
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 2, 2014 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 2, 2014, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of May 12, 2014 and May 20, 2014. Agenda items include holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Wharfing Out Permit for property located on Sturdivant Island, Map I08/Lot 4; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 200 (Roads and Public Property), Section 2 (Animals at large) of the Cumberland Code; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 17 (Animal Control), Section 3 (Dogs at Large) and Section 5 (Violations and Penalties) of the Cumberland Code; setting a Public Hearing date of June 16th to award the Tax Anticipation Notes for FY2015; setting a date of June 16th to hear a report from the Finance Committee Chair and authorizing the Town Manager to transfer interdepartmental operating funds for FY’14; setting a Public Hearing date of July 14th to consider and act on a Contract Zone Agreement with Justin M. Fletcher, Inc. for property located at 3 Longwoods Road; authorizing the Town Manager to accept delinquent taxes and issue a quitclaim deed for property identified as Tax Map R07/Lot 81; and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a 3-year contract with BCN Telecom of telecommunication service.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 2, 2014 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 2, 2014, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of May 12, 2014 and May 20, 2014. Agenda items include holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on a Wharfing Out Permit for property located on Sturdivant Island, Map I08/Lot 4; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 200 (Roads and Public Property), Section 2 (Animals at large) of the Cumberland Code; holding a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Chapter 17 (Animal Control), Section 3 (Dogs at Large) and Section 5 (Violations and Penalties) of the Cumberland Code; setting a Public Hearing date of June 16th to award the Tax Anticipation Notes for FY2015; setting a date of June 16th to hear a report from the Finance Committee Chair and authorizing the Town Manager to transfer interdepartmental operating funds for FY’14; setting a Public Hearing date of July 14th to consider and act on a Contract Zone Agreement with Justin M. Fletcher, Inc. for property located at 3 Longwoods Road; authorizing the Town Manager to accept delinquent taxes and issue a quitclaim deed for property identified as Tax Map R07/Lot 81; and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a 3-year contract with BCN Telecom of telecommunication service.

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