
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting August 12, 2002 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for August 12, 2002, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of July 22, 2002. Agenda items include:

02 - 090. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on application for Mass Gathering Permit by the Cumberland Soccer Club to hold the CSC Labor Day Soccer Tournament at Twin Brook, August 31st and September 1st, 2002.

02 - 091. To set date for Public Hearing to consider and act on application for a Mass Gathering Permit by the Cumberland Farmers Club to hold the Cumberland Fair 2002 at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, September 22 — 29, 2002.

02 - 092. To consider and act on applications for victualers licenses for the Cumberland Fair 2002 to be held at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, September 22 — 29, 2002.

02 - 093. To set date for Public Hearing to consider and act on application for a Mass Gathering Permit by East Coast Marketing Group to hold the PFFM Benefit Concert at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, October 5, 2002.

02 - 094. To make appointments to the Housing Authority, Recycling Committee and Prince Memorial Library Advisory Board.

02 - 095. To set date for Council meeting on Chebeague Island.

02 - 096. To hear proposal to construct a multi-purpose field on town property, West Cumberland, adjacent to little league field.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting August 12, 2002 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for August 12, 2002, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of July 22, 2002. Agenda items include: 02 - 090. To hold Public Hearing to consider and act on application for Mass Gathering Permit by the Cumberland Soccer Club to hold the CSC Labor Day Soccer Tournament at Twin Brook, August 31st and September 1st, 2002. 02 - 091. To set date for Public Hearing to consider and act on application for a Mass Gathering Permit by the Cumberland Farmers Club to hold the Cumberland Fair 2002 at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, September 22 — 29, 2002. 02 - 092. To consider and act on applications for victualers licenses for the Cumberland Fair 2002 to be held at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, September 22 — 29, 2002. 02 - 093. To set date for Public Hearing to consider and act on application for a Mass Gathering Permit by East Coast Marketing Group to hold the PFFM Benefit Concert at the Cumberland Fairgrounds, October 5, 2002. 02 - 094. To make appointments to the Housing Authority, Recycling Committee and Prince Memorial Library Advisory Board. 02 - 095. To set date for Council meeting on Chebeague Island. 02 - 096. To hear proposal to construct a multi-purpose field on town property, West Cumberland, adjacent to little league field.

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