
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 1, 2015 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 1, 2015, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of May 11, 2015. Agenda items include:

15 – 067 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Town Center District (TCD) Zone to allow outdoor seating without requiring any additional parking or counting toward the 48 maximum indoor seats (Maximum 16 outdoor seats), as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 068 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on an amendment to the Contract Zone Agreement with Osgood Village to define income requirements for the two affordable units, as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 069 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amending the Traffic Ordinance to prohibit parking in Fire Lanes and within 10’ of a fire hydrant, as recommended by the Ordinance Committee.

15 – 070 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Section 315-4 (Definitions and Uses) of the Cumberland Code to add: Catering Service, Commercial Kitchen, Outdoor Seating Area, Café, Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 071 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding the following permitted uses in Section 315-14 Village Center Commercial (VCC), and Section 315-11 Highway Commercial (HC) districts of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens, Catering, Outdoor Seating Area, Café and Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 072 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding as permitted uses to Section 315-15 Village Office Commercial 1 (VOC1) of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens, Catering and Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 073 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding as permitted uses to Section 315-20 Rural Industrial (R1), and Section 315-19 Industrial (I) districts of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens and Catering, as recommended by the Planning Board.

15 – 074 To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to process Senior Circuit Breaker Program payments.

15 – 075 To consider and act on authorizing the Code Enforcement Officer and the Town Attorney to initiate and prosecute a land use enforcement action pursuant to Rule 80K of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure against Thomas Greenlaw for ongoing violations of Maine’s junkyard law at his property located at 1 Longwoods Road in Cumberland.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting June 1, 2015 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for June 1, 2015, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of May 11, 2015. Agenda items include: 15 – 067 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to the Town Center District (TCD) Zone to allow outdoor seating without requiring any additional parking or counting toward the 48 maximum indoor seats (Maximum 16 outdoor seats), as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 068 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on an amendment to the Contract Zone Agreement with Osgood Village to define income requirements for the two affordable units, as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 069 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amending the Traffic Ordinance to prohibit parking in Fire Lanes and within 10’ of a fire hydrant, as recommended by the Ordinance Committee. 15 – 070 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on amendments to Section 315-4 (Definitions and Uses) of the Cumberland Code to add: Catering Service, Commercial Kitchen, Outdoor Seating Area, Café, Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 071 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding the following permitted uses in Section 315-14 Village Center Commercial (VCC), and Section 315-11 Highway Commercial (HC) districts of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens, Catering, Outdoor Seating Area, Café and Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 072 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding as permitted uses to Section 315-15 Village Office Commercial 1 (VOC1) of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens, Catering and Health and Fitness Studio, as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 073 To hold a Public Hearing to consider and act on adding as permitted uses to Section 315-20 Rural Industrial (R1), and Section 315-19 Industrial (I) districts of the Cumberland Code: Commercial Kitchens and Catering, as recommended by the Planning Board. 15 – 074 To consider and act on authorizing the Town Manager to process Senior Circuit Breaker Program payments. 15 – 075 To consider and act on authorizing the Code Enforcement Officer and the Town Attorney to initiate and prosecute a land use enforcement action pursuant to Rule 80K of the Maine Rules of Civil Procedure against Thomas Greenlaw for ongoing violations of Maine’s junkyard law at his property located at 1 Longwoods Road in Cumberland.

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