
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting November 28, 2005 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for November 28, 2005, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of November 14, 2005. Agenda items include:

05 - 184 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for Thomas Drive.

05 - 185 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for West Branch Road.

05 - 186 To hear from RWS Manager Kevin Roche and to set public hearing date to consider and act on extension of Solid Waste Agreement with RWS, a/k/a ECO-Maine.

05 - 187 To consider and act on request from Cumberland Farmers Market to hold a Yuletide Market on the Cumberland Commons, Sunday, December 18, 2005, from 4-7 pm.

05 - 188 To set date for public hearing to consider and act on funding for Phase One water main extension from Cumberland Fairgrounds to Route 100.

05 - 189 To hold public hearing to consider and act on the Chebeague Island Secession.

05 - 190 To hear a report from Town Manager re: DMR Aquaculture Lease Application scheduled for public hearing on Chebeague Island, December 1, 2005.

05 - 191 To authorize the Town Manager to enter into contract with Cynthia Orcutt to prepare an update to the Twin Brook Master Plan and to authorize an expenditure of up to $10,000 from the Twin Brook account for the Master Plan update.

05 - 192 To set date for public hearing to consider and act on recommendations from the Planning Board related to the following ordinance changes: (a) Section 205.1 — Lot Frontage; (b) Section — Special Exception uses in RR1 district; and (c) Repeal Section 418 — Piers and Other Uses Projecting into the Water, Revise Section 423 — Piers, Docks, Wharves, Floats, Bridges and Other Structures.

05 - 193 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for Blanchard Road Extension.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting November 28, 2005 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for November 28, 2005, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of November 14, 2005. Agenda items include: 05 - 184 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for Thomas Drive. 05 - 185 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for West Branch Road. 05 - 186 To hear from RWS Manager Kevin Roche and to set public hearing date to consider and act on extension of Solid Waste Agreement with RWS, a/k/a ECO-Maine. 05 - 187 To consider and act on request from Cumberland Farmers Market to hold a Yuletide Market on the Cumberland Commons, Sunday, December 18, 2005, from 4-7 pm. 05 - 188 To set date for public hearing to consider and act on funding for Phase One water main extension from Cumberland Fairgrounds to Route 100. 05 - 189 To hold public hearing to consider and act on the Chebeague Island Secession. 05 - 190 To hear a report from Town Manager re: DMR Aquaculture Lease Application scheduled for public hearing on Chebeague Island, December 1, 2005. 05 - 191 To authorize the Town Manager to enter into contract with Cynthia Orcutt to prepare an update to the Twin Brook Master Plan and to authorize an expenditure of up to $10,000 from the Twin Brook account for the Master Plan update. 05 - 192 To set date for public hearing to consider and act on recommendations from the Planning Board related to the following ordinance changes: (a) Section 205.1 — Lot Frontage; (b) Section — Special Exception uses in RR1 district; and (c) Repeal Section 418 — Piers and Other Uses Projecting into the Water, Revise Section 423 — Piers, Docks, Wharves, Floats, Bridges and Other Structures. 05 - 193 To hold public hearing to consider and act on road acceptance for Blanchard Road Extension.

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