
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 23, 2004 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 23, 2004, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of February 9, 2004. Agenda items include:

04 - 017. To hear a report for the Board of Directors of Val Halla Golf & Recreation Center.

04 - 018. To hear a report from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee regarding Educational Efforts related to recycling and to answer additional questions related to Solid Waste issues including “Pay as You Throw”.

04 - 019. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Restaurant with Malt and Vinous liquor license application by Milton Truman, d/b/a Cumberland Station, 137 Main Street, for the period February 23, 2004 through February 23, 2005.

04 - 020. To endorse a regional effort between Yarmouth and Cumberland for assessing duties, effective February 24, 2004.

04 - 021. To receive a communication from the Finance Committee Chair to consider and adopt a schedule of FY ’05 municipal budget workshop dates.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting February 23, 2004 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for February 23, 2004, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of February 9, 2004. Agenda items include: 04 - 017. To hear a report for the Board of Directors of Val Halla Golf & Recreation Center. 04 - 018. To hear a report from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee regarding Educational Efforts related to recycling and to answer additional questions related to Solid Waste issues including “Pay as You Throw”. 04 - 019. To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Restaurant with Malt and Vinous liquor license application by Milton Truman, d/b/a Cumberland Station, 137 Main Street, for the period February 23, 2004 through February 23, 2005. 04 - 020. To endorse a regional effort between Yarmouth and Cumberland for assessing duties, effective February 24, 2004. 04 - 021. To receive a communication from the Finance Committee Chair to consider and adopt a schedule of FY ’05 municipal budget workshop dates.

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