
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting September 13, 2004 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for September 13, 2004, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of August 9, 2004 and August 23, 2004. Agenda items include:

04 - 116. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on the Mass Gathering Permit and Victualers licenses for the 133rd Cumberland Fair, September 26 — October 3, 2004 at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, 194 Blanchard Road.

04 - 117. To consider and act on a Victualer’s license application by Dina Lattanzi, d/b/a D’Antonio Baking Company, 25 Pond Shore Drive.

04 - 118. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on the adoption of a Fire Protection Ordinance and related amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.

04 - 119. To consider and act on a request for financial assistance by the Cumberland Historical Society.

04 - 120. To hear a report from the Val Halla Trustees regarding an alcohol use policy.

04 - 121. To appoint Nadeen Daniels as Warden, Town Hall precinct, for the 9/21/04 SAD 51 election.

04 - 122. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a proposed Consent Agreement with James M. And Bethany G. Hanley, regarding a porch setback violation at 288 Blanchard Road, Map R07, Lot 92.

04 - 123. To set a date for a Nominating Committee meeting re: a Winter Road Maintenance Committee.

04 - 124. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Contract Zone request for the Louis Hanson property located at 371 Tuttle Road, Map U11, Lot 4.

04 - 125. To hear a report from the Town Council Chairman regarding the Palesky initiative.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting September 13, 2004 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for September 13, 2004, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of August 9, 2004 and August 23, 2004. Agenda items include: 04 - 116. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on the Mass Gathering Permit and Victualers licenses for the 133rd Cumberland Fair, September 26 — October 3, 2004 at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, 194 Blanchard Road. 04 - 117. To consider and act on a Victualer’s license application by Dina Lattanzi, d/b/a D’Antonio Baking Company, 25 Pond Shore Drive. 04 - 118. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on the adoption of a Fire Protection Ordinance and related amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. 04 - 119. To consider and act on a request for financial assistance by the Cumberland Historical Society. 04 - 120. To hear a report from the Val Halla Trustees regarding an alcohol use policy. 04 - 121. To appoint Nadeen Daniels as Warden, Town Hall precinct, for the 9/21/04 SAD 51 election. 04 - 122. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a proposed Consent Agreement with James M. And Bethany G. Hanley, regarding a porch setback violation at 288 Blanchard Road, Map R07, Lot 92. 04 - 123. To set a date for a Nominating Committee meeting re: a Winter Road Maintenance Committee. 04 - 124. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Contract Zone request for the Louis Hanson property located at 371 Tuttle Road, Map U11, Lot 4. 04 - 125. To hear a report from the Town Council Chairman regarding the Palesky initiative.

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