
Cumberland (Me.)

Contributing Institution

Town of Cumberland

Document Type



Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting November 13, 2006 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for November 13, 2006, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of October 23, 2006. Agenda items include:

06 - 182 To hold a pubic hearing to consider and act on a Wharfing Out Permit for a wharf application for property located at 23 West View Road, Chebeague Island, Map I04, Lot 90B.

06 - 183 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Consent Decree for property located at 12 Pine Ridge Road, Map U01-A, Lot 23.

06 - 184 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on an Auto Graveyard/Junkyard Permit for Cumberland Salvage, 40 Blackstrap Road.

06 - 185 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on an Auto Graveyard/Junkyard Permit for Greenlaw Salvage, 1 Longwoods Road.

06 - 186 To hold a public hearing to consider and adopt the revised MMA Model General Assistance Ordinance and Appendixes A-C for the period of October 1, 2006 through October 1, 2007.

06 - 187 To set a public hearing date of November 27, 2006 for a five year Lease Purchase agreement for equipment for Val Halla Golf Course.

Exact Creation Date





Cumberland County; Cumberland


Town of Cumberland Town Council Meeting November 13, 2006 is the complete packet for the Cumberland Town Council meeting for November 13, 2006, and includes the minutes of the Town Council meeting of October 23, 2006. Agenda items include: 06 - 182 To hold a pubic hearing to consider and act on a Wharfing Out Permit for a wharf application for property located at 23 West View Road, Chebeague Island, Map I04, Lot 90B. 06 - 183 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on a Consent Decree for property located at 12 Pine Ridge Road, Map U01-A, Lot 23. 06 - 184 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on an Auto Graveyard/Junkyard Permit for Cumberland Salvage, 40 Blackstrap Road. 06 - 185 To hold a public hearing to consider and act on an Auto Graveyard/Junkyard Permit for Greenlaw Salvage, 1 Longwoods Road. 06 - 186 To hold a public hearing to consider and adopt the revised MMA Model General Assistance Ordinance and Appendixes A-C for the period of October 1, 2006 through October 1, 2007. 06 - 187 To set a public hearing date of November 27, 2006 for a five year Lease Purchase agreement for equipment for Val Halla Golf Course.

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