
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 11, 2002 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 11, 2002. Agenda items include:

02 - 004. To consider and act on a grant for the work in the Town Forest to be conducted by Drowne Road School students.

02 - 005. To hear presentation from the Town Planner and Planning Board Chairman regarding the Subdivision Ordinance and the planning review process.

02 - 006. To hear presentation from the Public Works Director re: transportation issues and funding options.

02 - 007. To consider and act on the expenditure of funds for a traffic study at the intersection of Skillins/Blackstrap Roads and Routes 26/100.

02 - 008. To consider and act on the Central Corridors Coalition transportation study.

02 - 009. To consider and act on a proposed agreement with ASCAP for the use of copyrighted works.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 11, 2002 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 11, 2002. Agenda items include: 02 - 004. To consider and act on a grant for the work in the Town Forest to be conducted by Drowne Road School students. 02 - 005. To hear presentation from the Town Planner and Planning Board Chairman regarding the Subdivision Ordinance and the planning review process. 02 - 006. To hear presentation from the Public Works Director re: transportation issues and funding options. 02 - 007. To consider and act on the expenditure of funds for a traffic study at the intersection of Skillins/Blackstrap Roads and Routes 26/100. 02 - 008. To consider and act on the Central Corridors Coalition transportation study. 02 - 009. To consider and act on a proposed agreement with ASCAP for the use of copyrighted works.

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