
Governor's Energy Office

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Pursuant to Resolve Chapter 163 (LD 1720), the Governor’s Office of Energy Independence and Security (OEIS) was required to examine the issue of qualifying certain waste-to-energy power for renewable energy credits and renewable resource portfolio requirements.

The OEIS submitted this report of its findings and recommendations to the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology with particular emphasis on:

  • Relevant legislative proposals and actions in the United States Congress and in other states, with particular attention to other states within New England;
  • Appropriate qualifying criteria and technologies, including but not limited to advanced pyrolysis technology;
  • Potential implications of allowing certain waste-to-energy power to qualify for renewable energy credits and renewable resource portfolio requirements, including but not limited to impacts on the market for renewable energy credits and the environment; and
  • Consideration of the renewable resource portfolio requirements specified in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 35A, section 3210 and the solid waste management hierarchy specified in Title 38, section 2101.



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