public Employee Labor Organization in the State (HP251)(LD 309), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Make Voting Places Handicapped Accessible (HP1463)(LD 2054), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Manage Commercial and Industrial Growth on Significant Ground Water Aquifers (SP162)(LD 319), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Manage Electricity Rates To Lower Consumer Electricity Bills and Increase Utilities' Cash Flow through 3rd-party Management of Smart Meters (HP648)(LD945), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Manage Risks Associated with Surface Uses on Public Water Supplies (HP505)(LD 722), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Manage Risks Associated with the Installation of Natural Gas Pipelines (HP775)(LD1124), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Manage the Sea Urchin Fishery (SP299)(LD 1010), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Manage the Sea Urchin Fishery (SP483)(LD 1451), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Manage Water Resources (HP380)(LD 491), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Abortion Reporting Standards (HP662)(LD 918), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Disclosure of Rustproofing of Motor Vehicles (HP247)(LD 359), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Driver Training and the Use of Safety Belts by Police Officers (HP297)(LD 409), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Mandate E-9-1-1 TDD Testing and Training (SP594)(LD 1612), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Mandate Insurance Coverage for Infertility Treatment (HP534)(LD 720), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Notification of Emergency Medical Services Personnel at Risk for Transmission of Communicable Diseases (HP270)(LD 382), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Mandate Payment of Certified Deaf Interpreters for Driver Education Students (SP144)(LD 446), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Rustproofing Designation of Motor Vehicles (HP668)(LD 901), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Smoking Cessation Services for Health Insurance (HP382)(LD 484), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Source Separation and Recycling of Solid Waste (HP1114)(LD 1547), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate Suspension of a Minor's Operator's License for Possession of Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle (HP208)(LD 270), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate that Ingredients be Listed on Labels of Liquor Bottles Sold at State Liquor Stores (HP806)(LD 1118), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate that Insurance Companies Cover Eating Disorders (SP209)(LD 598), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Mandate That the School Year Not Begin before September 1st (SP108)(LD 395), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate the Continuance of Current Policies on Winter Utility Disconnections (HP4)(LD 10), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate the Use of Headlights during Inclement Weather (HP707)(LD 968), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate the Use of Seat Belts (SP381)(LD 1058), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Mandate the Use of Seat Belts (SP491)(LD 1333), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Mandate the Use of Standardized Risk Assessment in the Management of Domestic Violence Crimes (HP1263)(LD 1711), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Mark Animals for Identification of Ownership (HP781)(LD 1053), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Market Maine's Hunting and Fishing Opportunities (HP449)(LD668), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Maximize the Benefits of Renewable Energy in Maine (HP904)(LD1329), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Maximize the Effectiveness of Funds Appropriated for Long-Term Care (SP789)(LD 2066), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Measure Mileage Payments to Jurors (SP144)(LD 398), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet Federal Requirements Regarding Collection of Bias Motivation Data through Uniform Crime Reporting (HP222)(LD 286), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet Maine National Guard Payrolls Related to the Ice Storms of 1998 (HP1549)(LD 2178), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet the Alcohol Abuse Treatment Needs of Maine Citizens (HP753)(LD 1020), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Meet the Emergency Needs of Maine Veterans (SP779)(LD 1985), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet the Increased Need for Crisis Intervention and Community Education Services Provided by Rape Crisis Centers in Maine (SP292)(LD 765), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet the Increased Need for Crisis Intervention and Community Education Services Provided by Rape Crisis Centers in the State (SP126)(LD 228), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet the Increasing Critical Need for Visits by Maternal and Child Health Care Nurses to the Homes of Multiproblem Families (SP66)(LD 118), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Meet the Increasing Demand for Visits by Maternal and Child Health Care Nurses to the Homes of Multi-problem Families (HP1397)(LD 1933), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Merge the Charter of the Jackman Water and Sewer Districts (HP1276)(LD 1752), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Merge the Maine Educational Loan Authority with the Finance Authority of Maine (SP544)(LD1443), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize Carbon Dioxide Emissions from New Coal-powered Industrial and Electrical Generating Facilities in the State (HP1506)(LD 2126), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize Conflicts between Property Owners and Grid-scale Wind Energy Developments (HP1088)(LD 1479), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Minimize Electric Rates (SP307)(LD 940), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Minimize State Revenue Loss Due to Ineffective Health Coverage (HP1392)(LD 1945), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Minimize the Environmental, Social and Physical Impact of Tourists on Monhegan Island (SP899)(LD 2335), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Minimize the Harmful Effects of Lead (HP625)(LD 875), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize the Litigation Costs to Municipalities Associated with Property Tax Assessment Appeals (HP944)(LD 1335), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize the Potential for Slope Failure in Gravel Pits (SP859)(LD 2227), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize the Risk to Maine's Marine Waters and Organisms Posed by the Application of Pesticides (HP1168)(LD 1657), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Minimize the Use of Plastic Bags (HP919)(LD 1292), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Mitigate the Effect of Large Mandatory Environmental Penalties (SP696)(LD 1898), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Mitigate Volatile Energy Costs (HP586)(LD 741), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize and Consolidate Court Facilities (SP590)(LD1528), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize and Improve the Efficiency of Maine's Courts (HP1281)(LD 1789), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize and Reduce the Cost of Driver Education (HP178)(LD 201), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize and Simplify the Tax Code (HP1073)(LD 1496), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Maine's Accountancy Laws (HP572)(LD 751), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Maine's Broadband Standards (SP414)(LD1167), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize Maine's Cigarette Tax Laws (HP1150)(LD 1615), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize Maine's Financial Institution Franchise Tax (HP1282)(LD 1819), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize Maine's Fuel Tax Laws (SP585)(LD 1748), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Maine's Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (SP576)(LD 1677), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Maine's Solar Power Policy and Encourage Economic Development (HP1120)(LD1649), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Maine's Tax Code (HP1123)(LD 1587), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Regulation of Sand and Gravel Pits (HP992)(LD 1428), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize Road User Fees (HP771)(LD1110), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize State Income Tax Refunds (HP125)(LD 150), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Alcohol Tax by Imposing It on a Per Drink Basis (HP1208)(LD 1725), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize the Capital Structure of Domestic Stock Insurers (SP648)(LD 1743), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize the Definition of Telecommunications Utilities Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission (SP740)(LD 1999), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize the Definition of Telephone Utilities Subject to the Jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission (HP103)(LD 113), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Functions of County Government (HP271)(LD 345), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Innkeeping Statutes (SP313)(LD 905), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Laws Governing the State's Cultural Agencies (HP1141)(LD 1613), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Laws Pertaining to the Sport of Skiing and Use of Ski Areas (SP419)(LD 1171), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize the Laws Regarding Bicycle Safety (HP263)(LD 312), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Local Health Officer Statutes (SP915)(LD 2294), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Maine Clean Election Act by Allowing for Private Contributions (HP640)(LD 843), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Procedure for Appeals in Criminal Cases (SP320)(LD 1087), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize the Procurement Practices at the Department of Transportation (HP1483)(LD 1984), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the State's Legal Notice Requirements (HP961)(LD 1344), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the State's Tax System (HP1020)(LD 1394), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Statutes Governing Physician Assistants (HP375)(LD 556), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Modernize the Tax Laws and Provide over $75,000,000 to Residents of the State in Tax Relief (HP750)(LD 1088), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Modernize Vital Statistics Reporting (SP545)(LD 1493), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Adjustments in Property Valuation (HP1887)(LD 2626), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Administration of the Fund Insurance Review Board (HP132)(LD 157), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify and Update Certain Laws Pertaining to Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (SP562)(LD 1530), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify and Update Certain Laws Pertaining to the Importation and Possession of Wild Turkeys (HP855)(LD 1186), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Certain Criminal Appeal Laws (SP406)(LD 1257), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Certain Criminal Appeal Statutes in View of the New Maine Rules of Appellate Procedure (HP216)(LD 273), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Certain Sections of the Maine Criminal Code (SP438)(LD 1318), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Certain Sections of the Maine Criminal Code (SP586)(LD 1738), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Certain Sections of the Medical Examiner Act to Control Public Dissemination of Information Placed on the Death Certificate by the Medical Examiner in Cases under Investigation by the Attorney General's Office (SP437)(LD 1317), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Child Support Enforcement Procedures and Requirements (SP543)(LD 1459), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Child Support Enforcement Procedures (HP179)(LD 202), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Community Rating for Individual and Small Group Health Plans (HP431)(LD 594), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Daylight Savings Time According to Federal Statute (HP1172)(LD 1663), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Exemptions Regarding the Practice of Cosmetologists, Barbers, Manicurists and Aestheticians (HP249)(LD 351), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Franchise Territories for Personal Sports Mobile Dealerships (HP862)(LD 1217), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Investment-related Insurance Company Provisions of the Maine Insurance Code (HP1475)(LD 1976), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Joint and Several Liability (HP1844)(LD 2524), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Joint and Several Liability in Medical Malpractice Actions (HP243)(LD 334), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Joint and Several Liability in Medical Malpractice Actions (HP743)(LD 1026), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Joint and Several Liability in Medical Malpractice Actions (SP239)(LD 636), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Joint and Several Liability in Medical Malpractice Actions (SP391)(LD 1186), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Joint and Several Liability (SP346)(LD 1006), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Labor Laws with Regard to Minor Workers (HP865)(LD 1247), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Liability To Protect Maine Citizens from Lead Hazards That Harm Maine Children and Families (HP1077)(LD 1532), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Lobster License Fees (HP522)(LD 691), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Maine's Fishway Laws (SP456)(LD 1237), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Municipal Shellfish Ordinances (HP997)(LD 1334), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Public Utilities Commission Practice and Rules of Evidence (SP202)(LD 638), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Rating Practices for Individual and Small Group Health Plans and To Encourage Value-based Purchasing of Health Care Services (HP979)(LD 1333), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify School Construction Laws for Renovation Projects (HP811)(LD 1099), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Taxation of Benefits under Employee Retirement Plans, Including Retirement Plans for Teachers (SP764)(LD 1927), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Alternative Organizational Structure Budget Approval Process (HP1248)(LD 1696), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Applicability of the Certificate of Need Program to Hospitals and to Exempt Certain Hospital Restructuring Activities from the Requirement of Approval by the Maine Health Care Finance Commission (HP1767)(LD 2435), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Ban on Plastic Rings and Other Plastic Holding Devices (HP591)(LD 842), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Boundaries of Maine's Lobster Fishing Zones (SP41)(LD 92), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Budget Work Program Process (HP1198)(LD 1648), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Bureau of Insurance Complaint Ratios and to Increase the Amount of Penalties Assessed Against Violators of the Maine Insurance Code (HP338)(LD 428), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Calculation and Implementation Date of Savings Offset Payments under the Dirigo Health Act (SP555)(LD 1577), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Campaign Finance Laws with Regard to Running for Federal Office (HP1508)(LD 2153), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Citizen Initiative Process (HP189)(LD 235), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Citizen Initiative Process (SP545)(LD 1522), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the City of Portland's Leasing Authority for the Maine State Pier (HP1618)(LD 2256), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the County Budget Procedures for Sagadahoc County (HP170)(LD 211), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Criteria for Approval of Aquaculture Leases (SP345)(LD 1001), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Dam Repair and Reconstruction Fund (HP379)(LD 481), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Definition of Sexually Explicit Conduct (SP402)(LD 1242), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Disbursement from the Maine Economic Improvement Fund (SP158)(LD429), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Electric Fuel Clause (HP1225)(LD 1672), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Electricians' Examining Board Law (SP495)(LD 1354), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Eligibility Standards for Medicaid and Elderly Low-Cost Drug Programs by Discounting the Amount Spent for Prescription Drugs from the Computation of Eligible Income (SP71)(LD 174), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the End Disposal of Sharp Waste Products in the Biohazard Disposal Law (HP1300)(LD 1755), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Essential Programs and Services Formula To Aid Rural School Districts (HP463)(LD 614), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Exceptions to the Practices of Cosmetology and Barbering (HP407)(LD 564), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Exemption for Compost under the Nutrient Management Law and the Nutrient Management Review Board's Authority To Hear Appeals (SP517)(LD 1543), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Fuel Clause for Electric Utilities (HP603)(LD 818), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Income Tax Rates (HP711)(LD 975), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Informed Growth Act (HP336)(LD 448), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Juvenile Code with Regard to the Service of Juvenile Summonses (SP690)(LD 1936), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Kennebec Water District's Authority to Limit Swimming in a Certain Area on China Lake (HP792)(LD 1109), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Language Governing the Special Commission on Governmental Restructuring (SP669)(LD 1767), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Concerning Public Indecency (HP68)(LD 98), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Pertaining to Personal Sports Mobile Franchises (HP1643)(LD 2275), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Pertaining to the Removal of Underground Residential Fuel Tanks (HP578)(LD 782), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Regarding the Androscoggin County Budget Committee (SP828)(LD 2154), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Law Relating to Continuing Deliberation by a Civil Jury in the Face of Disagreement (SP313)(LD 851), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Laws on Negotiating a Worthless Instrument (HP888)(LD 1245), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Laws Regarding Garnishment of Wages (SP69)(LD 231), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Laws Regarding Seat Belts (SP71)(LD 221), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Laws Regarding Status as an Independent Contractor (SP437)(LD 1420), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Laws Regarding the Collection and Recycling of Mercury-added Thermostats (SP371)(LD1045), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Legal Doctrine of Joint and Several Liability (SP447)(LD 1414), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Licensure Act for Substance Abuse Counselors (HP1008)(LD 1419), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Maine Dental Education Loan Program (SP63)(LD 177), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission Requirements Relating to Deer Wintering Areas (HP1232)(LD 1796), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Maine Learning Results System (HP167)(LD 196), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Maine Residents Property Tax Program (SP385)(LD 1062), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Maine Seed Capital Tax Credit Program (SP61)(LD 175), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Maine Student Incentive Scholarship Program (SP300)(LD 1011), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Mandatory Enforcement of the Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code for a Municipality without a Building Code (SP355)(LD 1041), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Manufacture of Motor Vehicle Registration Plates (HP1217)(LD 1636), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Medical Examiner Act to Limit Liability of Medical Record Providers (HP1597)(LD 2259), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Membership of the Franklin County Budget Advisory Committee (HP274)(LD 344), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Mining Excise Tax (HP624)(LD 901), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Motor Vehicle Emission Inspection Requirement for Vehicle Registration (SP242)(LD 639), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Motor Vehicle Insurance Cancellation Notification Law (HP516)(LD 667), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Obligation To Bargain under the Municipal Public Employees Labor Relations Law (HP315)(LD 430), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Prequalification Laws to Allow the Disqualification of Contractors for a Time Not to Exceed One Year (HP285)(LD 349), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Presidential Primary Laws (HP442)(LD 608), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Procedure for Establishing the Hospital Development Account Credit (HP1760)(LD 2425), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Process for Aquaculture Leases BY REQUEST (HP379)(LD 524), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Process Regarding the Return of Unfit Tobacco Products (SP198)(LD 617), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Prohibition against Bathing in Sebago Lake within 2 Miles of the Intakes of the Portland Water District (HP760)(LD 1037), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Property Tax Abatement Laws (SP411)(LD1159), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Provision Regarding Compensation for Partial Incapacity under the Workers' Compensation Act (SP302)(LD 811), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Qualifications for a Person To Be Able To Teach Driver's Education (HP777)(LD 1108), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Radiation Protection Laws (HP904)(LD 1301), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Radiation Protection Services Statute for Commercial Nuclear Power Facilities in the State (SP1023)(LD 2679), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Regional Economic Development Revolving Loan Program (HP973)(LD 1394), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Regulation of Fireworks (HP406)(LD 523), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Requirement for Financial Order Approval of Allotment Increases in Amounts of $10,000 or Less (HP1224)(LD 1677), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Requirement of a Permit To Carry a Concealed Weapon (HP488)(LD 658), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Requirements for Municipal Code Enforcement Officer Training (HP840)(LD 1128), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Requirement To Replace Trees Cut Down in Violation of Local Laws (HP820)(LD 1108), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Responsibilities of the Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices (SP366)(LD 1245), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Retirement Laws for the 38th Training Troop of the Maine State Police (HP1304)(LD 1847), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Revenue Sharing Formula to Take into Account Individual Needs of Towns (HP958)(LD 1385), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Salaries of Certain County Officers (HP1342)(LD 1891), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Sales Tax Exemption for Ambulance Corps (HP23)(LD 26), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Solid Waste Law as it Applies to Aseptic Packaging (HP1525)(LD 2110), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Standard of Proof for Traffic Infractions (HP741)(LD 1005), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the State's Appeal Law to Permit Appeals of Adverse Intermediate Appellate Court Rulings by the State (SP422)(LD 1302), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the State's Safe Drinking Water Laws (HP802)(LD 1125), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the State Valuation of the Town of Madison To Reflect the Loss in Valuation of the Madison Paper Company, To Modify the State Valuation of the Town of Skowhegan To Reflect the Loss in Valuation of the S.D. Warren Company and To Amend the Law Governing School Subsidy Distribution in the Circumstance of Sudden Loss in Municipal Valuation (HP200)(LD282), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Statute of Limitations' Provision of the Maine Criminal Code and Maine Juvenile Code so they Clearly Cross-reference One Another (SP425)(LD 1305), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Student Code of Conduct (SP440)(LD 1254), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Taxation of Leases on Automobiles (SP545)(LD 1570), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Territory of the Northport Village Corporation (HP58)(LD 86), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Time of Constituent Service Allowance Payments (HP1444)(LD 1941), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Transfer Procedures for Appropriations, Allocations and Positions (HP1202)(LD 1652), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify the Transition Provision for Renewal of Social Worker Licenses (SP350)(LD 1010), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Workers' Compensation Board Assessment (HP1278)(LD 1726), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify the Work Search Requirements for Workers' Compensation Recipients (SP470)(LD 1472), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Unemployment Insurance Successor Law (HP477)(LD701), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Various Licensing and Registration Laws and to Address Budgetary Constraints (HP1592)(LD 2246), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Various Licensing Board Laws (SP490)(LD 1501), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Vehicle Inspection Fees (HP296)(LD 370), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Waiver of a Defense in the Criminal Law (HP228)(LD 292), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Modify Water Well Reporting Requirements (HP1025)(LD 1398), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Modify Weight Limits for Farm Trucks (SP189)(LD 498), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Monitor and Maintain Maximum Levels of Assistance in the General Assistance Program (SP114)(LD 367), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to More Accurately Describe the Criminal Conduct Committed When a Person Grows or Cultivates Marijuana (HP1407)(LD 2012), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to More Accurately Reflect the Disposition of a Case in Criminal History Record Information (SP191)(LD 492), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To More Clearly Define Maple Syrup (HP743)(LD 983), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to More Clearly Define the Role and Responsibilities of the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (SP721)(LD 1911), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To More Closely Coordinate the Classification of Forested Farmland under the Farm and Open Space Tax Laws with the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law (HP400)(LD 507), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to More Effectively Recover Money Fraudulently Obtained from Public Assistance (HP98)(LD 133), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act to More Effectively Recover Overpayments of Public Assistance (SP607)(LD 1611), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to More Equitably Distribute General Purpose Aid to Schools Based on Property Values (HP1042)(LD 1459), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to More Equitably Distribute General Purpose Aid to Schools Based on Property Values (HP859)(LD 1216), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to More Fully Regulate the Sale of Pets (HP331)(LD 419), Maine State Legislature (116th: 1992-1994)
Legislative History: An Act To Move a Township from House District 150 to House District 151 (HP616)(LD897), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Move Certain Minor Capital Costs from the Operating Allocation to the Debt Service Allocation under the School Finance Act of 1985 (SP82)(LD 83), Maine State Legislature (114th: 1988-1990)
Legislative History: An Act To Move Maine's Elver Fishery towards Sustainability (SP190)(LD 497), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act To Move Propane Safety Oversight to the Maine Fuel Board (HP261)(LD 328), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Move the Land for Maine's Future Board to the Department of Conservation (HP453)(LD 599), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act To Move the Land for Maine's Future Program to the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources (HP832)(LD 1120), Maine State Legislature (125th: 2010-2012)
Legislative History: An Act to Move the Monitoring, Auditing and Enforcement of Workers' Compensation Payments to the Bureau of Insurance (HP1455)(LD 2076), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Move the Primary Election from June to September (SP175)(LD 563), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act to Name the Finback Whale as the State Marine Mammal (HP368)(LD 482), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act To Notify a Lienholder before Property Is Withdrawn from Assessment under the Maine Tree Growth Tax Law (SP124)(LD 360), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Notify MaineCare of Workers' Compensation Settlements (SP665)(LD 1817), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Notify Municipal Assessors of Foreclosure Actions (HP455)(LD 641), Maine State Legislature (124th: 2008-2010)
Legislative History: An Act To Notify Parents of a Complaint against a Child Care Facility or a Family Child Care Provider (HP383)(LD559), Maine State Legislature (127th: 2014-2016)
Legislative History: An Act to Notify the Probation Officer and the Probationer When a Motion Is Filed to Terminate Probation at a Time Earlier Than That Provided for in the Sentence (HP878)(LD 1269), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Nullify the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (HP472)(LD 680), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Observe Daylight Savings Time Year-round (HP85)(LD 98), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Obtain Additional Funding for the Snowmobile Trail Fund, Law Enforcement and Snowmobile Safety Programs and Safety Training by Obtaining Revenue from Sales Tax Directly Related to Snowmobile and Accessory Sales (HP66)(LD 91), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act To Obtain Severance Pay for the Employees of Great Northern Paper Company (HP1255)(LD 1733), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act To Obtain Substance Abuse Services for Minors (SP220)(LD 611), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer a Free Subsistence Fishing License to Persons 70 Years of Age or Older (SP124)(LD 403), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer Businesses and the Technical Colleges Incentives for Providing Workforce Health Care Training (SP505)(LD 1592), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act To Offer Financial Institutions an Option for Payment of the Maine Franchise Tax (SP678)(LD 1761), Maine State Legislature (122nd: 2004-2006)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer Greater Financial Incentives Promoting Quality Child Care (SP48)(LD 216), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer Reciprocity Concerning Concealed Firearms Permits (HP224)(LD 259), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer Reciprocity Concerning Concealed Firearms Permits (SP423)(LD 1260), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Offer Tax Credits for Certain Value-added Wood Products Produced in Maine (SP611)(LD 1734), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act To Offer Tuition Waivers for State Higher Education Facilities to Eligible Veterans (SP330)(LD 1013), Maine State Legislature (123rd: 2006-2008)
Legislative History: An Act To Offer Zero-interest Loans to Employers Providing Bicycle Facilities (HP624)(LD 847), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Offset Costs of Probation Services (HP37)(LD 53), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Offset the United States Citizenship Test Fee for Low-income Residents (SP218)(LD 609), Maine State Legislature (121st: 2002-2004)
Legislative History: An Act to Open a Discount State Liquor Store in Calais (HP277)(LD 341), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Openly Display Components of the Price of a Gallon of Gasoline at Filling Stations (HP290)(LD 368), Maine State Legislature (120th: 2000-2002)
Legislative History: An Act to Open Maine Libraries to Modern Information Technology (HP248)(LD 321), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Open State Government to Public View (HP1627)(LD 2290), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act to Open Teacher-employer Bargaining to the Public (HP1132)(LD 1657), Maine State Legislature (115th: 1990-1992)
Legislative History: An Act To Open the St. Croix River to River Herring (HP65)(LD 72), Maine State Legislature (126th: 2012-2014)
Legislative History: An Act to Open to Public Scrutiny the Workings of the Maine Legislature BY REQUEST (HP527)(LD 718), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Open Trapping Season on Saturday (HP854)(LD 1159), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Optimize the Utility of the 5 Maine Veterans' Homes (HP1173)(LD 1650), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Opt Out of the Federal Requirement to Use Reformulated Fuel and to Prohibit Its Sale in the State (HP274)(LD 376), Maine State Legislature (117th: 1994-1996)
Legislative History: An Act to Opt out of the Federal Requirement to Use Reformulated Fuel (HP489)(LD 660), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Opt Out of the Requirement to Use Reformulated Gas (HP665)(LD 921), Maine State Legislature (119th: 1998-2000)
Legislative History: An Act to Organize Schools in the Unorganized Territory as a Single School Administrative Unit (HP493)(LD 684), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Outlaw Pit Bull Dogs in the State (HP1813)(LD 2481), Maine State Legislature (113th: 1986-1988)
Legislative History: An Act to Outlaw the Sale of Code Grabbers in the State (HP1105)(LD 1548), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)
Legislative History: An Act to Outlaw the Use of Eel Pots in Inland Waters (HP560)(LD 751), Maine State Legislature (118th: 1996-1998)