
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting January 13, 2003 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for January 13, 2003, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of December 9, 2002, December 16, 2002, December 30, 2002, January 4, 2003, and January 7, 2003. Agenda items include:

03 - 001. To hear a report from Richard Bradbury, Maine Forest Service, regarding brown tail moth infestations.

03 - 002. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on a Consent Agreement with Jeanette Sowles, 11 Ebb Tide Drive, re: setback zoning violation.

03 - 003. To authorize Amendment to Lease Agreement to Convert to Lease Purchase Agreement between Town of Cumberland and School Administrative District 51 in regard to the Drowne Road School, for a ten-year term commencing January 1, 2003 and ending December 31, 2012.

03 - 004. To hear report from Stephanie Gilbert, Maine Dept. of Agriculture and the Cumberland Mainland and Island Trust re: the Land for Maine’s Future Board’s support of Sunrise Acres Farm.

03 - 005. To hear report from Maine Land Bank & Community Preservation Committee re: property tax proposal.

03 - 006. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on application of Sheila Donofrio, d/b/a Basil Provisions, 20 Blanchard Road, for a Victualer’s and Off-Premise Malt Liquor and Table Wine Retailer License.

03 - 007. To hear request from Stewart Moss for a zone change re: single-family dwellings in the HC (Highway Commercial) District.

03 - 008. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on amending Section 424.4.4.1, Business Directional Signs — Location, of the Zoning Ordinance, to permit directional signs at the intersection of Middle and Greely Roads.

03 - 009. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on the adoption of the Route One Design Guidelines as part of the Cumberland Comprehensive Plan.

03 - 010. To appoint the Registrar of Voters for a two year term expiring December 31, 2004.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting January 13, 2003 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for January 13, 2003, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meetings of December 9, 2002, December 16, 2002, December 30, 2002, January 4, 2003, and January 7, 2003. Agenda items include: 03 - 001. To hear a report from Richard Bradbury, Maine Forest Service, regarding brown tail moth infestations. 03 - 002. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on a Consent Agreement with Jeanette Sowles, 11 Ebb Tide Drive, re: setback zoning violation. 03 - 003. To authorize Amendment to Lease Agreement to Convert to Lease Purchase Agreement between Town of Cumberland and School Administrative District 51 in regard to the Drowne Road School, for a ten-year term commencing January 1, 2003 and ending December 31, 2012. 03 - 004. To hear report from Stephanie Gilbert, Maine Dept. of Agriculture and the Cumberland Mainland and Island Trust re: the Land for Maine’s Future Board’s support of Sunrise Acres Farm. 03 - 005. To hear report from Maine Land Bank & Community Preservation Committee re: property tax proposal. 03 - 006. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on application of Sheila Donofrio, d/b/a Basil Provisions, 20 Blanchard Road, for a Victualer’s and Off-Premise Malt Liquor and Table Wine Retailer License. 03 - 007. To hear request from Stewart Moss for a zone change re: single-family dwellings in the HC (Highway Commercial) District. 03 - 008. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on amending Section 424.4.4.1, Business Directional Signs — Location, of the Zoning Ordinance, to permit directional signs at the intersection of Middle and Greely Roads. 03 - 009. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on the adoption of the Route One Design Guidelines as part of the Cumberland Comprehensive Plan. 03 - 010. To appoint the Registrar of Voters for a two year term expiring December 31, 2004.

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