
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting March 8, 1999 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for March 8, 1999, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of February 17, 1999 and February 22, 1999. Agenda items include:

99 - 026. To hear presentation of US Postal Service re: future postal needs in Cumberland Center.

99 - 027. To authorize Town Manager to execute loan agreement with SAD 51 for up to $325,000 to fund repairs to swimming pool.

99 - 028. To accept Homestead Lane as a town way.

99 - 029. To accept Open Space Parcel at Valley Road Subdivision.

99 - 030. To authorize Town Manager to accept payment of foreclosed taxes and issue quit-claim deed — Map I5 Lot 10A.

99 - 031. To consider and act on new application for Victualer’s license for Rt. 9 Junction Station House Pizza.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting March 8, 1999 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for March 8, 1999, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of February 17, 1999 and February 22, 1999. Agenda items include: 99 - 026. To hear presentation of US Postal Service re: future postal needs in Cumberland Center. 99 - 027. To authorize Town Manager to execute loan agreement with SAD 51 for up to $325,000 to fund repairs to swimming pool. 99 - 028. To accept Homestead Lane as a town way. 99 - 029. To accept Open Space Parcel at Valley Road Subdivision. 99 - 030. To authorize Town Manager to accept payment of foreclosed taxes and issue quit-claim deed — Map I5 Lot 10A. 99 - 031. To consider and act on new application for Victualer’s license for Rt. 9 Junction Station House Pizza.

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