
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 16, 2014 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 16, 2014, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of June 2, 2014. Agenda items include swearing in newly-elected Town Councilors; electing Council Chair and Vice-Chair; holding a Public Hearing to award the Tax Anticipation Notes for FY’15; hearing a report from the Finance Committee Chair and authorizing the Town Manager to transfer interdepartmental operating funds for FY’14; Commercial Hauler’s license renewals; FY’15 Town Council Committee Assignments; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on annual temporary Victualer’s Licenses for Non-Profit Organizations; setting a Special Town Council Meeting date of June 30, 2014; setting a Public Hearing date of June 30th to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute a lease agreement with Verizon; setting a Public Hearing date of June 30th to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Purchase & Sale Agreement with the Maine Central Railroad Company; amending the dollar amount for the municipal property tax levy for LD1 for FY’14; setting a workshop date of July 14th re: amendments to Chapter 200 (Roads and Public Property), Section 2 (Animals at large) and Chapter 17 (Animal Control), Sections 3 (Dogs at Large) and 5 (Violations and Penalties) of the Cumberland Code; and authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with Sevee & Mahar to close the construction and demolition landfill at the Public Works facility on Drowne Road.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland; Cumberland County


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 16, 2014 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 16, 2014, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of June 2, 2014. Agenda items include swearing in newly-elected Town Councilors; electing Council Chair and Vice-Chair; holding a Public Hearing to award the Tax Anticipation Notes for FY’15; hearing a report from the Finance Committee Chair and authorizing the Town Manager to transfer interdepartmental operating funds for FY’14; Commercial Hauler’s license renewals; FY’15 Town Council Committee Assignments; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on annual temporary Victualer’s Licenses for Non-Profit Organizations; setting a Special Town Council Meeting date of June 30, 2014; setting a Public Hearing date of June 30th to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute a lease agreement with Verizon; setting a Public Hearing date of June 30th to consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to execute a Purchase & Sale Agreement with the Maine Central Railroad Company; amending the dollar amount for the municipal property tax levy for LD1 for FY’14; setting a workshop date of July 14th re: amendments to Chapter 200 (Roads and Public Property), Section 2 (Animals at large) and Chapter 17 (Animal Control), Sections 3 (Dogs at Large) and 5 (Violations and Penalties) of the Cumberland Code; and authorizing the Town Manager to enter into an agreement with Sevee & Mahar to close the construction and demolition landfill at the Public Works facility on Drowne Road.

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