Contributing Institution
Maine State Library
Document Type
A postcard printed in Germany during World War I. German title: Deutsche Flieger und Deutsche Bomben ueber Paris . field sketch handcolored. the war of Nations 1914, 30. August 1914, Parisiens had this afternoon an unpleasant surprise, for the first time a German war plane threw bombs. On Sept. 2nd at 7pm, at what time the Boulevards were the most lively, two planes overflew the city several times dropping 11 bombs. Near the Gare St. Lazare 4 persons were killed and several wounded. Also the Electric works and houses near the Bourse were damaged. On Sept. 3rd French and British cannons from the Eiffel tower aimed at a German war plane ineffectively, which damaged the telephone central station and houses near the Lyon train station causing everwhere damage and panic. A bi-plane throwing bombs over Paris.
Exact Creation Date
World War I; WWI; Germany; Postcards
Rights Statement
No Copyright - United States. URI:
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