
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting May 23, 2005 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for May 23, 2005. Agenda items include:

05 - 071. To hold public hearing to receive and act on the recommendations of the Chandler’s Cove Advisory Committee.

05 - 072. To hear report from Chief Charron regarding the current activities of the Police Dept.

05 - 073. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on fees for the Chebeague Island Transfer Station pursuant to Section 9 of the Cumberland Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance.

05 - 074. To receive and act upon the Appointments Committee nominations to the Val Halla Board of Trustees and Solid Waste Advisory Committee.

05 - 075. To hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a sewer rate increase for the ’05/06 fiscal year, July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006.

05 - 076. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on amendment to Zoning Ordinance to add Section 204.15C — West Cumberland Recreational Facility Overlay District.

05 - 077. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on amendment to Zoning Ordinance to add Section 204.15A — Val Halla Recreational Overlay District.

05 - 078. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on a beverage cart license to serve malt beverages on the Val Halla Golf course pursuant to pending State Legislation.

05 - 079. To hold discussion regarding future Town Road Acceptance Policies and Procedures.

05 - 080. To authorize the Town Manager to reconvey tax acquired parcel, Map I01, Lot 36 to prior owner Kenneth Dyer.

05 - 081. To authorize the Town Manager to amend the Contract Zone with Peter Kennedy to transfer ownership to David Chase and execute previously authorized easement deeds.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting May 23, 2005 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for May 23, 2005. Agenda items include: 05 - 071. To hold public hearing to receive and act on the recommendations of the Chandler’s Cove Advisory Committee. 05 - 072. To hear report from Chief Charron regarding the current activities of the Police Dept. 05 - 073. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on fees for the Chebeague Island Transfer Station pursuant to Section 9 of the Cumberland Solid Waste and Recycling Ordinance. 05 - 074. To receive and act upon the Appointments Committee nominations to the Val Halla Board of Trustees and Solid Waste Advisory Committee. 05 - 075. To hold a public hearing to consider and act upon a sewer rate increase for the ’05/06 fiscal year, July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2006. 05 - 076. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on amendment to Zoning Ordinance to add Section 204.15C — West Cumberland Recreational Facility Overlay District. 05 - 077. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on amendment to Zoning Ordinance to add Section 204.15A — Val Halla Recreational Overlay District. 05 - 078. To set a public hearing date to consider and act on a beverage cart license to serve malt beverages on the Val Halla Golf course pursuant to pending State Legislation. 05 - 079. To hold discussion regarding future Town Road Acceptance Policies and Procedures. 05 - 080. To authorize the Town Manager to reconvey tax acquired parcel, Map I01, Lot 36 to prior owner Kenneth Dyer. 05 - 081. To authorize the Town Manager to amend the Contract Zone with Peter Kennedy to transfer ownership to David Chase and execute previously authorized easement deeds.

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